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Posts posted by timouse

  1. LOL - I think that was the only circle of "heads" I have ever seen that didn't know the words to Truckin'.


    Listen' date=' ass, it wasn't that we didn't KNOW the words, it was that we couldn't REMEMBER the words...big difference..

    Let's get Beth to repeat her theory about how short-term memory loss is a GOOD thing...


    besides which even bobby can't keep them all in his head, and he sings it for a living :)

  2. Jim Slansky is a guy that plays in a band called Passenger, and another one called Chipotle.

    I've never seen Chipotle, but I've seen Passenger a few times and I think they're a good band. The last time I saw them I thought they were really good. Lots of tasty covers, a few originals, jazzy, funky.

    I think that Jim made a mistake a while ago when he pulled some emails from this board and added them to his email list. But in the grand scheme of life, that's such a minor mistake that I'd like to think we could get past it and move on.

    Jim's a solid guy, Passenger is a solid band, can we please put this one to rest. Jeez, I hope the next time that I make a mistake I won't have to read about it for a lifetime on this message board.

    Tigger just showed up at my house and concurs with the above. Damn straight, mister ... time to go for some beers.

    Peace, Mark

    what he said.

    tonin for prime minister!

  3. i don't know if it's the same guy, but there's a guitar player in guelph named jim slansky...he's part of the hillside crowd, and from what i could tell, an okay guy. i don't think that this thread is about the same guy...

    edit to add: i think that zero and i are talking about the same guy. i didn't even know he had a mailing list! deeps has the right idea. just ask & you will receive. or not receive, if that suits you better.

  4. Formality does have a degree of influence, I find myself too often going back over e-mails to capitalize things that I have missed- mostly as a result of increased laziness caused by increased online time. I'm with rubberdinghy though, a place like this is the place to bust out the laziness, signifying informality.

    well put. well written on-line speak comes across much more as near-spoken word...using ellipsises (ellipsii? definitely not ellipsis's...) and other punctuation sins seem to flow better than proper grammar. having said that, i agree with and feel the same ugh! at most of the grammar errors pointed out through this thread.

    in the same way your speech says a lot about you, posting style is really your only way of adding a non-verbal element to what you have to say here...

    just my $0.02

    now how am i supposed to punctuate that last sentence? hell with it. you read it, you punctuate it.

  5. well, i've been to a place called 'the mongolie grill' in vancouver and whistler, and it was awesome. i don't know if this a different chain.

    you choose all the stuff you want and put in a bowl, then they fry it up for you. it can be expensive if you get lots of heavy stuff..cause you pay by weight. but yummy


    it's the same concept except way more expensive. the mongolian grill charges by the person, the mongolia grill (?) in whistler charges by the pound. of food, that is, not patrons :)

  6. Ah, the melodious strains of pathological jingoism...

    sure beats having to think about things :) they can't help it, they've been well trained to respond, kinda like the performing seals at sea world....

    arf arf! usa! usa!



    Can't wait to have you guys in Ottawa!

    How do you plan to celebrate? Do you have a favorite restaurant, or favorite spot you like to go to?

    there is an anniversary/sendoff bash for the scullies friday at Dufferin Grove Park in Toronto...and for the Ottawa folk, look for the scullies to announce their housewarming party once they've settled in to Osgoode!

  8. indeed. they'll have to re-write the 10 commandments.

    "Thou shalt not kill your own people."


    "Thou shalt not publicly kill."


    "Thou shalt not kill. However, thou shalt feel free to hire someone to do the killing."

    I think that Pat Robertson's already tenuous grip on reality appears to be slipping,

  9. hahah, i didn't mention it was made out of platinum?



    i should have guessed. and if you are indeed looking to invest money and sleep at night, i would give serious thought to ethical funds. on the other hand, if you have given up all hope of things getting better and would like to make a profit while rome burns, there's always the Defense Index.

  10. For some fun, why not try out the new Sisters Euclid download that's setup on the main portal page here.


    i tried, and the universe answered as follows.

    "The requested URL /public_html/sanctuary/picks/SE-7-25-05/d1t7_helpless.mp3 was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. "

    not to complain, just to inform. went to http://www.kevinbreit.com and am listening to "helpless." man can that guy play...

  11. wow.

    good luck to them...in the abstract, the case makes total sense, and dammit, leaving guys in 4 X 4 X 4 cage enclosures in the cuban sun isn't right....nor are any of the shadier ocurrences of torture linked to the war on (using??) terror.

    having said all that, the chances of getting him to answer to his crimes are pretty slim.

    thanks for the good read as always, stone mtn...i liked to old avatar better. i have an instinctive sort of clenching reaction when i see police logos. as a group they need to re-brand themselves :)

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