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Everything posted by timouse

  1. timouse

    Vibes for Taj

    {{{{{{{{{{{hippy hip healing vibes}}}}}}}}}}}}
  2. bingo. the inablility of the computer in question to detect its' own drives, along with the "chirping" noise, would toatlly make me suspect HDD failure. at boot, get in to the BIOS and try to auto-detect the hard drives...that will help to confirm the problem. try to boot from the OS CD too, that will confirtm that it's that hard drive and not the IDE controller on the motherboard. good luck. if this all fails, i will mail you some pencils.
  3. happy birthday! i miss your old avatar
  4. beer. the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
  5. Steven Jones may be the biggest unreported story of the recent many years. I have heard him present his research, and i have to say that it's compelling. google "scholars for 911 truth" and "WTC7" and see for yourself.
  6. that's exactly it. i hope for important canadian music figure. he's far too self effacing and funny to allow himself to degenerate in to "new country icon." he did go on near the end of the show about writing soulful thoughful songs for years, and then having a major hit with "truck got stuck." he then played a new tune called "family reunion" that had a line about "met a couple cousins i might have dated in school, but hell, it's alberta, that's cool!" brilliant. that, and the extra verses in his cover of stompin' tom's "hockey song."
  7. to fuel your sense of outrage... coke & pepsi's bottled water products are basically coke and pepsi weithout the brown and caffeine. they take water from their filter line (which they filter anyway to make cola) and add "mineral flavours" to it and call it bottled water. i have seen many times in stores where, ml for ml, the bottled water was more expensive than the cola product.
  8. it's your duty to put the high back in to the high holidays! go!
  9. what a fun night! new rider, we probably walked past each other a dozen times last night corb lund was awesome. funny guy, great voice, solid guitar chops, although his guitar/dobro/pedal steel/banjo guy sort of stole the show at points. his whole band is wonderfully tight and dynamic, they have obviously been at this a while. the crowd was very in to the whole evening, to the point of singing/speaking along with a couple of his more popular songs... i'm not sure what i thought of elliot brood. they were sort of hobbled by extremely sssssssssssssssssssssssizzzzzzzzzly high end heavy sssssound...it was bad enough that we were ready to flee to the back of the room to escape it. this marred what were pretty interesting and catchy songs. they do sound way different live from what i'd heard of them on the CBC... if you get a chance, check corb out. totally spot-on songwriting, and a pretty cool mix of covers.
  10. yay kaidy and lacey! have a blast! please pop in here once in a while and tell us where you are so that we can all live vicariously through you
  11. thanks, willy. they had just coaxed me and my rifle down out of the belltower
  12. from Clemson Ag Extension web page (courtesy google) looks like horticultural oil is the way to go.
  13. happy birthday dave! sounds like you guys had a fabulous birthday weekend!
  14. somebody please photoshop this.
  15. timouse

    band names

    the Premarital Sextet.
  16. did anyone else think when they showed closeups?
  17. animals, who have no nationality, do not drive cars, and would have a hard time clearing customs without the necessary paperwork. this would totally play havoc with migratory and seasonal movements of all manner of animals. (niffermouse just walked in and read the CTV story with me...her bon mot, "that's facked.") not to mention that fencing is expensive. the neighbours had their back yard done at like $15 a linear foot. 1km = 5280 ft = $79,200 per km. even with a volume discount, this is going to get expensive. not to mention the *ahem* hikers in BC who depend on a porous border to transport crop to market worst. idea. ever.
  18. timouse

    band names

    ...or Vowel Movement.
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