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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. I've discussed the green bin and recycling programs with many people. Some are all for it, many are against it.

    Here are some of the comments I've been hearing from the dissenters, followed by my rebuttal. These are actual quotes from co-workers, neighbours, and my father-in-law:

    "I don't believe in recycling".

    WTF? It's not like it's a religion or a laundry detergent! Get a grip.

    "Having to separate my garbage makes me an unpaid employee of the city"

    Oh I see. It's not your garbage, it's the city's garbage. Riiiiight.

    "Recycling is a scam. It all ends up in the landfill anyway"

    You should stop listening to Lowell Green.

    "Those bags for the green bin are expensive".

    True, but you don't have to use them. You can wrap your leftover food in newspapers.

    "In the summer, there are going to be lots of maggots in the green bin"

    Keep your leftover food in the freezer until garbage day. Then put it in the green bin.

    "That's too much work".

    No it's not. I do that and it takes me less than 5 minutes a week. You're just lazy.

    "The green bin is going to get icky".

    You're a pussy.

    To conclude, If a world war breaks out and the people of Canada are called upon to make the kind of sacrifices our grandparents had to make during WWII (e.g. rationing of gas and food, saving scrap metal, etc.), I say we're doomed. We've become a nation of lazy, selfish jerks.

  2. Cheap Trick's latest album, seemingly cleverly titled "The Latest" is available for free in this month's issue of Classic Rock Magazine, along with a Heavy Metal Cookbook calendar.

    The disc is pretty good, and the calendar has some real tasty treats in it.

    Letting ya know......

    I got this as an Xmas gift. Can't wait to try some recipes.

    I listened to the Cheap Trick disc. It's pretty decent.

    They get some pretty big-name acts in Mattawa for their summer festival.

  3. I can't wait for such a bylaw to be passed in Ottawa - just to hear the hue and cry of the right-wing nutjobs. I love it when those people get agitated.

    In the situation you describe Bouche, I suspect they would NOT haul away your garbage - leaving the evidence at the end of your driveway.

  4. I took a lot of time to think about this. Finally, I realized that the music I listened to this year was mostly live Phish downloads, live bootleg recordings from dime-a-dozen, and a lot of classic rock (I'm old, eh).

    I like pretty much all types of music. When it came to compiling my top ten favorites of the year, the task was easy. That's because I only bought 10 new releases this year!

    In no particular order, here they are:

    Neil Young - le Noise

    This one got mixed reviews around here, but I love it.

    Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier

    It took a while to grow on me, but was worth the effort. Heavy rotation on the car stereo this year.

    Robert Plant - Band of Joy

    Plant has surrounded himself with excellent musicians and has mellowed with age.

    Ozzy - Scream

    Strong release from the crazy one. Every song is good.

    Halford - Made of Metal

    I might be including this because Judas Priest was one of my favorite bands years ago, but this solo album rocks!

    Bachman & Turner

    More "geezer" rock. These brand new tunes are catchy! Randy is great on guitar.

    Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

    Does including this give me any "indie cred"? This album rules.

    Blue Coupe - Tornado on the Tracks

    Two former members of BOC with Alice Cooper's old bass player. Some great songs, including "Angel's Well" written by the late Jim Carroll.

    Black Country Communion - self-titled release

    Jason Bonham is the drummer, but the real strength in this band is the soulful rock singing of veteran Glenn Hughes.

    Jimi Hendrix - Valleys of Neptune

    Not really "new" but some of the songs were never released before. And it sounds awesome!

  5. What badams said is true. One company will treat you just as poorly as the other. Eventually you'll fantasize about marching into their head office with all guns blazing.

    Wait until Kanada Kev "ways" in with some info about HD OTA before you make a decision.

  6. My cat was doing the same thing on her back a couple of years ago. I took her into the vet and they tested for any skin conditions (they charged me plenty for the tests).

    No problems were found.

    The vet explained that sometimes cats exhibit strange behavior when they get older, and there's not much that can be done about it.

  7. http://www.rev.gov.on.ca/en/credit/sttb/index.html

    For the December 2010 benefit payment you must:

    * have been a resident of Canada on December 31, 2009 and file a 2009 income tax return by April 30, 2011; or if you were not a resident of Canada on December 31, 2009, provide a statement of 2009 world income to the CRA, by April 30, 2011

    * be 18 years of age or older or have a spouse or common-law partner or live with your dependant child on November 30, 2010

    * be a resident of Ontario on November 30, 2010

  8. Two words: Bru tal!

    What's up with Neil taking an unnecessary boarding penalty in a tie game with 7 minutes left? He must have not got laid before the game.

    So glad I did not pay for my season tix.

    Announced attendance was 16000, I think the actual attendance was somewhat less.

  9. As the owner of an older house, there's always something requiring repair or renovation. Therefore what I would most like to receive are gift cards from home depot, or a similar store.

    2nd row Phish tickets for NYE would be good too.

    As for what I will get other people, I haven't given it a whole lot of thought yet. Magazine subscriptions sound like a good idea.

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