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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. This whole "quitting the board thing is hilarious" I mean if you were really pissed, why not just leave. There is no need for tearful cyber goodbyes, unless you want the attention.

    I mean really, this is just a web mesaage board, GET A GRIP! everyone needs to take it way less seriously, save you energy and emotion for the real world.

    Oh, and Deeps I think I found that pussy-o-meter you were talking about...


    I'm gonna start marketing these babies and become a pussy-o-meter kingpin.

  2. Beacuse Michael Moore has always painted himself as a satarist, not an objective newsmans or program host. People always seem to forget that. Michael Moore has never pretended to be objective.

    Bill O'Reily on the other hand speak from the right (a side whioch already has most of the power and al the voice) and presents himeslf as a reputable reporter/host etc. He does not paint himself as a satirist.

    It would be like criticizing Jon Stewart for being too flippant and taking things out of context (which the right has done from time to time). what they miss is Stewart is on the comedy network and his show is comedy/satire. It only looks like news.

  3. This is absolutley brutal. First they leave the residents of New Orleans to die in squalor. Then they don't even give them money to rebulid. Isn't the US the richest counrty in the world? Now they have to get a chocolate manufacture to help rebuild and invest.

    I bet if New Oleans had tonnes of Oil, the whole city whould be rebuilt right now.

    too bad choclolate only looks like oil when it's hot.

  4. Hey-Ho.....

    Looks like I'm gonna be playing at this here fundraiser! I will be lending my funkjazztastic guitar noodle-styling to Highplains Drifter.

    As y'all know High Plains Drifter is Jay Cleary's vehicle and the line up changes around frequently. Well in this incantation I'll be playing electric guitar. Can't wait. Glad to be a part of this jam.

  5. This is hillarious.. I was eating luch today reading the star and I saw this picture, and I thought to myself "Jezzzus she's just thrustin' the rack out there in everyones face".

    Nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks this picture is worth discussing.

  6. Rumours are just that.

    People who think Phish will get together so soon after breaking up are smoking this.....


    I think you may see phish play together again and do a few shows, but I bet it will be a few more years down the road...at least, and probably one offs for benifits, awrds shows or special festivals.

    Let it go already....

    and this is coming from someone who loves Phish.

  7. gypsy-02.05-netposter.jpg

    [color:navy]Nu Funk.ca & The Gypsy Co-Op present.....

    .....on the first Friday in February, get ready for a groovetastic assault.....

    [color:blue]DJ Syrum (breaks & funk) will be spinning the fine beats before after and in between live sets...begining at 9:30pm


    The Chameleon Project (breakbeat dubjazz) will twist your head from 10:30 until 11:30 or so

    then......in thier first T.O. headlining apperance!

    [color:red]What the Thunder Said(melodic electro-funk) will "turn it loose" from just before midnight to just after you loose you mind!

    Come early, stay late and don't hate!

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