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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. Spacey songs or songs about space or spacemen:

    1. Klaatu - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft

    2. The Disco Biscuits - Astronaught

    3. Sun Ra - Space is the Place

    4. Frank Zappa - Conehead

    5. Kula Shaker - Mystical Machine Gun

    6. Rush - Cygnus X-1

    7. Boney-M - Nightflight to Venus

    8. Jamiroquai-Cosmic Girl

    9. The Police - Walking on the Moon

    10. Grateful Dead - Standing on the Moon

    11. April Wine - Bad Side of the Moon


    *** don't repeat these ***

    #13 Songs about spacemen:

    1. Jimmy Swift Band - Astronauts attempting to take off their spacesuits so that they may copulate

    2. Jimi Hendrix Experience - Third Stone From The Sun

    3. Bif Naked - Spaceman

    4. David Bowie - Space Oddity

    5. The Good Ole Grateful Dead - Dark Star

    6. Deep Purple - Space Truckin

    7. Elton John - Rocket Man

    8. Belle and Sebastian - A Space Boy Dream

    9. Galactic - Space Headz March

    10. Astral Projection - Flying Into A Star

    11. Prince - Space

    12. Funkadelic - Maggot Brain

  2. However, what the students find most interesting is how ergot infections of grain storage over human history have led to periodic mass hallucinations as entire villages tripped out, completely unaware of the reason why. In order to rid the village of that apparent evil, a scapegoat was usually sought out, typically being a weird spinster lady who was labeled a witch and blamed as the cause of the LSD hex. Apparently, many witch hunts of the past were responses to widespread acid trips from inadvertent ergot poisonings.

    I love this theory. I always chuckle at the thought of someone thinking their neighbour is flying, and yelling out in town square "SHE's A WITCH!!!" To live in the pre-LSD world, with no knowledge of psychadelics or why the fuck your walls are melting...this seems like a very acceptable conclusion. A sad one at that, but undoubtably comical by today's standards.

  3. too funny! I fully had a LYS miracle - on saturday all these people (organizers, friends of) were helping me...with presure points, massage...everyone said i would be out of commision for a few days. I ended up drinking myself numb and dancing the night anyway. i did this fully expecting to make things worse but I actually woke up on sunday feeling much better. Not perfect but at least i was still able to drive myself home.

    It was a wicked festival last year and was the only one that didn't get rain. (may24, shorline and moedown were all soakers!)

    edit; i had to look up gait...


  4. Hey tungsten, have we met before?

    interestesting tid-bit about the "CV" history. If anyone is interested, this is a great site outlining the hammond in all its glory:


    Also, check out my home-made leslie! should be making its debut at the Casbah on march 5.

    I took this:


    and made this:




    the amp was in repairs when these shots were taken. Its a 1960's 100w tube PA head. Since this cabinet does not have a rotating horn the acceleration sound is not as impressive. I run a roland VK-7 which has an impressive leslie simiulation and takes care of the speed-up sound. This amp shakes the house! The baffle is not traditional, rather has a built in 6x9 cone. the 15" is purly for the bass tones (i dont use pedals). I also built a crossover to maximize the tremolo sound.

  5. why isn't this at pjc? tradition!

    quit your bickering. i'm sure pjc will host the april 20th show.

    I agree with paisly and alexis, except who the hell are the achievers? what a dumb name. Been a while since I've seen slowcoaster, they were my favourite back when i lived out east and you can be sure they will out drink everyone at the bar.

  6. New Topic - Songs about rivers

    1. Johnny Cash - Big River

    2. Tea Party- The river

    3. Talking Heads - Take Me to The River

    4. Jeff Beck Group - Ol' Man River

    5. Al Green - Take Me To The River

    6. The Beatles - River Rhine

    7. Robert Johnson - Traveling Riverside Blues

    8. Boney M - Rivers of Babylon





  7. Chalmers: Seymour!

    Skinner: Superintendent; I was just, uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise. Care to join me?

    Chalmers: Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Seymour?

    Skinner: Uh, oh, that isn't smoke, it's steam. Steam from the steamed clams we're having. [rubs stomach] Mmm -- steamed clams.


    Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouth-watering hamburgers.

    Chalmers: I thought we were having steamed clams.

    Skinner: Oh, no, I said, "steamed hams." That's what I call hamburgers.

    Chalmers: You call hamburgers steamed hams.

    Skinner: Yes, it's a regional dialect.

    Chalmers: Uh-huh. What region?

    Skinner: Uh, upstate New York.

    Chalmers: Really. Well, I'm from Utica and I never heard anyone use the phrase, "steamed hams."

    Skinner: Oh, not in Utica, no; it's an Albany expression.

    Chalmers: I see.


    Chalmers: You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones the have at Krusty Burger.

    Skinner: [laughs] Oh, no, patented Skinner burgers. Old family recipe.

    Chalmers: For steamed hams.

    Skinner: Yes.

    Chalmers: Yes, and you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled. [shows Skinner the grill marks]

    Skinner: Uh ... you know ... one thing I sh-- ... 'scuse me for one second.

    Chalmers: Of course.


    Skinner: [faking a yawn] Well, that was wonderful. Good time was had by all. I'm pooped.

    Chalmers: Yes, I guess I should be -- Good Lord, what is happening in there?

    Skinner: Aurora Borealis?

    Chalmers: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? A this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?

    Skinner: Yes.

    Chalmers: May I see it?

    Skinner: Oh, erm... No.

  8. Homer describes his sugar-selling success to Marge.

    Homer: And you didn't think I'd make any money. I found a dollar while I was waiting for the bus.

    Marge: While you were out "earning" that dollar, you lost forty dollars by not going to work. The plant called and said if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.

    Homer: Woo hoo! Four-day weekend.

    (homer only makes $40/day for being a nuclear saftey inspector???)

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