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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. "New Rule: Just because your tattoo has Chinese characters in it doesn't make you spiritual. It's right above the crack of your ass. And it

    translates to "beef with broccoli." The last time you did anything spiritual, you were praying to God you weren't pregnant. You're not spiritual. You're just high."

    Right on! This rule is so true! Ahhh, it's nice to know someone thinks like me. Comforting. :)

  2. The Rap's need to put JYD and Antonio Davis in the line up. Off the bench is fine, if only to boost the fan's spirit towards this team.

    Toronto desperately needs more Defence and these guys have that. Put them in the game if only for team spirit.

  3. sleepy guys look stupid and stupidity is incredibly annoying.

    work clothes are hot. either the sort of stuff worn for construction or suits. show off that you got skills and it weakens my knees and speeds up my heart, mind you so does beer. :D

    I'm not a woman but I agree with your post.

    It seems to me that sleepy and labotomized also look quite the same. Would that mean that semi-braindead people are sexy too?

  4. Let's be clear. Animal cruelty for wahtever reason is wrong and should be punished as such. On this i think we all agree. There is no argument there from any of us.

    That is all.

    Enjoyed the discourse.

  5. You're not getting the big picture and my point.

    Yes' date=' I agree with you those sick bastards that are sugically impanting drugs into puppies, need to be dealt with.

    However, what I am trying to say, is that if the western world would stop it's insane prohibition on drugs then these people would never be motivated to stoop to these horrible means. The fact that these things are illegal makes them lucrative, and money and desperation are the chirf motivators for this type of depravitry.[/quote']

    You're talking about a completely separate issue. Sure, prohibition creates a market for the product. It does not cause people to make the sociopathic choice to abuse animals to make money.

    For instance, cosmetics are legal, but vivisection to test those products has gone on for as long as I can remember.

    Don't conflate these issues. Animal cruelty is animal cruelty.

    i don't see it as a sepreate issue. If drugs were legal and people could import/export, tade and sell them openly withou fear of prosecution or harm, then you wouldn't have trhese instances of sick people doing anything to sneak them into the country. If heroin was legal, why would you sew it into puppies bellies, when you could just declare it and through it in your suitcase.

    The fear of persecution and market demand create these deplorable instances.

    Furthermore your example of cosmetics does not really apply. Your talking about animal cruelty and testing. I'm saying this perticular instance of animal cruelty is created by the drive to import a banned substance. I am not saying that legalizing heroin will stop animal cruelty. I am saying that it may have stopped this particular instance of though.

  6. totally sick bastards! puppies?? dead babies??? somehow i dont think legalizing heroin will stop this racket from happening.

    look at amsterdam, they have "legal" pot there, yet every corner has drug dealers on it.

    Correction pot is not legal in amsterdam or anywhere else in the world. It is only decriminalized. Big difference.

  7. You're not getting the big picture and my point.

    Yes, I agree with you those sick bastards that are sugically impanting drugs into puppies, need to be dealt with.

    However, what I am trying to say, is that if the western world would stop it's insane prohibition on drugs then these people would never be motivated to stoop to these horrible means. The fact that these things are illegal makes them lucrative, and money and desperation are the chirf motivators for this type of depravitry.

  8. Fuck that. People who try to legislate personal chocie and what people decide to put in thier own bodies are twisted!

    It's time to stop legislating morality. Legalize it all and focus on education/harm reduction. Prohibition doesn't work and creates these situations.

  9. What's not to get. I you like Steely Dan you should love this. It's classic Fagen and sounds like it could be Steely Dan. In fact most of the players are the same as thier touring outfit. The only thing is that it is pretty predictable, but that's OK by given the high standard of Dan/Fagen recordings. I'm hyped for the show.

    I got my tix.

  10. Look, I don't get it. Every year since they're inception, the Raptors have been talking about bulding or rebuilding for the future. That is all well and good, but to rebuild or build you must be building to ...something as oppose to the next rebuild!

    What the FAAAAK! I mean Babcock, Rafer Alston and the like were suppose to be part of the new rebuild, and now barely a 1yr & 3/4 later and it's time for the next rebuild.


    I move to change the Raptors name to the rebuilds, who's with me.

    P.S. If you got back all the great players we've taded/destroyed thier careers we'd be winning championships...

    Here's a partial list to make you cry:

    Mark Jackson

    Corlis Williamson

    Jerome Williams

    Keon Clark

    Rafer Alston

    Damon Stoudamire

    Vince Carter

    Vashon Lenard

    Kevin Willis

    Mugsy Bouges

    Antonio Davis

    Del Curry

    Tracy McGrady

    ......I really think Richard Peddie need to be fired. He was the one who hired Babacock and he is the only one at the top who hasn't changed. furthemore if everyone else has changed (player, coaches, GM's) then you need to make a change at a higher level. Besides he's a hockey man anyways. (the levels are sucking dick right now too..)

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