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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. Don't miss the Slippermen at the Opera House next month (then The Musical Box in December). Gabriel-era Genesis is incredible.

    i wouldn't miss tmb for the world...even for the REAL thing (seriously). Not too sure about the slippermen - tmb set such a high standard, i'll be too critical of these guys, plus its $30 that i could rather spend in december. Its been 3 years since the last Selling England tour, i can wait another 3 months!

  2. Just got in....what a crazy week!!! GRAB...Baj forgetting my shit, a straight drive to PEI in time for dinner Wednesday night...the rest is fuzzy...

    I don't want to speculate what happened at the fest...What i will complaint about though, was getting an unwelcomed visit from security at 2am Sunday morning. 2 guys with flashlights bust into our shelter yelling "Wristband check!" - as i'm peaking no less - I'm blinded by the lights and confused as hell....schwa is trying to explain whats going on as I try to piece together what is causing shoreline security to be complete douche bags.

    But other then that and the dissapointment of missing some good acts on sunday, the rest of our stay in PEI turned out to be a kick-ass party back in Rustico.

    Thanks to Punk and Bug for the superb hospitality, ..the ottawa crew...you guys party harder then anyone i know...You made me feel very welcome and I had a blast trying to keep up with all you guys. ...tooo much, tooo much.

    Glad to finally meet all you o-town peeps...schwa, Gateaux, Bitsy, Tuglets, Dinghy, Asparagus, Freeker, Sloth, LoMac, sunshine, Douglas, Booche, and ofcourse, mean-face. you will all be on my mind throughout this crunch month at work...

    to moe.down?

    P.s. - he called the shit "poop"!

  3. Not sure if it is a setting, but I use azureus and before the download begins it gives me the option of which files to download. Also, while the dl is in progress you can view the % complete of each file, select the priority status of each one. If you are downloading a movie for instance, you can tell it to download the sample clip first.


    I know that there are other programs that do this too, but azureus is pretty good

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