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Everything posted by Gr8FuL

  1. Gr8FuL

    Tax Cuts!

    i'll take it,anything help s when ya make as little as I do... jesus i hate my Fackin JOB
  2. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    FACK i'm frustrated as hell with this the police havent done shit, talke to me for like 30 seconds while i was on the strecher, woudln't i have been charged if i went through a red causing an accident? wtf? sorry i'm just frustrated and have no idea what to do
  3. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    theres a flashing green arrow for car coming from the direction the guy who hit my came from, then it goes solid green for ppl to go straight throgh the intersection and anyone turning to yeild and proceed. the light was solid grreen before i even got to the intersection buddy came through it trying to cut left and smoked me. the witness said the guy who hit me was stopped at the lights on his side then i came up and started through and the guy hit me, at the speed which buddy hit me its impossible he was at a stop he coudlnt never get the half ton truck up to 60kms within a 10-15ft area he had before he hit me
  4. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    The police have interviewed this "witness" he states he wa parked at the light going in the other direction, but that makes no sense if i ran a red then he woudl have been parked sitting at a green to have seen me? makes no sense i feel totally helpless they wont even give me buddies name who hit me for some reason. total Bullshit. I dont know how this random is a credible witness? its crazy that i could take fault for something know i am not at fault for at all.
  5. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    So i have finally heard back form insurance, and some random witness states I ran a red light. So i am at fault. This is not the case, as i slowed down approaching the red the light turned full green well before i was even close to entering the intersection and as i proceded through goping straight buddy hit me making a left turn. they say he was stopped at the light then a went through and he hit me as he started through, this mames no sense because he could not have hit me with the force he did from a stop in that short of a distance? where this witness is a "independant " witness they have to take his claim into acount? Anyone have any idea what i can do abotu this. I've never been more sure about naything in my life, i know i'm not at fault and the light was solid green. stonemountain? haha anyone?
  6. dont miss this show that 1 guy is amazing. buy the dvd if you ge the chance live form the land of OZ! you wont regret it!!
  7. haha i'm only messin with ya. cheers
  8. So your not single?? haha :crazy:
  9. JUst grabbed my tix for the Gothic Arches show friday in SJ!!! First time checkin out King sunshine can;t funkin wait!! Safe travels
  10. Speaking of friggin kids, caught a couple trying to peel with my pumpkins off my deck last night.......CAUGHT em....hahaah the look on their scared ass faces when i popped oiut from aroudn the corner and busted em red handed let me know these kids wont be back....I fucked with em pretty bad though..haha i was feelin pretty lifted so let em go they're rakin my lawn this weekend. lil bastards
  11. beligerant yelling at shows and highley portable? are you sure you're single?
  12. " oh man wow, i totally can't feel my face"
  13. [quote=bokonon You got the wrong band whore with that one. I'm the one that yells excessively and beligerantly. I think i'm in love hahaha
  14. thanks for sending me those nekkid pics bokonon. Now someone on this board has em. i'll forward them shortly newrider :laugh:
  15. Well then' date=' let's see your pics!!! I should start a poll: "Who wants to see nekkid pics of Gr8ful?"[/quote'] If my only connection wasn't at work i woudl Sooo put up pics!!! haha just moved to the country and there's no internet avail. As soon as its availible i Will post all kinds just for you bokonon....haha until then you can just imagine
  16. HAHAHAHA oh man i hear that
  17. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    thanks again i was wondering when stonemtn would give his input haha thanks
  18. he's supposed to be bruce willis? i thought buddy was dresed up as 2pac
  19. AHAHAAH sure thing.... i'm on it :grin:
  20. Hahaha we'll see what i can do.....nekkid pics of yourself floating around the internet isnt usually a good thing. dont think my work woudl liek me uploading them either...not that i have them and carry them aroudn with me on a memory stick or somethang.... hahahahalol
  21. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    thanks for the vibes, well wishes and info folks. hopefully things work out by the end of the week. I got king sunshine and god made me funky mardi gras halloween party to attend. Cheeers
  22. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    i havent been able to get a copy from the police they say they wioll take care of it? pfft I'm recovering well thanks. I';m luckey to be alive another 3 inches back and the guy who hit me would have driven right through me. So i'm thankful to just be banged up, with a concussion because it ws a terrible crash.
  23. Gr8FuL

    Legal info?

    I was in a car accident last thursday where i was not at fault. was removed form the scene by ambulance n a stretcher where i spent 2 days in the hospital. it is now monday and the police still have not sent an accident report to the insurance company. when i calle dto inquire as to why they had no answer for me. Does anyone know if theres an ammount of time they have legaly to forward those reports off to insurance? i'm left without a vehicle unitl this happens and forced to miss work. any help woudl be appreciated. cheers
  24. Best thing EVER HAHAHAH thanks for this Sean........Is january yet? Pumped for Nero. Hope you're ready for the party i'm bringin!!!
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