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Everything posted by d_rawk

  1. Always taking the side of the underdog. You're the best, man. I was going to make the comment in StoneMtn's "identify this guy" thread, but it has already been so hijacked by mass confusion that I figured you deserved a thread of your own.
  2. Yeah, that does stir kinda an uneasy feeling. So does Prentice, though. Really I don't think it matters who has the portfolio though ... Harper has been running a tight show (tight ship? I think I'm tired), and the chips would have fallen the same way no matter who had been environment minister. She's the fall girl for the decisions to date of the PMO. (And I, apparently, mix cliches and metaphors like they were rum and coke) Hopefully the fact that things have come so far that a cabinet shuffle is necessary to make public ammends will lead the PMO to re-evaluate the game plan. One hopes. One hopes.
  3. Did you mean where does it start, or where does it end? If you meant end, I think that you are right and my idea could be extended into a lot of areas that we might not want it to extend to. It really does invite a lot of questions of where the public documentation of all things that the state touches should start or end, and what that would mean to the privacy of those involved in those same state interactions. I'd also be more concerned that the logic could be extended to culminate in mandatory viewings of executions - a chilling thought - although I think that there are stronger currents in (small 'l') liberal democracies to guard against such things. I might not be tracking you properly though. I don't really necessarily feel that all executions should be broadcast these days though ... I'm a wee bit tamer and less shoot from the hip in my older years. Although I haven't really thought about it in any depth for a long time. I'm not sure where I would stand today if I took the time to walk the argument through, but my guess would be that I'd stand with you -- that it is arbitrary to isolate capital punishment alone, and that the precedent would be set to treat every aspect of the justice system similarly. You're on to something.
  4. I've been hoping a bit that you might end up revisiting this thread to give a couple more concrete ideas about how you might want to drill down into those larger topics in the first post. All four could be really interesting (or not) depending on what you do with them. Surely you must have entertained at least a couple specifics by now? So ... yeah ... *bump*
  5. Thanks for that article. Far too often, loss of privilege is confused with persecution. Bears repeating. And this too. The following may not fit the discussion, exactly, but it's a cute anecdote. And it probably fits well enough. Andrew Carnegie: Well you know Mark, whether you like it or not, America is a Christian country. Mark Twain: I know that Andrew. But so is hell. (lifted from the opening of this talk by Gary Wills)
  6. Oh no ... first Ayn Rand, and now Tim LaHaye? You and I are going to, like, have to do battle or something. (just teasing. and you'd probably kick my ass anyways.)
  7. I'd thought mine was in that Mods/Beat(nik)s thread, but it turns out it was in the Freeker/Stapes/Hux/Sloth appreciation thread. "I'm coming out of a long, hard lurk to say ..."
  8. I used to think that capital punishments should always be broadcast on television, at least in a democracy, but on a public network so that there was no profit incentive (ie. not Pay Per View). The logic being that if someone is being executed in your name - as an individual from whom the state derives its authority - it should damn well be in your face so that you might understand the severity of what is being done and what you've asked it to do. Public executions make a lot of sense to me that way. Not in a totalitarian state, where public executions are used as a way of terrorizing the populace into submission, and not as casual spectacle, but in a democracy where the burden of the horror should be shared collectively and solemnly if it is to happen at all. Not sure where this fits into this discussion. Happy New Year?
  9. Yikes, thank gawd Guigsy called and woke my sorry ass up, or I'd probably have slept through the entire night. It's 8:30 now, so I'm definately not making it there that early. I'll push my luck and see what happens if I hit the doors a bit later on. See y'all there, maybe
  10. Soooooo .... Anybody have any idea what the chances are of a boy without a ticket getting into this thing?
  11. Depends ... I think can-o-phish was talking about working with audio/video (recording and editing). If you're just talking storage and playback, USB 2 is fine.
  12. (I satisfied myself by having adopted an air of righteous indignation in response to TLLOM's post. Removed with apologies as there's no need for me to make sport of a thread like this)
  13. d_rawk

    yayyyyyy God

    You'll probably like it, KK. I'd been eyeing it after listening to an interview with Kilpatrick and meggo surprised me with a copy a little while ago (thanks meggo!). It's fun. He (Kilpatrick/LarkNews) is also the source of that "Jesus loves me, but I just want to be friends" t-shirt that has been popular on the forums lately ... Next up:
  14. d_rawk

    yayyyyyy God

    "Now, i've gotta find the strength to survive 3 days with born-agains up in Parry Sound"
  15. d_rawk

    yayyyyyy God

    Anybody catch Mark Kelley's piece on the National Tuesday night? He spent 7 days with 7 different evangelical organizations. He was delightfully smarmy, I thought :laugh: In other "yayyyyy God" news, Secular Ontario is threatening legal action against 18 Ontario municipalities that continue to open their council meetings with the Lord's Prayer.
  16. Discuss? Particularly interested in Hux's commentary ...
  17. Caught them on Letterman last night. Great performance.
  18. Those are both Abbey, dude. It seems to lock you down to just one. Tried with a couple and ended up with just ... this
  19. And you're the sweetest boy I ever did meet. You're coming up for Nero, right crazy?
  20. Heh! Jack Bauer introduces an animated version of Douglas' Mouseland speech Had to dig up this old thread to find the link [edit:] Waitaminute, it's a brand spanking new world ... now on YouTube: Presently there came along one little mouse who had an idea. My friends, watch out for the little fellow with an idea. And he said to the other mice, "Look fellows, why do we keep on electing a government made up of cats? Why don't we elect a government made up of mice?" "Oh," they said, "he's a Bolshevik. Lock him up!" So they put him in jail. But I want to remind you: that you can lock up a mouse or a man but you can't lock up an idea.
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