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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I agree with your relatively objective point of view. I've been to Leaf games in Toronto before. Games when they had Harold Ballard, Rick Vaive, Borje Salming, and they still sucked. Games where I've sat in seats at Maple Leaf Gardens where you had to walk on the players bench to get to them, and walk by Doug Gilmour getting interviewed to get popcorn and a soda between periods. I was at Gretzky's first game as a King in Toronto, with Ballard hovering over my right shoulder in his private box ('I was 12 rows down, it wasn't like that')... I couldn't believe Gretzky ended that game with 3pts... I was dissapointed cause he wasn't a flashy player that game... I was pretty naieve at that age. In Ottawa I got to see the team grow into what they have become. Sticking to their game plan... playing an uptempo, hard working, finesse game, with a team first attitude that was able to achieve fantasitic regular season stats, including a presidents trophy with the 12th lowest payroll in hockey, and with rookies becoming household names left right and centre. Even the list of sucessful Senator Alumni on other teams is ver impressive... got to go to my fair share of games cause of the Student Prices! I got to see my first playoff game against the Devils, and the Fans were in my opinion, the epitome of loud when SVA put in that pass from Havlat. I've even seen Mattieu Garons first game as a Hab against the Bruins... and I can tell you that if there is one thing that is killing the Sens, it's there/their fans. Now that I think of it, the Sens team first attitude has probably helped them alot to overcome the cold shoulder they get from the community. And it is so subtle, but there is a buzz that you have in MLG, ACC, Bell centre or wherever that just isn't there at the Sens games. The Leaf fans were great at capitalizing on it, and CLEARLY they have taken a psycological edge in the series, already punishing us enough for my liking. The Habs, have also learned this strategy. The only ones left to reach this level of awareness are the Sens fans. They need to learn how to help orchestrate a game by providing a significant buzz during 'lulls' in a game. This is where they usually fall asleep. And in their desperation, the players keep stepping up to score more goals to impress these sleepy fans... and even then they don't get that buzz unless they are two down. It gets to the point that they take on a Jeckle and Hyde personna as a team, which is exactly what we saw last year. Thankfully, to some good coaching, we've overcome the early season struggles, but at the cost of having to play closer, more unpredicatable and harder working games. Unless the Sens fans take it to the next level, they team will always have to compete against that psycological edge they have against them. Ask AD... I feel I've always done my fair share at the Sens games up in the 300's with my $15.00 ticket (once a year in the 100's for $15)... You can fuckin ram your car into someone elses in the parking lot, and even that won't get a Sens fan excited.... Sorry IrishMan.
  2. Thanks for supporting my argument, stupid. Don't get me wrong, I'm significantly jelous enough to make you satisfied.
  3. If our fans were as stupid as Leafs and Habs fans, then our building would be as loud. This is all part of the plan! Now who's stupid, stupid?
  4. Leafs fans like Metallica. Hahah! That was a great series. As I remember, Philly walked all over them in the next round. Leafs playing their desperate hockey at their finest.... "Oh no, what will the media say?!"
  5. That video was embarassing. For Leaf fans. Love how they had to show 'clips' of other teams to fill the time cause there's not that much against the Sens, and how they showed the Travis Green goal to make it 6-1... Ottawa... hehe. edit, Sorry, that Travis Green one was in the other thread. I can't believe I actually listened to Meticallica twice to double check. You win this round Leaf fans. Have fun with Lars.
  6. Shitty deal. Get Better soon!
  7. I agree, 110%. I relish the chance at another meeting. BUT it certainly was a psycological victory the Leafs put on the Sens, and yes, THIS is the consequence, having to defend the record. Still we have alot of players with the experience of those losses, still on the same team, and still maturing to the league. The Leafs, on the other hand, have scraps of those teams that won (agains the Sens... No Belfour!)... the shoe will be on the other foot the next time around. A guy like Ian White is going to have an interesting experience the first couple of times on the dance floor. And looking at what Buffalo did to Zedeno Chara in the Playoffs last year, what do you think is going to happen to a Todd Gill?
