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Everything posted by Gr8FuL

  1. W00t W00t!! YEAHHHHHHHH BOY haha cmon taylor i know you had some pull with the websters folks on gettin this in there hahah RIDONKULOUS
  2. "Furthermore" fuck i hate that word and usually the ppl using it suck pretty bad to....usually
  3. a buddy of mine was at the show, who in fact saw them back in the 70's He's a huge fan and said it was absolutly amazing and they were bang on. i'de love to see them live, as long as it wasn't too far to travel
  4. ???wtf? DON't smoke CRACK
  5. HAhahahha only slightly
  6. This coming from the guy with a number and a capital letter in the middle of his name. I'm terribly sorry for the non-standard spelling of your retarded name. Its the license plate on my Van jesus stop givin me sucha hard time....JERK
  7. its Gr8Ful not Gr8Tful no T in it...pfffffft you're such an idiot :laugh:
  8. no arguement here....even though this is the "LETS ARGUE" thread.... bokonon.....FUCK YOU
  9. well shit ya got me there.... ummm fords Suck ...now lets argue
  10. then figure out some other way to add.... Bite me. You'de LOVE thaT
  11. Normally' date=' you'd be my kinda guy. Guns are cool, killing stuff is even cooler, but since you are an admitted DRUG USER, I would have to shoot you if you came near me or anyone else I know. Oh and keep your hands off my stuff. I worked very hard for my things and I have no problem killing people (or anything else for that matter) to protect it, you dirty drug addict.[/quote'] [color:purple]oh yeah i understand man nothing like a couple bowls to get me into the mood for Break and entering to steal all i can!!
  12. then figure out some other way to add....
  13. i could use a bowl or 10 right now.....
  14. nope not valid while breaking and entering a premises.
  15. So yeah heres a thread to argue point for or against something.... I for one am for defending myself, my family, freinds amd my stuff by any means necessary. If this had to include shooting/Maiming another human then so be it. I wouldn't feel bad for it, i woudlnt think twice about it. discuss, add or whatever
  16. I'm soo not a redneck....well maybe slightly
  17. couldnt agree with you more.... i did do somehthing about the neighborhood i lived in, i bought a house in the country where i live now and forever. I own many guns all legally used for hunting and thats their purpose but if someone is breaking or whatever and i feel i or my loved ones are in danger... i'm am taking care of it end of story by whatever means
  18. Oh for fucksakes. You guys need to get over yourselves. i think its you who needs to get over yourself there bud. i'm done with this thread
  19. oh yeha man i dont really hate them jus not into the ne stuff too much , miss the old DAZE. haha well good news man i'll see ya at sloco i'll have some PR's ready to go!!
  20. X-actly! should be seeing you in the dirty John soon eh hickster!! sloco is gona be INTENSE to say the least! Holler at me when ya see me,i'l be well stocke dup to PARTY it Up
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