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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Marketers, I'm convinced, should be the first ones against the wall when the sh!t hits the fan.

    I've done a lot of reading through studies and personal interest concerning the techniques of marketing. It really is an absolutely atrocious field and tends to attract the worst variety of bottom-feeders.

    I'm sure there are marketers out their with a shred of decency. However, they're a rare breed.

    Every time I get pissed about marketing I dredge up memories of that scene in "the Corporation" where the marketing exec is talking about getting to children while they're still forming their life long preferences and values. She does it totally straight faced and doesn't even recognize the disgust that this will evoke in most normal people...

    Anyone who can make a goal of altering the mental state of children for the sole purpose of personal/corporate gain is not human.

    what he said.

    niffermouse and i bought the corporation on DVD, it should come witha dozen foam bricks that you can hurl at your TV. that childerns' marketer was truly evil. nag factor my ass.

  2. after taking a basic college marketing class, i now understand how much crap goes into packaging.

    trust me, your words will definately fall on def ears. Millions went into designing that box. The size, shape, colour, and layout.

    a little sleave, although would certainly work, wouldn't catch the attention of the market.

    (but your right, just one of the many things big corporations do to screw the world)

    there's a whole sector of the economy who are busily making us want stuff by affecting size/shape/coulour/placement of packaging.

    i'd like to round them all up and have them pick up litter full time :)

  3. this makes me mental...hamilton is not as bad as it is made out to be. in fact westdale is pretty nice. cool little pseudo-downtown strip, theatre, and cootes' paradise just down the hill. i lived on paradise rd for a few years and really dug the neighbourhood.

    phunkyb, if you want to be close to school, westdale is the place to be. and as i understand it, you'll have lots of cool neighbours!

  4. Even I think that's a pretty crazy conspiracy theory. This is a case of two dudes that had a radio problem and flew where the shouldn't. Once they got them to land, checked the plane for bombs and found nothing, and realized that these guys were just two bozos, why would they detain them further. Cut and dried.

    agreed, but it seems a little odd. this is the same administration that wouldn't let cat stevens in to amurrica, it seems remarkably non-paranoid to release them right away. sort of out of keeping with past tendencies :)

  5. Hmmm...

    It does seem strange that these "pilots" where released without charges so quickly. I would have thought that the FBI and SS would be still crawling around inside there a$$es for a few more days. People have got in more trouble for mentioning the word bomb on an internet forum....I'll be disappearing now...

    what...like those that Phil used to drop on unassuming deadheads, or the kind I have in my shoes?

    have fun in cuba, guys! i hear guantanamo is lovely this time of year. make sure to move around a lot in your cell so that you don't get cell bar tan lines....

  6. "The Pentagon -- where both Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Richard Myers were working -- was not evacuated.

    No official notification was given to the Pentagon's 24,000 workers until after the "all clear" was given, but most were aware of the incident because cable television news channels are routinely on in many offices.

    Pentagon officials did not provide an immediate explanation for the decision not to evacuate the building, which was hit September 11, 2001."

    Maybe these guys were hired by the Penatgon to strafe the White House...they all knew what the orders were, so nobody worried.

    i'm sure that most of what Bushco does is designed to keep people scared. i wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that this was staged.

    "pinky-russet alert! buy duct tape! shut up and shop!"

  7. for the west of toronto crowd, Whole Circle Farm does an organic produce box for the summer, i don't think they're on line but canada4111 them for a phone number. Happy meat can be had in Guelph from Rowe Farm Meats, niffermouse and i are satisfied customers...

  8. and on the good news front, my snare drum appeared in the pile of gear in george mouse's van. so there's one less item on the MIA list, hopefully the other missing items continue to appear...

    don't take things personally Keri... someone screwed up, purposefully or not... but that someone wasn't you... I think everyone else who was there will be more that willing to help you get back anything that went missing over some time

    lesson learned that come a certain time of the night a lot of stuff has to get tucked away... its too bad but some people are fucked up and think they're getting ahead pulling something like that

    but the big thing to remember is that you rocked a whole lot of people's worlds that night... it was simply amazing... I'm sure Bill Graham lost some gear and cash in the early years

    what he said. you are an awsome dude for putting on such a bash, we will cheer you up at CTMF for sure...see you then!

  9. indeed, avoid all brains and nervous tissue. as was figured out in an earlier thread, human legs in cross-section look like marbled steak! mmmm....

    and to add to the list of things missing, my snare drum never made it home. it was last seen sitting in the hall by a departing diesel dog. it's got a white top, silver sides, a clear bottom head & has a loose screw bouncing around inside it (much like me).

    if anyone's seen it drop me a message...

  10. more happy technology!!

    "Active Denial Technology exploits the body's natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect it from injury. It uses a transmitter producing energy at a frequency of 95Ghz and an antenna to direct a focused, invisible beam to a subject at the speed of light and penetrate the skin to a depth of less than 1/64 of an inch. This produces an escalating heating sensation that becomes intolerable in seconds, and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the system operator turns it off.

  11. I heard some of that too - something about measuring pupil dilation and so on flashing pictures in front of people. If I remember correctly, they didn't stop using it until just a couple of decades ago, when they decided it was hopelessly unreliable.

    yep. parts of it are on display at the war museum, [color:purple]another proud moment in war history...

    if you hit sites like the New York Times that want an account, thy username & password cyberpunk. seems to work most everywhere :)

  12. "...when he came to Washington to talk about his memoir, Searching for the Sound, I interviewed him, unapologetically, as a fan."


    this really makes me wonder about my whole take on the music of the dead and the people it inspires. carlson is the proto right wing pundit nitwit, maybe right wing nitwit deadheads are a more real phenomenon than i thought. anne coulter claims to be a deadhead, and ho check out rec.music.gdead sometime, there are a considerable population of right wingers there too...maybe these are the people who ate the brown acid?

  13. wow....very sad story about the theft, sure casts a dark cloud over the evening...i was in a very bad space saturday on account of a really bad cold that had just started to blossom...i'm off work today and preparing to go back to bed and resume my sweat-fest and get this out of my system :)

    very sad to hear about the late-night liquor theft...what a terrible thing to do to the kindest party planners i've ever met...i sure hope that something turns up, maybe we'll need to do another one this summer as a benefit concert for Keri...

    i only had a chance to talk to a few of the many very cool folks that turned up...a high fever and tylenol cold pills seem to be a bad combination for speaking & being social!

    thanks to ricky and ryan for siting in with us and adding an extra dimension to our first set...and as usual, DD was on top of their game...Circles temporarily made my cold go away!

    thanks to the mice and particularly the chairmouse for making sure that my gear got home safely while niffermouse got me home and full of cold medicine...hopefully i'm rid of this nasty bug by CTMF, looking forward to actually being able to speak (coherently) to more of you fine folks then!

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