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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I agree. It was a disagreement. I respect that. Anyone see Colbert loving up the OHL last night in the second segment? That was some funny shit. Colbert loves the OHL... didn't see that coming! He even said Ottawa 67's a couple of times noting he had "no idea what the hell it was".
  2. Yeah, looks like Canada won't be much better off. :crazy: Conservative Majority won't happen anytime soon. It's funny, if the Conservatives are that deplorable as many suggest... then just how bad did the freedom fighters, er I mean, Liberals have to get to open the door to this in the first place. Though I personally don't like to hold that 'choosing the lesser of two evils point of view', in the classic 'race to the bottom' framework... rather I hold both parties in high esteem, and the history, and relationship between the two, three, or dozens of parties that have and do comprise the Government of Canada. I'd be very happy if the Liberals were to espouse the very traits that put the conservatives in a mutually exclusive category for so many Canadians that did ultimately decide that they were the best choice to govern our nation... unfortunately i've yet to see either that happen, or any of the boogeymen that they warned us would show up actaully apear. Oh and to answer your (probably meant to be rhetorical) question... They would try to win seats where they a) already have seats, and where they don't. The article you provided talks about how the seats in Quebec might change hands. No doubt the Liberals could win... what scares me is the brand of Liberal Faschism you try to cloak it in (I'm also scared of the brand of Conservative Faschism that is painted here, but not really cause I know that it doesn't have much weight in reality)! I know you really believe that there's NO CHANCE that the Conservatives will be able to persuade people to choose Conservative, but I would think that such a confident assumption would be risky, and perhaps garner a certain sympathy from people much like how many people like to see it when the Yankee's lose in Baseball... in Fact, I really think that it was that very attitude which lead people AWAY from the Liberals in the first place, and right into the Conservatives lap ... My guess then, to stop repelling people, the Liberals are going to have to stop with that attitude. But I digress, Still, I like the Minority thing... lets keep the Government on it's toe's for a few more cycles... maybe give the NDP a 2 year run and see what happens after a few more Liberal/Conservative runs... and then we can probably jack up the quality of our government by weeding out the 'rule by divine right' attitude that seems to have infected it... still it really begins with more people actually getting out and participating in democracy, voting, and sharing and respecting opinions! Man, I wish I could of said that all in a clever one-liner, and an article which clearly supported my POV over anyone elses.
  3. What a super fun night! Great to see so many Skancs... There was quite the out of town representation I'm guessing cause of the holidays! Sorry I didn't bump into you StnMtn! Or it's been so long I forget what you look like! That Allman's Cover band was pretty decent... but Caution Jam totally rocked! Even though Mark was going through Amps like crackers!!!
  4. I still love ya guys! It's going to be a long year though! I'm going to be really sick of this word by the end of it: Parity. Oh well, maybe I'll actually watch some other teams this year on the ol' Center ice package... Chicago 8 - 6 Nashville! Crazy shit! Too bad the whole 3 lines of terror didn't materialize... going to have to work hard to find a new team identity, and to realize that Pizza's not going to be on the menu for the home games as much. It'd be nice to get Corvo back, but if we really need one defencemen that much, it really does say something about the team... still we'll be competative... lots of emotions and big games to start the season, but in the New NHL, almost everygame is against a rival or measuring stick of some point... Maybe they're just playing to save strength for the end of the year this time... yeah that's it... taking it easy now so they'll have money in the bank for later... still... YOU GOTTA ATLEAST SCORE ON THE LEAVES!
  5. This is what I think you see too! Usually what one doesn't like about someone else, is what they don't like about themselves... Thankfully I don't think that Mr. Reid actually is running on the Apocalypse platform... You crazy hippies!
  6. Hmmm... I guess I got some facts misinterpreted... the US is still in Afghanistan, and actually doing most of the work. It's the other NATO allies who aren't willing to chip in... but still I believe the reluctance eminates from the hessitation from the NATO allies to follow the United States into war... ESPECIALLY since they used lies and deception to go into Iraq after everyone was already committed to Afghanistan. Perhap the States was hoping that NATO would be more responsible in Afghanistan and they could divert the resources to fighting in Iraq (another reason for the NATO allies to be wary)... well it's not going so well, and I don't think it's the best place for CANADIAN troops to be doing all of the grunt work, especially when command cannot get on the same page. The real world results of escallating causalites, the strong public opinion, and political infighting on this issue suggest to me that perhaps a step back to entrench and take a defensive stance on the positions we've already hold, and increase our reconstruction efforts there instead of putting our soilders in harms way without the full support of our allies. FTR I think going to Afghanistan was something that needed to be done, it wasn't a sure thing we would win, but a response was appropriate to the attacks... we're not doing well, and mismanagement was definately part of it... time to go back to the drawing board, and count the chips that we did win this round... Send troops into a war we know we aren't doing enough to win... F-that.
  7. This from the Toronto Sun today, from someone from... Toronto?!
  8. Game on! Glad to see the Leaves improve... hopefully this will wake up the Sens that it won't be a walk in the park this year... I could take a dose of that medicine too.