  8. The Playoffs are about nothing more than winning the Stanley Cup. Even if the Leafs beat the Sens, they did it at the cost of a) winning the cup and making the cup... probably wasn't going to happen those Leafs teams were not geared for the Defensive play that actually won the Championship (where a young trapping Sens team may of lined up better against the teams in the later round (took New Jersey to the wall when we met, and OWNED Philly in the Playoffs)). The Leafs played to beat Ottawa, where Ottawa was playing for the Cup. What the Leafs left on the Ice against the Sens, they were never able to pick up in later rounds. We just buttered em up for New Jersey and Philly to destroy the Leafs in the following round. You can gather all the silly pride you want from that, but when people mention the word Stanley and Toronto in the same sentance, it's usually followed by a laugh. I'm mean '67 the last cup for a "hockey town"... sad... really sad, and Doug Gilmour and the Pat Quinn budget era left a long time ago. Our excuse, we are an expansion team. We still have the second youngest team in the league, and it's getting to the point that we finally have significant playoff games for our leaders. Young Redden, Phillips, and Alfie, are now entering their "Brindamour years"... Except for Sundin, who does Toronto have from that Quinn era? It's not going to be the same result if/when we meet in the playoffs. Shootouts... and 3rd period collapses... That's not playoff hockey, that's Leafs hockey. Present day... it's a easily achievable goal to get a Leafs team to miss the playoffs by a point or two, and saftley secures the 12th draft pick as their reward/punishment. It happened last year, it'll happen this year. We'll be able to thank Carolina, Pittsburg, and the Islanders for that... oh Montreal, it would help if you could win a couple against the Leafs too. Say what you want about the Sens vs. the Leafs, but the Sens look past the Leafs into the strotsphere of great hockey, but the Leafs can't ignore the Sens. Their season lives and dies by how they do against the Senators, and this one will be no exception. Writing all this gives me happy fingers.
  9. Indy 23, Chicago 20 (or 17... I can't decide)... okay 20.
  10. With the pity point (comeback), we've guaranteed a season tie with the Leafs. With 3 more games, We're going to win it, and help to knock out the Leafs from the playoffs for another year... Pittsburg... WOW. Watch out. I hope it's not this year, but it's going to be soon. Go Sens. Not the best result, but not the worst, they couldn't comeback in a game to save their lives in 05'-06'. But the Leafs can't keep up this pace forever. Wouldn't it be great to have Bryan McCabe and Sheldon Souray on the same line? If you were the other team.
  11. I used to complain about complainers, now that just tires me out too much, so I don't complain about very much anymore except Leafs fans. I deal with that by unleashing a tirade of well placed jabs on an internet message board. I'm so thankful for everything I have, complaining seems completely misguided. And so are the Leafs.
  12. Fantastic. That organ has had the Shit played out of it! It's probably broken in a number of ways and still worth every penny it goes for. Unless that number is over $12,500. ::Checking link in new window:: $20,000US Starting!!! Of all the dirty cash grabs. Enjoy your space case Captin Arbuckle.
  13. Wow, no one has ever used that many words to respond to something I've had to say on Jambands.ca. Thank you Kev.
  14. Surely if they voted this guy in for office Al Frakens got a shot. Go Al!
  15. It's a minority government. The political equivilant of weak and afraid, and clearly fighting for its survival. And it is kind of an election campaign, or could be, at anytime the house wants to bring these evil guys down. BUT, if they're so bad, then why hasn't the house done it yet? Oh yeah, cause there's a real good chance that this weak and afraid government would become a whole lot less weak and afraid after the next round of votes is collected... Maybe not if you selected a sample from Jamband and Jamband related communities, but I'd say that the majority of Canadians consider the Conservatives a Viable option (as they do the Liberals too, cause historically, they've won a few times here and there), and this current Generation certainly have their Ducks in a Row, so to speaks, and have done it without say, putting the Homeless in Jail, Gay's in Concentration camps, bombing Iran, forcing schools to teach creationism... The Jury is still out on Dion, and I'd like to thank him for bringing TALK about environmental issues to the forefront of contempary Political discourse, but when all the cards are shown, I think people (democratically speaking), are going to balk at the idea of Having Dion speak for the Nation of Canada. Silly Nationalists... but what must be done, must be done! Lets see the numbers Dion!!! Where's the plan!! Are you telling me you're the one who's going to reunite the Martinites and the Creatienites? Seriously? No Seriously?... How you can do that with a straight face is amazing! Sure the ad was/is a pot shot. Kind of like when Jaws would bump the boat a couple of times just to let you know it was there before it moves in for the kill, er I mean effective and rebuilt quality political win. Ahhh Politics is quite the game. We need a religion forum, I mean hasen't there been such a push to segregate Religion from the State, couldn't we do the same in here... or you know what... fuck forums, I mean the YouTube forum would be great, but I see more YouTube stuff in the Cavern Anyways. Go 67's.
