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Posts posted by timouse

  1. i dunno...they had me intrigued until they claimed that big business, government and the zionists are running the weather. the bad waether affects the oil companies too, every storm that wails on the gulf of mexico trashes a whole buch of oil rigs...the same guys were saying the undersea nukes caused the tsunami in asia...

    i'll adnit the people in charge are evil, but not the sort of fiendishly clever super villan evil required for something as dramatic as creating hurricanes.

    having said that, hurricanes boost cnn's ratings :)

  2. hey mike, deb took packing pics but it will be a while before they have camera & computer & internet connection all at once. as of 4 this afternoon, the scullies are on their way to ottawa!

    cheers to nathan from wiser, trevor silverheart and snail's amanda for pitching in to help dave & deb...take good care of them, o-folk!

  3. every now and again CPAC has something totally amazing on. most times though, it's the TV equivalent of steamed vegetables. you know that it's good for you, but holy boring...

    it sort of amazes me that in an age of infotainment that they can't make CPAC marginally more entertaining...they have lots of really bright and inspiring people on there (in the last year, Bruce Cockburn, Maude Barlow, David Suzuki, and many others) but still manage to present these folks in a stupifyingly boring way. same thing with our local cable channel. they show our local council meetings, and have managed to do si in the most lo-fi, boring way possible...it's almost like they don't want people to watch and learn about what's really happening.

  4. Mr and Mrs Calamity Evil Mouse will be packing their earthly belongings into a truck in preparation for their migration to the Ottawa area, which i understand leaves team SoOn with Del and one future draft pick :)

    beginnig at around 8am (eeeh.) there will be very strong coffee and heavy lifting opportunities avaliable, with suitable refreshment served throughout the day. come say goodbye to the nicest couple of freaks to grace the west end of toronto!

    917 Ossington is the address, if you're game then PM dr~evil~mouse or calamity jane for details.

  5. i think i prefer the Dilbert Principle.

    The Dilbert Principle refers to a 1990s satirical theory stating that companies should promote their worst employees to managerial positions so as to prevent them from directly affecting the consumer's experience.

    sharon, in your situation, this means that you are in fact much too nice of a person and far too good at what you do to be promoted to the snake-pit of incompetent management :)

  6. Seriously.

    BradM, Weirdness, Blane, Esau, Tungsten, DaveO and HeadyGouda (and the others I am completely forgetting) thank you all for your hard work. It is far more appreciated than you probably know. These days, it almost seems so expected even though it aint at all.

    because of taper folk, the archive is full of good music accessible at the click of a button. contrast this to the dark days of analog where tapes were a magical mysterious thing, and you were thrilled to have the hissy bassy 5th generation dub of the show you saw :)

  7. No, slap him with a live beaver, repeatedly, until the beaver is dead. Yes, it's cruel to the beaver, and probably not environmentally friendly, but if you chose a beaver that was near death anyway, this could be minimized.



    besides which, unchecked beaver populations are a scourge on the environment...so long as you brought the beaver from somewhere where it was truly doing harm, you would be doing the environment a favor as well as the planet generally.

  8. Keep your head high....you have to keep telling yourself it's just material items in your life and thank god your family is safe!

    so sorry!

    couldn't have said it better myself....that's just rotten. as a bright light of hope in a dark time, it may turn up...

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