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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. Thanks Kev, although that tap water tasted oh so good! If I was actually buying by the bottle I would have had more then 4 during the night...it helps the pain but by no means cures it.

    Update: opera house management says that if you buy a bottle of water they let you take that into the washroom. Ooooh such luxuory. and i'm sure that the tap water in the washroom is the same as that at th bar, but its just so gross drinking the pee-room.

  2. Heres my deal with the opera house...on saturday before the show I upchucked my dinner, leaving me with a horrid burning throat - the bar refuses to give tap water (even when both barstaff are not busy), but they're fine with you taking a cup to fill in the bathroom. I was in so much discomfort that I tried to do just that, only to find out that security won't let me into the bathroom with an empty cup. So I can't leave the venue to get water, I cant get into the bathroom...fine I'll go to the bar to get a bottle - which I believe I can buy with my $2.75 subway change for the ride home - nope, a bottle is $3.50.

    -end rant.

    Last time Randolph was the Horsepoo I had a ticket and completly spaced on the date! daaaaamn

  3. definatly a top qualifier for longest sentance ever payce...

    I grew up in toronto and always loved it. then I moved to halifax for 2 years and fell in love with it and coincidedly (sp?) started hating toronto.

    I could not see myself living in halifax for more then a few years, (say, longer then the average university degree).

    I lived in hamilton for a year and enjoyed it. I regularly go back for its music scene and good folk (lookin' yer way lazlo).

    Now i'm back in toronto and I dont love it, but I dont really hate it either. As long as I can move freely between hamilton and toronto with the random trip out east, i'm happy.

    btw, my 7:15 wake up this morning went well, as did my first day of work (finishing carpenter apprentice-ish lacky).

  4. that show freaked me out as a kid...remember the dude who sponaniously combusts? they find his skull has shrunk to the size of a fist but everything else is gone - the room he was sitting in is intact, of course.

    according to spinal tap, hundreds of people spontaneously combust each year...although it isn't widely reported...

  5. sad i didn't get to meet the dima...

    i bumped into freak by night though. It was good to get to know all yous who I didn't meet in PEI...prost,cully,stapes,jay,kyla,jonyak,bradm, steph,mattm...

    As for Scott, Jordan and Lisa...where the hells were ya'll? You can bet the "poop behind the bule" story was retold countless times. poop.

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