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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. We actually came up with a kind of "Jamband Survivor" thing once: you put a whole bunch of jamband musicians on stage, and let 'em jam it out. After each jam, one member is selected (either by the audience, or by the people on stage) to have to leave the stage. Add betting to the mix, and having to change odds and make decisions between jams, it'd be like betting on a sports event during the game.



    Brad I think this is a killer idea! Let me be the first to volenteer on guitar and effects! I will through all my weight behind this. Let the games begin.

  2. I listened to all three tunes. I really liked the arrangements, most of all. You can really teel that careful thought has been given as to where small musical hooks and phrases go. Basically everyone stays out of everyones way musically. Which is good.

    The little unision guitar/bass riffs that occur and shots that happen time to time are very effective in giveing the music corners. Well done.

    My only piece of constructive criticism would be that there is a really roomy sound. Menaing you can hear the sound of the room in the production. But this has been said and ultimately it is the music that matters. (Althought he live track at the end didn't sound like this)

    Finally, in the first tune sometimes when the musci gets dense the vocals get a little washed out.

    I also really like your drummer's sense of when to subdivided the beat into 16th, or 32nd note rhythms, it really helped propell the groove and held my interest.

    All and all bitchin_th.jpg

  3. The other day I was at lunch reading the paper and I came across an add featuring Steve Nash selling MGD computers.

    I immediately thought, why?

    I mean if you Steve Nash, Shaq, Kobe or the like you already have several million dollars. The interest on your money alone will support you for the rest of your life.

    So then why? Why if you already have egnough money for the rest of your life would you want your face plastered everywhere. Why would you want to go through all the bullshit of sitting through the shooting of these commercials, showing up on set on and on?

    The only thing I can think is either you have a serious addcition you have to pay for..gambling, drung etc.

    Or you are trying to support the living costs of your entire extended family and friends and all yo' boyz... (and even then when you make 10-20 mil a year?)

    Or worst of all you are a complete narcasist and attention whore and require people to blow smoke up your ass all day so youu feel good.

    The last one I can see the Kobe's of the world being subject to, but Steve Nash seems like such a normal dude. But hey who knows what he's really like?


  4. We agree on one thing: [color:red]The Booty is the VORTEX!!!!


    Also my band is the Chameleon Project and I make guest apperance's in Jaydawg's Highplain's Drifter. I will be guesting on guitar this Friday at his B-Day.

    P.S. i am very proud of my not influenced by rock band. (although anyone born after 1940 is influenced by rock weatehr they know it or not)

  5. Last time I saw him was in Toronto about one year ago at the Pheonix alhtough it was a rare apperance for sure.

    He also plays the drums. His fatehr was a session jazz bass player and drummer in Europe so you can see it runs in the family.

    His best album in my opininon is Big Loada. chekc it.

  6. I am a massive Squarepusher fan. I've seen him live twice. MINDBLOWING.

    I am also a fan of the whole intelligent drum &bass or drill and bass movement.

    If you like Squarepusher check out: Amon Tobin, Venitian Snares, Clifford Gilberto and Panacea. All hard, jazzy and broken breat.

  7. This is just kinda funny to me... a guy says he was listening to classic rock radio looking for modern music and everybody tries to answer why without saying that there are hunbdreds of other radio stations...

    don't hear anything modern, change the dial.

    Don't hear anything you like, blame your tastebuds.

    BTW, Hiphop wasn't a fad. As a style it is here to stay just like rock. I bet there's at least one rapper who will be remembered for a long time, and chances are you didn't hear their music until after '86.

    WOW that was a lot of assumptions. All of which are pattently wrong. I only made the Q107 refference as it was what was playing at work, which was not my decision.

    Furthermore, I listen to an extremely eclectic array of music.

    I am also very critical of rock. In fact what I really dislike is the fact that everyhting these days be it Hip-Hop, Pop, Electronic music or whatever has a rock influence in it that is pervasive and swallows everything.

    For my taste the whole moderm rock thing is really bland and genrally bores me to tears.

    BTW: The hundered radio stations you reffer to are all just as bad only the flavour changes. this is why in my own time at home I never listen to the radio. I listen, collect and currate for compilations various rare funk, disco, soul, dub, ,experiemtal electronic music and anything improvised. I made the rock call as it is the most obvious genre where new talent is not being promoted or fostered by the mainstream channels.

    When you assume you make and ass out of u and me. :o

  8. I agree with y'all and respectfully disagree on some things.

    I agree that we look back with fondness as time has filtered out the stuff that sucks. However, even though there was decent music released in the 80's and 90's I think there was dramitically less of it that will stand the test of time than in the 50's, 60's or 70's.

    The real test is will you be listening to certain artists/albums in 30yrs. I also agree classic rock radio is bullshit.

    I think the main problem is the maturation and shift in the record industry. In the 60s and 70s the record industry was just maturing and was in the business of seeling music and for the most paret they let the artists determine the content. I think this is why so much good music came out of that time. then by the late 70s they record companies realized they could dicate and thought they could predict what the public wanted. This is the root of the problem.

  9. This thought has been plaguing me for years....

    I used to play this game when I worked at this bong shop in Toronto on the weekends. Everyday we would have the radio tuned to Q107 FM, and I would count how many song they would play that were recorded while I was alive. (I was born in 1977)

    Without fail during the course of an 8 hour day, there would be maybe 5 tunes max! A couple Police tunes and U2 song and perhaps a late era Springsteen song or something.

    Here's the problem, while it's all good to listen to Pink Floyd, Zeppelin and the like over and over (and we should those are amazing band that form the fabric of out pop/rock lives)..where are the next generation of these bands today? Where are the bands with that type of staying power, meaning that we'll be listening to thier albums 30 years later consistently? I submit that there are no replacements for these bands and we will pay the collective price soon.

    As this is the year that the first of the babyboomers turn 60, on has to ask ones self how long until my favorite band's/artists stop touring ? I mean Phil lesh is 66...how much longer?

    I beleive the real problem is that the music industry with the advancement of technology and the MTV culture has burned us and itself with substandard, image concious product which is disposable and without substance for the long haul.

    I mean can you imagine if the Rolling Stones were a newer band in this millenium? They would never have made it past album number two or three at most. Now a days, there is no thought in the music biz of developing acts and staying with them through a mediocre selling album or two. In the Stones case thier record company would have dropped them right after Exile on Mainstreet, when Goats Head Soup, sold considerably less. In doing so the record company would never have fostered the culture and the band that exists today in the Rolling Stones. Also, there would have been no Grateful Dead..I mean they never sold a tonne of albums, and they certainly wern't photo genic and non of them were teen idols. (although Bobby tried hard)

    Now instead of sticking with a band they beleive has vision or talent they simply dispose of them and go with the next hot chick studio creation they can manipulate. The winners are the record companies bank accounts and the loosers are us the listener who have no new icons to look up to musically and are forced to endure terrible music or rehash the good music of our parent's generation.

    I know I am preaching to the choir here, but this really bothers me, especially when I see how record companies continue to fuck over artists and the public. (I work at the Candaian Musical Rights & Reproduction Association and I actually get to see the contract major artists sign. They are basically criminal and totally shocking!)

    We the consumer are being fucked over, and when we're 60 we'll still be listening to Dark Side of the Moon, because nothing better has come out since.

    (Caveat Emptor: Radio Head and possibly a couple Black Crowes albums may make the cut as lasting music that has come out in the last 15 years.)

    P.S. When record companies tell you that file trading and CD burning is hurting the music, remember..It's hurting them, not the music. The music will always exists, the music industry may not (the way they know it).



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