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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. I'm in, but let's go over the ground rules:

    You can't leave first until you chug a beer.

    Any man scoring has to chug a beer.

    You have to chug a beer at the top of all odd-numbered innings.

    Oh, and the fourth inning is the beer inning.

  2. Kudos to the Bluesfest organizers and our mayor for getting the street closed, allowing more space for the people.

    I'd say the city councillors crying blackmail are just grandstanding - especially Jan Harder, who was not mentioned in the article. I saw her on the TV news last night. What a &*&%^.

    I heard Mark Monahan on the CBC radio this morning. The drinking and non-drinking sections will be separated by a fence running along the sidewalk of Laurier St. The stage will be partially on Laurier St. I expect drinkers and non-drinkers alike will be able to get close to the stage.

    Oh, and Ollie - love your lawnchairs comment!

  3. The Who and Plant, Page and Jones reunited for the first time at Live Aid. Ozzy joined Black Sabbath too.

    Does anyone remember the TV coverage of this back in 1985? 3/4 of a Led Zeppelin reunion, perhaps the biggest rock and roll moment of the 80s, and Dick Frickin' Clark is talking over their playing. I hope nothing like this happens during the upcoming Floyd reunion.

  4. No matter what, anything from the post Waters era " Floyd " will not be played, especially considering those albums and songs all suck.

    I agree that nothing from the post-Waters eara will be played at LIVE 8, but I disagree that those albums and songs all suck.

    My least favaourite Pink Floyd album is the Roger Waters masturbate-athon "The Final Cut".

  5. I've heard two schools of thought on this one:

    1. There are a lot of good people working at the bluesfest but they are just swamped with work and just don't have the staff to handle the volume of inquiries they get.

    2. The people behind bluesfest are very "cliquey", and if you don't have a connection to get you in, forget about it.

    Your mileage may vary.

  6. I just it tried with the best donair topic, and got all the posts in one page.

    The "Best Donair" topic appears only on one page for me. I've got my "replies per page" set to 50.

    I noticed this problem when my "replies per page" was set to 20 and also 40.

    I'm using IE 6 on WinXP.

    me too.

    I delved further into this problem and found that it occurs when a topic goes more than 2 pages. If I hit "all" when a topic goes three pages, I'll only see pages one and two. Topics in which I've seen the problem are the "Trailer Park Boys Discussion Thread" and "Forum Problems" (this one).

    I better get back to work now!

  7. Don't know if anyone has reported this yet, so I'll post it here.

    When a topic has more than one page, the "All" link is not working for me.

    Page: 1 2 3 All

    I click on the "All" link and am only presented with some of the posts, not all of them. The "1" "2" and "3" links work properly.

  8. Don't know if you've heard this or not, but

    Robert Plant is playing:

    Sat 09/10/05 Ottawa, ON Corel Centre

    Wed 09/14/05 London, ON John Labatt Centre

    and Bruce Springsteen

    Wed 07/13/05 Ottawa, ON Corel Centre

    Thu 07/14/05 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre

    I might go see Robert, Bruce conflicts with String Cheese in Ottawa so I'll be seeing the "Incident" at the Bluesfest.

    (Dates from pollstar.com)

  9. In related news, a "T.H.C. Rally" will take place this coming Sat. on Parliament Hill.

    1 pm -> 4:20 pm

    I went last year and it was awesome! Nice smokefest at 4:20 pm.

    Many guest speakers - no tunes though.

    Marc Emery will be speaking - I hope as little as possible. I think he does more harm to our cause than good.

    The T.H.C. stands for Truth, Hope, and Compassion.

    THC Rally

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