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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. from my favorite episode

    Al: [reflected in Homer's head] Homer, did you polish your head in the Shine-O Ball-O?

    Homer: Mmm...no.

    and also...

    KNIGHT BOAT! the crime solving boat!


    and again....

    Homer: [voice-over] I was in heaven. If horseracing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a...very good sport as well.

    and the cream of the crop...

    Marge: Homey, I --

    Homer: Can't talk, praying. Dear Lord, the gods have been good to me and I am thankful. For the first time in my life, everything is absolutely perfect just the way it is. So here's the deal: you freeze everything as it is, and I won't ask for anything more. If that is OK, please give me absolutely no sign. [brief pause] OK, deal. In gratitude, I present you this offering of cookies and milk. If you want me to eat them for you, please give me no sign.

    [brief pause] Thy will be done! [mows down]


  2. i just bought a versa-drive enclosure.

    my laptop is 4 years old, 30 gig HD died once already, and after having my computer on 24 hrs for a weeks straight (oink x-mas special...5g's uploaded!) i started to get scared about my drive dying again. Imagine dropping a plastic marble-sized ball on to a table - thats what my hard drive sounded like. I think the arm-thingy in the drive was indexing and then returing the "home" position realy fast, so it would "bounce". Strange - it hasn't done it since. But i used my Maxtor 200G drive (ata-133) in this new versa drive and it works well. Can't comment on the reliability as i've had it for only a few days. It has a 12V power input, 2 firewire ports, USB, and built in fan. Apparently having a fan is good but only if the drive is on for a long time. If you are using yours for back-up, don't splurge for the built in fan, however if the drive will be running constantly, get one with a fan. I got mine at Victoria Park/Steeles E for $45

  3. if anyone is interested, someone recorded the show:


    funny that you can download bootlegs of a coverband.

    Here is a 1974 soundboard of genesis doing the same setlist (oink only)


    If anyone wants a copy of the freshly remastered 1973 DVD, drop me a PM. 1 hour (5 songs) of the best pro-shot genesis from selling england by the pound.

  4. Sorry we didn't make it out Kevin.

    Paan and I were eating at Scotland Yard...Velvet and Phrbesie only got in 20 mins before the show so we couldn't make it up to you guys.

    WOW what a kick-ass show. I still get crazy goosebumps at certain points of the show. Afterwards we had another round and yummy mexican food at Sneaky dee's.

    Good times had by all

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