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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. nah paan was with me at the Musical box last time. Slippermen is a bit pricey, and i probably will not make it..(i just forked out a ton for tmb).

    I agree, I've seen 11 shows from most every perspective, and being about 15 rows back in the the center is the place to be. I was on the floor 2 years ago, and in the balcony off to the side last year, so i'm super excited to sit in the middle this time!

  2. Seth Green’s made it hip to be a nerd again. Who knew the dude who was the werewolf from Buffy the Vampire Slayer was, in fact, a comic genius? We’ve been enjoying RC for the last two years, and it’s about damn time we spread the love. So for all you stoners, drunks and lollygaggers that haven’t seen the show—named, apparently, for a meal on a Chinese food menu—we present to you the 10 best sketches Robot Chicken has ever offered up.


  3. just wanted to say thanks to all the musicians and skanks and skank musicians for a fantastic weekend.

    I fucked up my back something awefull during my sleep on friday night and was walking around the camp like a hunchback...I was pleasantly suprised at all the good vibes, recovery tips, and massages i receieved. I got a good drink on and danced it up on saturday night despite the pain - only to wake up on sunday feeling better then ever. Still sore right now but going out on a limb last night was sooooo worth it.

    The music was wicked, and it was nice to see so many people with kids and dogs. Burt's set was stellar as always...perma-smiles all around. I really enjoyed the bluegrass band "scotia junction" - atleast i think that was their name. Also, the saturday night caution jam / Fat Cats seamless set kicked ass! It was short but sweet.

    LED disc with Deeps...drawbar's chewbaca belt...double bass at the campfire jam...overload! pleasure overload!!!

  4. me and some friends were sitting by the pool last night enjoying some drinks when my buddy drew goes to piss in the back of the yard and spots a raccoon. It looked young and was acting very bizzar...spinning around in circles and scratching its head.


    First my friend tried to touch it with a broom, to which the little guy started playing with like a cat.


    then for somereason drew tries to pet the little fucker


    Then it lay down and went to sleep. After 2 mins I was sure the thing had died


    Here is the last picture i got before falling into the pool with the camera as the little guy was walking towards me


    hopefully drew woke up this morning. it was pretty neat seeing a non-vicious raccoon.

  5. It's all targeted propaganda. All I got off of that page was the thrill of F-1 inspired paddle shifting from Acura.

    HAH. oh man....

    Agreed that mel gibson should not be on the front page, but then again...its the media, and media is fucked. Celebrity gossip is out of control...and its the SUN??? need i say more

    Anyway, I feel that the media has been very un-helpful for Israel in the war against people who want to destroy israel. Also, what do I know? Everything i gather is from media...everyone does. but i guess i have influences around me that say the media is shifty when it comes to the situation in the mid-east

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