  9. ouch... tonite is starting to looks shabby for the Sens... It'd be nice if Heatley and Spezza could get some momentum going! Enjoy fans of leaves.
  10. Is it just me or did McGratten have crazy legs last night? That guy is seriously faster than last year IMO... yeah the other team is going to get their chances... but the Sens played 'sloppy' last night, and still were the dominate team. That 3rd goal by Neil was the stuff that dreams are made out of.... 'Raycroft was PWND' I think the kids would say.
  11. Also, it was great to see Harper and MiGuinty cheering for the same team!!!
  12. Wow, the only time you could score was when there was no defence on the ice!!! S'nice! First 10 Minutes were kinda good for the Leaves, and then... nothing for 2 and 1/2 periods... going to be a long year... DOOOOOOOOOUGH.... MIIIIIIIIII
  13. Cool is cool, And yeah, sorry, misread the line in wikipedia under Mike Harris about the debt, but what's this all about transfer payments! And I bet Ontario's debt accounted for alot of Canada's debt as if the two were soul linked. My point is just that I accept the past for this place in time it's delivered us, but the debt's not going to 'go away' if we don't do anything about it, and the sooner it goes away, the sooner we can maximize our potential and hopefully deliver the goods on all the social Utopia we can handle! Have a nice day!
  14. They made Tyler Arnason half decent in NHL07. I can't wait for Wednesday! Game on!
  15. Okay, I'll use your stats... as of 2004, the Canadian Debt was gross $700 Billion. $500 Billion if you take away our assests. Since 1998 when the Government got rid of it's functional Deficit, and decided to start paying down the debt. So in the six or seven years they were tigthening up their belts, they saved roughly $10 Billion a year. At this rate it would take 50 years to break even on the books, and 70 years to work all our assests of of the books and fully own them (Canada only own $200 Billion in Buildings and other 'sellable' assests, including Parliament if it came to that), this is assuming a steady rate of $10 Billion a year, it will actually accelerate on it's own as the interest payments become less and less, and our economy gains strength in a global market we have choosen a divergent path from in terms debt management in that we have actually choosen to pay it off!... so I was saying the new Government is accelerating that rate... instead of taking 30-50 years to pay off, they'll make it 20-40 years... something more within the reach of less than most of my life... something I'd be proud to leave the kids or grand kids at that point. Especailly considering that most of the seeds of the current debt were planted long before I was born... it might be boring, but it's the best legacy that our generation can leave behind... the day we bought Canada back! But what is worse is that we pay interest on our debt... the faster we get to even, the less money will be used to essentially pay for nothing! If we accelerate the process, we will be able to do more with less, and that's what conservation and environmentalism have in common with the current state of the economy. But what is more important than all of this is that we get the United States to follow our lead, much like how Martin was smart enough following Harris' lead in cutting the defict his budget 3 years after Harris accomplished the same thing in 1995. It's the wave of the future, get rid of your debt... now that the United States has started listening a little more to what we have to say, perhaps they too will pick up on this trend... I shudder to think what the war in Iraq is actaully doing to the American potential of realistically ackowledging the threat of debt to the very fabric of American Life... the holes have already been exposed (not able to win any war, growing poverty, violent quasi-police state perpetually in fear, devotion in god, cause well, nothing else 'seems' to be working), and for any of this to get better, debts have got to go, or atleast get to a place where American's interest payments are less that the total GDP of the worlds 80 smallest nation economies. In the United States they run a deficit, and have roughly $150,000 American Dollars of debt per person... to get to the grand number of 44 Trillion and growing. To compare in Canada it's $2,300 of debt per person. I can see definate 'gasps for air' in America because of this... vast swaths are gripped in poverty. You can just see how the market has been 'rewarding' the Canadian Dollar by our distinguisment of dealing with the debt vs. the American deficit. But we are sometimes at the mercy of this Giant Elephant in the room... and we still have to worry about them, if only for us. And yes, Martin did a good job pointing the ship int he right direction... the conservatives are just going to get us there faster... it's about acceleration, and they set the goals Macro, and find the cuts eventually in the Micro... somethings gotta go to reach these goals... or maybe it would be better if they say we'll reach the goals, but never do anything to actually do it... say like Kyoto targets? Way to promise a decrease in emissions and actually post an increase in emissions Mr. Martin. Setting goals, and not reaching them is not what I would call balancing the books and maintaing programs.
  16. The craziest job in this must of been the Editor! Thousands of hours of Footage after just one day. Kinda cool, but really hard to digest with all the overdubs, different languages, and 'snippets' from each of the questionaires... The message boards were neat, maybe I'll sign up.
  17. Yeah, that was a fun party... spilled out in to Nuit Blanche full of funny Reggae Vibes! See you there.
  18. Yeah, I kinda was going for that. But the power trudgengly does change hands every decade or so, there and here, and hopefully that's enough to keep things going until we can properly transfer power to a more useful United Nations. And live a more effective and fair local->global democracy. Going to take a while though... I can't even agree with my friends about what to get on a pizza... and I always go with "Whatever you want."
