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Posts posted by timouse

  1. indeed. frank's biggest drugs were cigarettes and coffee' date=' which i remember him referring to as "food substitute."[/quote']

    Ah, so he's really only vigorously anti-"drugs I don't do".

    i always found that a bit odd...but i don't think i'd call fz anti-drug. he seemed like more sort of an "ambivalent-drug" sort of person...he claimed in the book pictured above that drugs never did anything for him.

  2. Didn't someone teach you not to open strange e-mails?! Am I the only one who doesn't?


    Well' date=' when the email is titled [i']new tour dates, shows updated or record music I tend to be interested. But, I also have no problem opening any email, my computer is well beyond protected. Hasn't anyone ever told you to have adequate security on your computer.


    My first post was taken from an email that said "Greg, new shows available". :/

    i never get those. although the spam community has been steadily sending me junk mail addressed to someone named Rosamond for quite a while now. it's actually sort of fascinating to watch how her name is moved around in an e-mail subject...i've been building a set of spam filter rules on the same computer for quite a while now, and it seems pretty successful at at segregating all of the spam for my subject-browsing entertainment.

    i'm just blown away that it still seems like a good business model to send spam in order to sell things. i guess that it's basically free to send, so even if one in a million people actually buy whatever's on offer, then it's a winner...

    i remember reading about a new approach to e-mail called millicent. it allowed your isp to charge you a really insignificant amount, like three tenths of a cent in order to send an e-mail. for most people it would amount to two or three dollars a month, but to a spammer it would make the more ridiculous spam untenable as a business.

    i wonder what ever happenned to that kind of thinking??

    edit to add...sudden realiziation that through the magic of google i could find out myself.

    here's the W3C white paper on Millicent.

    another great idea by the wayside. the paper was written in 1995. i would assume that if this could be made to work, then it would be happenning already :(

  3. Also note how proud he is to tell the panel that he's a conservative. Although I don't subscribe to all his views I think this duality makes Frank an interesting study.

    Absolutely - that autobio Jaimoe posted above goes to some lengths to get into all that. I imagine it used to be an endless source of amusement for him to correct those of his critics who would try accusing him of being some sort of drugged out weirdo' date=' when a) he was vigorously anti-drug, and B) he described his off-stage life as downright normal and family-focused.


    indeed. frank's biggest drugs were cigarettes and coffee, which i remember him referring to as "food substitute." and way to go bouche for looking up John Lofton. what a tool...interesting that he has maintained a consistent cranial-rectal view of the world since '86 :P

  4. Anyone know if there's any truth behind the whole...considered clinicly insane after X amounts of hits?

    and is there any way to prove how much one has done?

    Disability cheques would be glorious for a little while. :P

    Mostly just curious. ;)

    i like the way you think, howler...

  5. People will then often say “But surely it’s better to remain an Agnostic just in case?†This, to me, suggests such a level of silliness and muddle that I usually edge out of the conversation rather than get sucked into it. (If it turns out that I’ve been wrong all along, and there is in fact a god, and if it further turned out that this kind of legalistic, cross-your-fingers-behind-your-back, Clintonian hair-splitting impressed him, then I think I would chose not to worship him anyway.)

    brilliant. thanks for posting this, willy...about halfway through it i realized that it is also in the Salmon of Doubt, which is a couple of hunderd pages of equally entertaining reading.

  6. I'm sure extreme doses of acid can't be good for you either. Like if you were to say, chug a two litre bottle of liquid.

    Ever see SLC Punk? That doesn't seem that far fetched to me.

    a guy i knew in toronto who claimed that he drank a big slug of water from a pitcher full of water and sheet trimmings. he had been cutting the lawn and was really thirsty.

    he then laid down on the couch for a week and saw the beginning of the universe and floated through space.

    not a reccommended activity :)

  7. hope y'all are washing your hands Howard-Hughes-like...all day and every day!!! prevention is actually THAT simple.

    freemasons run the country!! simpsons.jpg

    one of the things i recall from reading the hot zone is that people have come into contact with virii like ebola by encroaching on other creatures' habitat, and in many cases stealing these creatures out of said habitats and cooping them up in research lab cages.

    maybe ebola is a natural control mechanism, the same way bacteriophages regulate the e. coli population in your gut.

    and yes, deb, this story totally gave me a "12 monkeys" moment...

  8. I had to stop when I got to this -

    Wal-Mart said it will build the stores in neighborhoods with high crime or unemployment rates' date=' [b']on sites that are environmentally contaminated, or in vacant buildings or malls in need of revitalization.

    Sounds peachy!

    They talk lots about making jobs, but not about where the money will come from to buy the crap in the stores to keep them going.

    I'm most bothered by the bolded part.


    and this is meant to be a good thing? as the whole tone of the article is very wal-mart oriented, i gathering that they think that they are doing a good thing by building on comtaminated land. are they buying it for cheap first?

    the whole tone of the article is very "press-releasey." my favourite bile-inducing moment follows....

    In February, it recruited former civil rights leader Andrew Young to head a group of community leaders that Wal-Mart funds to speak up on its behalf as Working Families for Wal-Mart. Young told The Associated Press at the time that one of the reasons he supported Wal-Mart was because it was more willing than other retailers to go into low-income urban and rural communities. (my emphasis.)

    yep. wal-mart will take anybody's money...

  9. lorax.gif

    But now, says the Once-ler,

    Now that you're here,

    the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear.

    UNLESS someone like you

    cares a whole awful lot,

    nothing is going to get better.

    It's not.


    Catch! calls the Once-ler.

    He lets something fall.

    It's a Truffula Seed.

    It's the last one of all!

    You're in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds.

    And Truffula Trees are what everyone needs.

    Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care.

    Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air.

    Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack.

    Then the Lorax

    and all of his friends

    may come back.

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