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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. Make it a battle of wits or pride and you're bound to come out on the losing side.

    Nice choice of words man. and it rhymes!

    Our crossing was really strange. after the usual round of questions - citizenship, purpose & length of visit - he asked us how much money we had. We each had between $50-$100 at the time, to which he paused, then replied "uhhh....i dunno guys, you're making me nervous" then something along the lines of not having enough money to get back into Canada. We reiterated that we were just going for one night and he let us pass. that was it...

    But what an odd thing to say

  2. I've never taken photos at a show before, last night i found out my camera couldn't handle the task.

    With no flash you have to be mighty still to get a good shot...which is not easy at all after the shakedown street partying.

    Unfortunatly i got no shots of phil, only video, which is shakey, and unusually large concidering the length of footage.

    I didn't actually think of getting any footage of GRAB, but I did manage to get one shot of them with the flash, afterwhich security was on me like white on rice.


  3. I want to see slowcoaster there. last year they had a mid-day short set that didn't do it up for me. And they were on after Universal Soul...thank god they arent on the bill

    funny how there are no real oldschool jambands at this gig, except GTB who are NOT playing evolve...and i dont concider them a jam band anymore...looks like everyone else is over in the evolve camp. C'mon BNB! come to the island

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