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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. one of the highlights of my weekend:

    i was standing in line for the porto-potti and 2 guys from this board were talkin behind me (i knew they were from here because they were talkin about Cully)...anyway

    one of them goes "shavin my shoulders" ...(homer quote) ... genius. who was it?

    Yes!! that was me - Prost and I had a good chuckle . Did you see 'disgruntled' homer above the VW bus?

    AMAZING weekend - After shoreline I knew exactly what to pack and I stayed perfectly warm and dry and had killer boots to rock the mud. Yes the rain was a damper but didn't hinder the fun level what-so-ever. Afternoon set with afro was very fun, umphrey's and 1st moe set Saturday eve in the rain (during Water) with Slave to the Groove was the highlight of the weekend for sure.

    Thanks to the ottawa/ontario crew & ohio folks for making the weekend what it was. Also Baj for the ride and all the other fine folks who came out this weekend and braved the weather!

    The crime spree on Friday night friggin' blew goats - sorry to everyone who got hit.

  2. ANyone doing willcall - or any other 'shipping' choice for that matter....is it strange that there is no payment confirmation whatsoever? It says "your order has been processed"....but thats it, no confirmation number, no confirmation email...

  3. that hatred will never go away.

    golda meir said "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us". The UN can't do anything to settle the argument...this will eventually settle down and just repeat itself in a few years. what a fucking world

  4. Music hall 8 times (all selling england)

    massey hall twice (my only 2 lamb shows)

    once in Montrael - foxtrot @ the spectrum in '03

    spectrum is intresting because its general admission, and they set up round bar tables in the center of the room. plus a line up starts to build around lunch

    the music hall was the shit - a tiny theater with a bar, cushy seats and NO crazy ushers. I remember the guy from Q-107 introducing the band at one of my first shows...he asked for the crowd to be conciderate to those around them and not smoke. everyone started boo-ing so he quickly announced 'no smoking tabacco!' and everyone cheered. even the really really old couple next to me sparked a j.

    I hear Oakville is a nice venue. i would definatly catch the show if it came that close...

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