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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. was $10, great show! I enjoyed it better then the CTMF gig....but that may be attributed to the fact that I was dead by sunday night...

    3rd taped show for me so far...damn battery box is giving me problems again! I did have to leave after the 1st encore song though, about 1hr 45mins into their set. I assume they played 1 or 2 more songs. They did the Fools Overture to open again...some new stuff too that I dont' recal hearing on sunday.

  2. Here Ye! Here Ye!

    Seeing the band last weekend brought back many fond memories. It was the first performance i'd seen the show since Labour day and it truly reminded me why I adore the music so much. This past year saw a very relaxed touring schedual, ever so slowly my Shag carpet CD slowly drifted to the back of my music rotation. I've had such a great time rocking out to burt at numerous venues...most notably my first show, forever ingrained in my mind, -January 2003 at the horseshoe- the very next night after my first jamband show ever (gtb & jsb seamless sets). Also, the 2003 Beer Festival at Fort York...I went by myself and was one of 4 people in the audience. It was where I heard 'by the door' for the very first time...it stands out as the day I truely came to realize the perma-smile inducing music that the band is capable of dispensing.

    This weekend I grooved to a shit load of very enjoyable music. Seeing BNB and once more reliving the joy i get out of their music - something which i had nearly forgotten - put the preverbial "icing on the cake" that was CTMF.

    Looking forward to the next stop...

    Don't stop rocking!

  3. Oh yes, I forgot that I saw alexis at both PJC and frontier town.

    I also forgot to note that JSB opened with Supertramp's "Fools Overture"...I quite enjoyed it.

    Brad, it was my first recording (iriver hp-120), and the mics and battery box were Larryllama's. LL recorded the surly young bucks at the casbah the night before and one of the connections in the box became loose. Basically if you touched the battery box at all, one of the chanels would cut out. Good news and bradm news: Dave's set came out well. I think. It needs to be mastered but its all there save for last 15 seconds where i touched the battery box and one of the chanels cut out. Slowcoaster's set was not as fortunate - We didn't have headphones to monitor the recording. The whole first set was recorded, but the battery box cut out and one of the chanels was clipping the entire time. It can be salvaged if you can deal with it being mono. After realizing at setbreak what had happened, we went home to get shut-eye for come together.

    Some unfortunate news about thursday; I found out that Devon no longer plays drums. Also Darren was not in attendence for this show.

    edit to add: the battery box is fixed and i will have another practice run tommorw for plaskett

  4. I stink like camp fire.

    The campground is really cool. The saloon is wicked...I loved the swinging doors. My only complaint is that it was waaaay to small for comfort. I dont think it could even hold 100 people. The first night even more so because there were couches all over the place.

    Music highlights:

    -my first harvard mouse show

    -Caution Jam closing friday night. Holy shit balls. I believe ryan(?) from Diesel Dog sat in on keys

    -Burt, my first show since Labour day, a wicked set of both new and old. Speedbump encore kicked ass!

    -slowcoaster closing saturday night was great, but i couldn't move in the crowd. there was some numb-nuts dancing like a mad fool, falling into people. I think mattm sustained damage which ended his weekend...<<<<<>>>>>>>

    -sunday was an intense day...it snowed over night and was pissing rain until lunch time. Drinking ensued. 5pm Jomomma, more beer, 7pm fatties, more beer, 8pm JSB...my ride left soon after, missed diesel dog.

    Nice meeting some skanks...afropoppa was hard to miss...mattm...calamity jane, evilmouse, fairysari, smoothshreder...'twas fun people!!

    Lauzon + slowcoaster at PJC on thursday was really neat. dave played to a practically empty house. I should have the recording up in the near future.

    Plaskett tommorw!!

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