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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. There's no way a motor can leak water.

    The water is likely coming from (as Cyberhippie said) your humidifer, or air conditioner.

    The drain pipe for the water is likely blocked with crud.

    This happenned to my furnace recently and I used a coathanger and a shop-vac to clean out the drain pipe.

    If your motor is still runs, there is no need to replace it.

  2. Wow you work for ATI? I spoke to one of your HR people back in the spring (sorry I can't remember her name) about organizing an ATI career fair here in Ottawa. That was in my previous job. My co-workers took over the project but I don't know what became of the ATI Ottawa career fair. They seem to have quite a few job openings.

  3. Velvet, any station that welcomes you as a guest host is indeed "Great"!

    Check out the 30th anniversary celebrations this weekend: Friday at Barrymore's: The Black Keys, Nathaniel Mayer, Weapons of Mass Seduction, and Golden Famile.

    Saturday during the day, CKCU open house for the public (free food!), and Saturday night at Barrymores: Rhume, The Empiricals, and The John Henrys.

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