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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Bourbon Street is nice, and I could walk there from my house, but it's actually pretty small for the size of crowd The Slip would attract.

    It would be awesome to turn Zaphod's into a jamband friendly club! They did after all have moe. there about 10 years ago.

    I'm not a big fan of the Rainbow - I've had some great times there and have seen some fantastic bands, but when it gets crowded, it's downright claustrophic and hard to move around.

  2. My 2 cents:

    A show like this has got to be at Babylon, Mavericks, or Barrymore's.

    Does Mavericks have their leaky ceiling fixed yet?

    Zaphods would be no good - not a jamband-friendly venue.

    Tuscons is too far away.

    The Bayou? too small.

    Don't even get me started about The Rainbow.

  3. i disagree 100%. whether or not he'll be a great coach remains to be seen... it's still early, real early... like august 8th. ;)

    Don't get me wrong... I'm as much of Gretzky fan as anyone else. I'd love to see him succeed as a coach. They did hire good assistant coaches who will help Wayne in a big way.

    and what i recall from gretzky's shot at inspiration from 2002 olympics, is that we won the gold. i guess it worked.

    Canada winning the gold medal had more to do with Tommy Salo giving up a soft goal against Belarus than with Gretzy's attempt to channel Phil Esposito. (Plus, Canada had an awesome team that really found its game by the medal round.)

    On another topic - I'm still bitter that the Winnipeg Jets had to move to the friggin' desert. Had the current CBA been in place back then, it probably wouldn't have happenned.

  4. Will Wayne Gretzky be announced as the head coach for the Pheonix Coyotes today? Rumours are swirling....

    This will be announced this afternoon.

    Just my opinion, but I think he's not a good choice for coach. He's too much of a nice guy. Also, his lip tends to quiver when he gets upset (recall his attempt to be inspirational during the 2002 Olympics) and it looks like he's going to cry. This won't inspire his team.

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