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Everything posted by Gr8FuL

  1. BONO is the Worlds Biggest Poo.....seriously, i saw it on southpark.....its true
  3. "Hard Sun"-Eddie Vedder......been lovin this Tune non stop since i heard it. Also "For my Friends"- (new) Blind Melon one of the best songs i've heard in a while for sure
  4. "Garcia An American Life" by Blair Jackson. Definetly one of the best, thanks to northernwish for lending it to me.(Still got that by the way ) "Scar Tissue" by Anthony Kiedis,Larry Sloman The best read i've had in a Long time
  5. see ya there friday hickster!!! Safe travels man
  6. jESUS. that would be a sexy truck if it was a toyota
  7. 1.Person you don't know but you have the inescapable feeling you would really get along with when very,very drunk. 1. A tie...between Booche and Calamity Jane(allison) 2.Gr8Ful (bokonon) 3.bokonon (Gr8Ful) 4.Davey boy (Davey Boy) 5.
  8. Fuck cars i'm getting a Helicopter next
  9. there was also cocaine in coca cola.....
  10. haha I liked how you CAPITALIZED "HER" there hahah As if bud, You know you bust outthe MIA gettin ready in the morning, that or "girl just wanna have fun" hahahahah Happy HoliDAZE
  11. i thought it was: Found On Road Dead
  12. nice thank keep em comin i appreciate it!!
  13. love the caribou on the list though Whats an MIA?
  14. Oh really? Wow thanks buddy!! Fuckin SmartASS haha
  15. Just Wondering what are some good bit torrent sites for downloading movies and tv shows? i always used Demonoid but its a no go now it seems thanks
  16. He snorted his own father's ashes...He's nothing short of a true hero.
  17. Thats awesome always love the Dr shows!!! Good work hope to hear and see more of the Dr in the upcoming months
  18. i was at the show at the bell center in montreal, i found it was pretty good for sure at timres just too much going on made it hard on the head. Great show though. was front row center
  19. i bet tina's not beating herself up too much over the death....baaa dump bump chhhh. No class here
  20. really? me, i'm not so amazed
  21. Thank you work for the truck you give me and the gas card i so freely use to fill my other vehicles. Thanks for the awesome christmas party and for the xbox360 you let me win. You guys rock, except of course when you actually expect me to do my job, at that time i really dont like you so much.Keep the free shit coming and will promise to work atleast 35% of the time this new year. Yours truly employee 0583288
  22. i also hate the word "Bokonon" :susel:
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