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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. There's a ben folds five dvd?? I know of the Sessions 54, and today I saw Ben Folds and the West Australian symphony orchestra live in Perth DVD. Can you get me details on that?

    Thanks for the suggestion guys. Umphrees definatly sounds interesting..."Miles Electric: A different Kind of Blue" as well. And now that Blind Melon one is in my mind...damn! Now I have too many to choose from.

  2. a year ago I got a $30 hmv gift card for my birthday. its been in my wallet all year and today i finally found myself near the store so i went in. I walked out with nothing.

    I need some suggestions people. There is no music I want to buy, (thank you oink), but my main interest lies in music DVD's. One problem, that store (maybe all?) doesnt' have a dedicated music dvd section. They stick the random dvd's in the CD section, this makes browsing a pain in the ass.

    Being in that store made me really angry because about half of their merchandise is TV DVD's. In this world of dwindling oil, why the fuck are we wasting it to produce DVD's of TV shows that have long since been cancelled? Yes I agree there is a nostalgic feeling of seeing these things, (like peewee's playhouse) but it runs thin very fast. How many times will you watch 4 disc seasons of Alf, or 3's company? Anyway..end rant.

    Has anyone had a chance to see "Blind Melon - Live at the Metro, September 27, 1995"? Is it any good? I specifically avoid those Music DVD's that look all good, but then you buy them only to find out its a lame documentary with little full song coverage...just critics yapping on about nothing.

    Any suggestions for kick ass music dvd's? Previous purchases that have done well are Song remains the same, and Last waltz.

  3. HAhahahaha

    paan, the guy who was a tape recorder was soundwave, i dont think the actual tape had a name...he just flew away and spy'd the autobots

    I think they should have been more faithful to prime's recreation...figure out a better way to store his hands (not in his chest cavity)...and make the "shoulders" fold back more smoothly...keep the size and die-cast material.

    what am i talking about??? I'm never gonna spend money this crap even if they did release it to my liking

  4. kooky, you must come to Ottawa for Canada Day: Friday night BNB with Peter Elkas at Mavericks, then the usual Ottawa Canada Day party at "that place" on Saturday.



    holy cow i might actually be in O-town for c-day visiting my ol' halifax roomies. What is the ticket situation like?

  5. I have a few 200 gig Maxtor "DiamondMax Plus 9" internal drives. They have had very little usage and are near mint. Each one has been thoroughly tested. Asking $50 a piece, should be less than or around $10 to ship within canada. These are good working drives, I can allow returns within 2 weeks if they act up.

  6. I had great luck on port 1720, i'm on rogers in the toronto area. (keep in mind, you have to access your router setup's "port forwarding".

    When I joined I kept an eye out at the top of the fresh torrents list, found a thing called "pitchfork's top 100 albums of the 70's". It was bullocks, just some list...but it had 2 seeds and 99 leechers...I jumped on, left it on for 4 days, in the end I had 7 gig down, 27 up. I can grab over 200 mp3 albums before seeding again.

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