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Posts posted by timouse

  1. niffer and i filed by mail. she had to pay CPP as a self emplyed person. i got a small refund. we filed on the 30th, they had cashed the cheque she sent within 3 days.

    naturally, my refund is "in the mail." :)

  2. posted in the roger waters/hillside tix thread earlier about campsites going unused as weekend passes for hillside are gone.

    i have indeed found out that if you have camp sites but no tickets you can cancel your reservation up to 24 hours before the festival starts. call guelph lake directly at (519) 824-5061

    i posted my 2 sites in the Jambands Buy & Sell section. I will entertain offers if anyone is in but may just end the whole mess and cancel my reservation.

    i'm still kind of in shock that the weekend passes went so quick this year. :(

  3. did anyone actually get hillside tickets?

    from what the Hillside webpage has to say, there are no weekend passes of any sort left, only day passes.

    i think that i have 2 camp sites as well that i won't be using...if any of you skanks scored passes & need camping, drop me or mr polo above a line.


    edit to add...anyone holding sites can get (most of) their money back up until 24 hours before the festival starts.

    phone (519) 824-5061

  4. who else misses the refined yet by-gone era of Mail Order


    GD also had a dedicated 1-800 number at one point that my fingers had comitted to lightening fast memory (and before the age of the re-dial button). Dial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--ring-ring-WHOO HOOOOO! :grin:

    415 457 6388 :P

  5. wow.

    that was really creepy, yet very cool. the most haunting one i saw was the picture of the burnt out army ambulance abandoned in the field...

    i think that chernobyl might be one of the top "human cosmic screwup" sites on the planet.

  6. i like it.

    most of tshirt hell appeals to my sense of humour.

    i still wouldn't wear it out in public though...maybe this one would be a bit less likely to incite fights...


  7. I heard Bradm's mix last night: man, the boys played such a great show!!! George's family having a grand ole hootenany in the background just adds to the wonder of it all.

    I think it should make it up onto the archive soon, for those who missed it (or for those who simply blacked out for any part of it!)

    it will indeed. diana from archive just let me know that we're in, and brad is working away at the lossless version of our set...woo hoo!!

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