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Everything posted by Gr8FuL

  1. You HATE the super bowl!!! Ship back some of those Taylor hot wings back to N.B would ya? thanks haha
  2. I dont live in the city anymore, i live outside the city about 30 mins just past the town of hampton in a place called bloomfield. It'd be great to meet you folks Love to show you around. Theres some really Great places/sites in and around the city if your ever up on a weekend or something i'de be up for a lil tour. i'll pm ya some deetz
  3. this Gr8FuL fella?? thats all i am to you sean? hahahahaha just some fella some random heady dude? hahaha
  4. Gr8FuL

    ha ha ha

    well i had no idea he had to shit he didnt say anything other than pull over at the next store. I beleive i said,"Whoa man, did you step in some dog shit? It Fuckin reaks in here." then he became emabaressed aand out came the fact that no he SHAT himself trying t make it to the bathroom, and in the bag were his shitty pants. Luckily it was a work truck and not my car or he would have been walking. and i'm not sure wy he tried to salvage the pants but he did. he got out of the work truck, waddled over to his car and left, and he is not back today haha
  5. in Saint john theres: Mister Music(standard head shop, glass,papers,clothing etc) The Feel Good Store- natural living, etc on germain st right downtown. The city market- Old school market great produce, Fish,internatinal foods, its great all around. for bars for shows either "Elwoods" on princewilliam st or " Akhord" on water st. if your up for some wings or nacho's and beers, Churchills Pub great deals every night after 8pm a pitcher of beer and a pound of wings or plate of pita nachos is 15$.
  6. Gr8FuL

    I Hate Snow

    Its snowing heavily here in N.B right now after days of beautiful weather, its a real kick in the nuts. Shovellign before work and when i get home is the last way i want to start and end my days. God i cant wait for spring......
  7. Gr8FuL

    ha ha ha

    just thought i'de share this because i still cant stop laughing. I was coming back from a job about an hour ago with my boss(total red neck dick) anyways he tells me to stop somewhere and quick, so i stop at the next place which is about ten mins after he asked. Anyways he jumps out of the work truck and runs into the store. So i'm waiting and waiting over 20 mins rolls around and he finally emerges from the store, with his coat around his waist and carrying a plastic bag. not thinking anything of it he gets in and i start to drive well within a minute or so , i smell rank SHIT, and mention it to him, he looks embarressed and i notice he has bare legs under his work coat aroudn his waist and in the bag were his SHITTY pants... he didnt make it to the bathroom and SHAT his pants....... oh man made my day haha gross as hell and he'll neve rlive it down. I can see him not coming back to work on monday!! hahahahahaa Enjoy your weekends folks!! I know i will hahhaaha
  8. Nice i was out at whistler over the holidays for 4 days too, it was awesome. Enjoy your ridin man
  9. underground i bet.....never have to brush the snow off your car
  10. lets hope not i was hopiin to ge tto coachelle but that lineup wont bring me there...not even close
  11. i've been highley addicted to phad thai since the first one i had maybe 2 years ago. Can't get enough. My favorite dish hands down
  12. I dont know if theres any good thai places by you, but i had a Shrimp Phad Thai for lunch today, and it was soo good i'm thinkin about heading back to grab one for supper on the way home tonight
  13. those are cool as hell. You should post up how they end up working, i'm curious to know.
  14. "Manic Nirvana" & "Now and Zen"-Robert Plant "Nothing is Easy: Live at the isle of wight 1970"-Jethro Tull "Into the Wild"(soudntrack)
  15. I hate music...... and to all a goodnight
  16. Gr8FuL


    Gr8ful's in town? hahahaha not yet
  17. Stuck workign until 10pm..... total bullshit i'm a technician and i have Zero appointments for the day, but for some reason they need me around to do nothing and wastemy time and their money until 10pm.....GOODTIMES.
  18. Up and At'Em Pole top rescue kit. Fuck you and the Fuckin Fucks
  19. I did not know that. thanks for the info S. joni who? hahaha
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