  16. No... Farve is highly overpaid for the quality of talent he can actually produce now. The team (small market), needs that money to properly rebuild (got very top heavy after the superbowl years). The only thing he has to offer is pride... and the pride of the touchdown record, and consecutive game streak is by far the absolute best thing a Packer fan had to realistically cheer for this year. It'll be the same next year (altough a late surge put them at a respectable 8-8, with a big last game win over the bears). Who know's, it could be another case of Elwayitis, but I won't hold my breath. edit: it would of been easy for Farve to catch it, he played in the game where it happened I mean they could of been as bad as the Raiders, but as long as they had Farve, the touchdown record, and the streak, things wouldn't look that bad. But who's kidding who, if you can throw touchdowns, you don't lose 14 games in a year. He might just implode into a vortex if/when he throws 421.
  17. FWIW, the Refs are slacking. What was a penalty at the beginning of the year is not always a penalty now. The refs (atlest some of them) have started to creep back towards the 'drama calling' they were doing in the era of the trap, where the would make calls to 'orchestrate' an entertaining hockey game, with little regard to "A rule is a rule", that's why you could see people getting away with murder with the stick, and every so often when they 'needed' to call a penalty, they'd have dozens of infractions, on both sides, to choose from and they would just call it. What you would call the "old NHL". My "New NHL" counter example, is that fuckin VanMassenhoven. Sens up 1-0, Montreal pressing, Vermette steals it and starts skating out of his zone, hooked by Montreal on the hands, puck slides out to the point, kept in, and leads to the Souray goal. Then bam, within 4 min it's 3-1. Drama non-call, and it 'worked', or else the fucker could of ended up 1-0. VanMassenhoven is Darth Vader to Bill McCreary's Obi Wan. Atleast with the Sens and the drama calls. The Washington game was just as bad, Sens scrape to get the lead, get no powerplay time, and then all the calls start going one way, and voila, they are back in it... it took a freakin Elbow from Brashear to get the Refs attention, and there were interference infrations all over the ice. Even when we got one, the Refs called Meszaros for a dive... fuck that, his choice was to either fall flat on to a stick, or to roll off the stick and away from it, I think he did the one that would hurt less. He was hooked, and he was falling... how he falls, if he can choose, is up to him... if he wasn't hooked, he wouldn't be in that situation. By the sounds of the 2-1 game against the Leafs that this article is in reference to, sounds like the Leafs need all the help they can get just to remain on life support this year. Deal with it... No Stanley for you Toronto.
  18. Wow, lots of freakin Habs talk in here. Well if that's the case, January is hardly the time of year you want to be playing desperate(see:playoff) hockey. Sheldon Souray was an idiot for calling out his team for a lack of heart in January, if only for the wear factor it has on the team. But hey, if the prospect of falling behind the Sens in the standings is that big a deal to you, then so be it. 4-5 against Montreal in the first round will be sweet... and this is the SENS Thread. I prefer to look ahead than behind, and the kinks in Buffalos armour are there, the Sens, atleast for the time being are healthy and definately not down a talent the size of Tallinder, so hopefully if they keep playing the way they have, the Sens could make up the five games Buffalo is in front. Anyways, moving on... Mmmmm Saturday at the Bank... Another Desperate team, I'm expecting chruncher, grinder, hopefully Kelly can stand in front of the net and have another couple go past his screen... I hope Anton Volchekov cuts Antropovs body in half... I have nothing but respect for what Bates Bataglia has done for the Leafs (yeah, so what if that one's out of context.) You know why the Leafs are playing so well... fear... in Raycrofts heart... he see Belfour playing INCREDIBLE for Florida this last month, and unless he steps it up himself, the Toronto Media would crusify him if he didn't. You could say the same thing about Emery with Hasek, but it's kind of a different ball of wax. And Emery's done it all year, and certainly am glad it doesen't read RAYCROFT on his jersey before he lifts it over his head. Raycroft will crack. I hope it is Saturday.
  19. Well, the Packers have just won their Superbowl of '07. Favre to return! Somewhere Dan Marino is sobbing infront of an ultra thin, ultra clear High Definition TV.
  20. Fuckin' VanMassenhoven. That game was gift wrapped for the Habs, who played well. They'll bounce back hard tomorrow against the VanMassenhovenless Capitals.
  21. True enough... Rumours are fun though. Good way to get some chatter! Atleast that's what I thought... ish. Rusty first Period, good thing Emery is on! And the Fourth line played 5 minutes, hitting anything that moved, so they'll be nice and buttered up for a heavy dose of the Kelly and Spezza lines in the third. I hope!
  22. Awesome. It'll be hard for them to sound like Zepplin (Plants 2 or 3 octaves lower now then he was in the 70's), but I still totally dig his sound, and it'll be great to hear those tunes in a live setting, even with the "new" Plant, which is ofcourse the old Plant. There goes my budget. This show will cost over $200 a ticket and sell out in a minute. Unless of course they play somewhere like Downsview or Molson Park.
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