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Everything posted by Gr8FuL

  1. Yeah i've never beenthere too mcuh went for the first time last jsb show. I spent alot of time in charlotte county especaiily st andrews back in the tidal pool days. I bet we have some common buddies in your home town hickster!!
  2. JSB Friday night Grand theft bus and Share saturday night. Sunday i'm recovering by going 4x4 monster trucking out in the woods hahha no joke
  3. i LOVE THE NEW STUFF.... its great. I didnt think anyone woudl ever be able to fill in and get this band up again after shannon passed, but this guy is doin a hell of a job, Great voice. I hope to see lots more comin from these guys.
  4. The term "Cleveland Steamer" got its name from jerry garcia, when he took a dump while visiting the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and buried northern Ohio under a glacier of fecal matter.
  5. http://www.factgenerator.org/index.php maybe i'm just simple but this has kept me amused for a while here's a few: jerry garcia's dick is so big, it has it's own dick, and that dick is still bigger than yours Trey ' house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
  6. saturdays fine if your in NewBrunswick... otherwise hickster will have to take over and fill my shoes....there not easy to fill either size 15
  7. wow thanks for that bradm... very much appreciated!! thats live right? any details on if these guys are touring or plan on it or releasing a new album?
  8. i dont know about you but i'm a huge fan of the melon......(thats for you bokonon) anyways i've seen this site www.blindmelonmach2.com for about a year now , they have a new lead singer and some KILLER sample tunes up.... but i've never heard any more about it, no tours, no cd release date nothing.... just wondering if anyone else had checked out the site or knew any more info?? let a fella know if you please. Cheers
  9. No' date=' and I don't talk about magic, goblins, giants or pixies either.... just to pre-empt your next question![/quote'] haha
  10. Hey' date=' why don't me, you Gr8ful and band_whore all get in on this? The more the merrier![/quote']
  11. Hickster you better be takin her up on this.........i know i would....hahahaa
  12. Now would be perfect if i wasn't sittin 10+ hours away......damnit
  13. Gr8FuL

    Hot Rod

    whe i saw the title of this thread "HOT ROD" i was sure it was a post by bokonon
  14. In for that' date=' too! How about sexy air hockey?[/quote'] Sounds good when???
  15. there's nothing erotic about chess....Naked ping pong is where the action is....
  16. :blush: obviously someone best be playing with her.......
  17. I Facking Love this Girl hahaha jesus hahah
  18. I gotta say i really enhjoy bokonon's posts too...
  19. Hash and/or Grass my bong Bombay gin Good music Great Friends My dog My house in the country Life in general
  20. its a beautiful area my uncle own a little resturant in town Pluto's Restaurant & Poppa's Pub. good luck on the moosehead job its a great palce to work got lotsa buddies up there. cheeers good luck on the house hunt
  21. No shit. Seems like every third Friday her twat is dripping at full tilt. Come on boys. HELP! Its like walking into a hungry dog wearing meat pants. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAh that was perfect made my evenin cheers
  22. congrats dude!! hope it works out well for ya! cheerZ
  23. Thats SICK as hell hahaha i'm done with this thread
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