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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Well I just finished by first double down.

    Verdict? I like it! I thought it was quite tasty. Filling too. It's been a long time since I've had any KFC.

    The saltiness didn't bother me.

    I had a delicious homemade garden salad with it, so that kind of balances out the unhealthiness.

    I'll get one of these again, maybe in a couple of months. It's not something I'd want to eat very often.

    Have any of the ladies on the board stepped up and had a double down yet? Because my wife had one she thought it was good too!

  2. Don't forget to vote today!

    For your amusement, I've summarized the platforms of the four main mayoral candidates in Ottawa:

    O'Brien: For football and a subway. Arrogant jerk.

    Watson: just like O'Brien, but with better manners and a deeper voice.

    Doucet: Against football and a subway. Cries on television when he doesn't get his way.

    Haydon: Wants to expand the bus-based transit system he championed in the 80s. Obviously does not commute by bus.

  3. Sounded great to me too in the 200s section.

    Was that "homeless" guy on the floor before the show really Waters?

    Completely blown away by last night's show, but for my money, the Dark Side of the Moon show in 2007 was a bit better - more of a varied song selection, and more band interaction. Still, Waters was in great voice last night.

  4. why are you guys so anti-watson?

    A quote I saw Watson say on TV news several years ago regarding Bob Chiarelli "crying crocodile tears".

    First of all, no one was crying. Second of all, he just said that to make himself sound like the smartest guy in the room.

    That, and him being part of the the McGuinty provincial government is enough to make me not vote for him.

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