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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. I walked out with nothing.

    You should be completely embarrased that you started this post now that you realize the entire world can see how much of an putz you are. How easy is it to pick out free music???????????

    Why do I need free music when I have Oink for anything i'd ever need...I specifically wanted a music DVD of some sort, as i enjoy those the best...And i think it was a wise choice to walk out as that HMV was in yorkdale which sucks balls.

    funny thing about the zeppelin - i absolutly love song remains the same, and I did buy the new box set a while ago but I rarely watch it.

    So i went with afro's choice of "Miles Electric: A different Kind of Blue". Its really good, but i dont know how often i'm gonna watch it. in hindsight i should have picked up bangladesh...that was 22$ and i ended up finding a $7 Bill Evan's "essential collection" which sucks BALLS.

    Thanks for the suggestions...umphrey's is definatly on the list.

  2. Anyone know of swedish rockers 'dungen'?

    saw them tonight at lee's palace, very cool! (despite undecipherable swedish lyrics)...phenominal muscianship...very cool to watch...

    I'll post the recording sometime this week...(I dont know their taping policy so it may not hit the archive)

    When I first heard their CD "Ta Det Lugnt" i thaught it was interesting, but I was not compelled to get past track 2...mostly because the lyrics are swedish...but DAMN i was converted at the show, and I think this recording will go well with some of ya'll.

  3. I've been skiing/snowboarding pretty much all my life. Then in the teenage years it started to get really really boring because our southern ontario hills are so small...takes 30 seconds to get to the bottom of the hill. I have gone maybe once in the past 3 years...I wanna live in whistler!!!

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