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Everything posted by timouse

  1. don't quit your day job until your night job pays
  2. i thought this thread was going to be about fawlty towers.
  3. dan hicks and his acoustic warriors may 1988. wicked! thanks for posting this!
  4. i just learned that the gentlemen in the good doctor's avatar is named Getafix...
  5. you could compromise and wear long underwear under the funk pants
  6. one of harvard mouse's best evenings ever involved a busload of cougars on a bar crawl showing up and filling the lanc 2/3 of the way through our set. they just about carried tigger off yay cougars!
  7. :blush: I should have qualified that with a "for people like me who are too dim to ever get a torrent system working on their computer." you still haven't called
  8. yay birdy! i don't always agree with you but i am impressed with your persistence and generally well reasoned arguments.
  9. The words I add are the ones that break certain people's corporate network swear filters and are denied viewing pages. So I change them so they won't deny the page when I receive a request. thank you for adding that. so some corporate networks block based on swear words in pages? wow. that's very sad.
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