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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. I was at the game last night. The Habs fans behind us were hilarious. For much of the 3rd period, the Habs had a total of 9 shots on goal, and these fans were yelling out "shoot" anytime a Canadien player had the puck - even if it was behind their own net! When they finally mustered their 10th shot on goal, these fans stood and applauded. They were having fun in spite of their team's flat performance.

    This leads me to a comment about habs fans vs. leafs fans when their respective teams visit Ottawa - habs fans are a polite, fun-loving bunch, leafs fans are frickin' arrogant.

  2. Good to see Radek Bonk got a point too!

    I'm looking forward to tonight's big game at the Scotiabank Place. Which Sens team will show up? The pizza-providing Sens, or the lacklustre give-the-puck-away Sens? Only time will tell.

  3. how about health care? how about the criminal justice system? ..... how about higher education? how about immigration?

    I believe Bouche answered those questions when he said "thou shalt get better services if you're rich"

    Harper will fix immigration, that's for sure: "Are you white? Welcome to Canada. No? Get out!"

  4. Just got an email from by brother in Toronto, with his reaction to last night's game (He's a huge leafs fan)

    Figure I'd save you the trouble in case you have writer's block; just some observations on last night's big game at the Corel. Taped it, and watched when I got home from a function.

    1. Paging Mats Sundin...paging Mats Sundin...anyone see Mats Sundin...anyone...?

    2. Ironically enough, Belfour's GAA against Ottawa actually improves.

    3. Toronto's 1st Star.... Darcy Tucker!

    4. When you hit the fast forward button on the remote, the Leafs are almost as fast as the Senators.

    5. What? Only seven?

    p.s. Go Flames Go!

  5. Another big game against the Wild tonight. Sens have to like the back to back games coming up against a team that's lost 4 straight.

    Maybe not... the Leafs are going to be like a cornered tiger.. I think they'll put up a good battle in those two games against the Sens this weekend... I'm not expecting Sens blowouts.

    Then again... we'll just have to "eight" and see.

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