  19. We'd probably have a facist as the Head of the White House. Heard a relevant quote the other day... I know what I make of it, But You? ... I don't want the forces to leave... but I can't reconcile it with increased losses, and all the war drums sounding in the world in those places right near by like India, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq... perhaps signalling a retreat would send a bad sign... but a retreat to Kabul would be a half way, 'Canadian Comprimise' IMO, and perhaps would signal the world community to maybe stop ramping up the violence... maybe.
  20. About the original post: For certain, it's a step back for a Government when they cut a program like this, but that's what the Conservatives do, make cuts to minimize Government Spending (Relative to the previous governments)... In general, those who would support this do it because it reaches an end which has greater significance in their minds. Take one step back now, so we can take two step forward later. From what I gather from the pro-side would see it as an attempt to strenthen our autonomy as a nation by lessening the international burden of carrying a debt load... also working towards removing our debt makes it much easier to justify removing African Debts from the books as well... but Those who do not support this fear that it's an assult on the basic fundamental freedoms... which it is, but, the view I don't share is that it is done with a direct intent to fundamentally change the system. Sure it's a step towards no justice, but it's NOT 'no justice'. The courts are still there, the system is still vast, and it's not like it's a change in the actual Charter. The tone around here makes it sound like the Conservatives had changed the engine in the car (to something bigger, and less environmentally friendly of course), when instead, they probably did something more along the lines of choosing to use an inferior air filter, so they can save money at the margin, and watch the bank accounts grow, or more preciesly, to watch the number next to the negative sign in the deficit/debt line get closer and closer to zero. Which by the way will probably take 8 political terms (32-40 years) for the debt to be accounted for through debt reduction payments such as the one's the Paul Martin used to contol the Deficit, and see the debt actaully begin to shrink for once. Paul Martin made his Chops at working towards Deficit/Debt reduction, the Conservatives are working towards accelerating towards that end... and this time, unlike Martin and under Harris in his Majority, Harper's going to have to do it in a Minority... all the more reason to think he'll be treading lightly with his conservative Ideals, and not to worry that we'll all be swiming in poverty by the time Iggy comes in to 'save the day!'... Seriously I like that guy... reminds me of my Dad! I see it as an attempt to save now, so it can spend more effectively later. In real terms, I see this as clearly a Harris-style slasher, designed clearly for a single goal (greater or lesser is up to you), and that is to reduce the deficit and to pay off the debt. But there's just no convincing some people that this is even important... believe me there's lots on the right that believe in 'Debt Management'... and the left that would continue to spend and 'increase the debt', essentially reaching the same end. But I do not agree with either of these ends when it means that the debt and deficit are in a state of increase. You just simply don't spend money you don't have... and the Government of Canada... Especailly, should not... We Literally 'owe' the rest of the world... not the same magnitude as the US, but we do, and it makes us no better... and maybe, just maybe, when we can return to a 'level playing field', one not burdened with debt and interest payments which is essentially money for nothing, or money for things used long, long ago! And when 'we' as Canada have the money, then we can spend it on these things to make Canada a better place (because of couse it sucks now), and work even more effectively at 'leveling the playing field' so we can all win and all be happy.
  21. I tend to agree with the 59% at this point. Those soilders have encountered far more resistance in the recent deployments in the south than they had in Kabul... also, our NATO ally, who spearheaded the mission in the first place, has since gone AWOL (to Iraq), outside of a few friendly fire attacks... George Bush has done nothing but fan the flames of fanatics... on both sides... but definately, at this stage of the Mission, we are in a full on quagmire... retreat to Kabul, work on reconstruction, and focus on being ambassadors instead of continuing to fight a foe that the Russians, Americans, and Chinese couldn't even defeat. And lets work on fixing 'our side' before we worry about populations vehlemently opposed to our brand of democracy, and effectively defending themselves on their hometurf. Our troops should take a defensive position where our causalities will be minimal, or if you prefer less than they have been the last 4 months, like it was before we moved our battalions South. And work on pressuring the American Government to uphold it's commitments to the mission, which isn't going to happen with the current Administration, and their 'commitment' to destroying Iraq/the UN/themselves. So, for the time being we should wait where it's safe... much like the Taliban are doing now on that Pakistani Border, taking out anyone who get's within their sniper/suicide bomber range... smells like a trap, and one I don't think we can 'muscle' our way out of, atleast not now with the world as fragmented as it is in terms of political will. Still this would be so much easier if oil wasn't so important, before we start blaming the government for all of this, we should be willing to take some blame for creating the massive demand for the black gold. Just look at how much plastic surrounds us, and how much gas it took to get it all to your door. We all take part in creating the demand that sent our governments to decide this was the 'correct' course of action. Reduce, reuse, recycle, respect; Think globally, act locally... and all that jibba jabba.
  22. Last night was a blast! But I'm totally hoping for a Ghostbusters Tease, or the whole thing... maybe even dipping into some of the stuff Bobby Brown did for the GB2 soundtrack! With the Ghostbuster tease in this thread (my all time favourite movie), I believe it is fate. Great to meet so many old and new Skanc's last night! 5 Weeks until the next one!
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