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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. I'll be sending a similar e-mail, definitely with the bold section removed. Air Canada's letter to the NHL made absolutely no request that Chara's non-suspension be rescinded. In fact, the news I read indicated Air Canada sent their letter before Chara's hearing even took place.

  2. Yeah that's my take on it too Esau. Good post!

    Unfortunately, many Canadians saw the images of smashed windows and burning cop cars, followed by hundreds of demonstrators arrested, and will conclude that Harper IS right for the job because he (indirectly) rounded up all those "criminals".

    Those same Canadians see the CBC as a left-wing propaganda cop-bashing network.

  3. What do you guys think - was this a situation of the cops being assholes, or did the order come down from the top (Harper) to round up the peaceful protesters so they'd think twice about protesting again? Or a combination of both?

    A few things that struck me as very odd about the whole thing:

    - they had all of those temporary holding cells ready to go. They must have expected to fill them.

    - the cops removed their name badges

    - they closed in on the demonstrators, telling them to go home, without giving them a pathway out of the area

  4. This morning I asked a co-worker if he was going to any Phish concerts. The response was less than enthusiastic.

    This isn't an ice-breaker, but the term "living document" was bandied about at a meeting this morning. I especially hate that meaningless term.

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