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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I'd say it's Funktacular Robin... and the Reverb is such a good venue for this. Nice big room with tonnes of stage frontage on a well raised well lit stage... lots of bar space. And a great vibe which I experienced during that kick ass King Sunshine show. Funk and horns, and a good DJ 'inbetween'... okay I know he's headliner material... but Bands come first for me!
  2. Great time for sure. What a fun buzz around this whole show. Thanks so much to the band, and all their guests for such a masterful performance(s)! Thanks to the venue for letting this go to 2:45! Thanks to the fans for partying so hard, and having so many smiles on your faces! Thanks to everyone who documented this in some way, And a special thanks goes to the after party crew and their neighbours... Last I heard, the party was still going on! For the record, when I left the venue, someone had lost a wallet which the venue recoverd and has if you need to contact them, and there was also a coat and a purse combo left behind in the club which was turned in. Each had ID with it I believe, so if you can proove you are you, you are in luck.
  3. Holy FACK!!! I'm just listening to the show and it sounds incredible!!! I wish I wasn't stuck in the next room all night... Whipping Post just tore my face off!!! The Bass Kick/Scream during the cresendo!!! Forget about it... and the Down with sound was a studio caliber performance... what a slick composition. Thanks Brad for posting this!, and you're certainly right. Bnbn'f is really amazing, dude.
  4. Just a reminder... the Security at the Opera House is... ummm... tough. No cigarettes inside! And no inside the cigarettes! See you all there!
  5. Everything is fine with the team. The stats are starting to get "back to normal"... they're clearly snake bitten right now, and have had a really tough streak of bad luck, but they will come out of it, and be able to look back and say, "It was kind of silly how 'serious' we were taking things." The real mistake would be breaking up the team... they're going to be a powerhouse again... and with the slow start, the only option is to go into the playoffs on a upswing! (I know it's not the ONLY option... but you know) You heard it here first.
  6. Ahhh AM Radio classics! Now you just need the Pina Colada Song, ebony and Ivory, The needle and the Damage done, and Aint no Sunshine when she's gone, me and Julio, and you got my youth traveling around town to town to play hockey games...
  7. What is going on?! Blowing a one goal lead against Boston, a two goal lead against Carolina, and a three goal lead against the Caps... yar... the only conselation is that they all ended up one goal games, and that is clearly where the Sens need some experience. Go Sens! Lets talk again in December!
  8. Blaze of Grey - Josh Martinez It's not like we didn't go the extra mile we tried. Got painted into corners had to wait until the floors dried. Lying in bed, letting thoughts drift ahead may they touch the rift That turns a sure thing into ifs and… Perhaps the cliffs we climb sap the drifting mind, I couldn't let it go still I left it all behind./ I miss you in my bed it's getting harder to wake up, I used loved the way we fought then fucked to make up. But now you wouldn't know me see i've changed in ways. Gone over the alleged edge in these strange days. But be that as it may, i mingle every single day, On the surface and do things out of love on purpose. With nervous ticks, I keep my nose in my business, that's filled with failed tactics, walk the line like a fascist. I could’ve practiced more acting but i'm looking for fullfilling, feeling the pulling of sitting back and just chilling. I’m in process of making rapid progress, got some projects on the go but it's slow at the office. Glad i don't have a girl, but I want to be wanted. I approach undaunted. See if you got, you flaunt it. I'm on it like my ex on my best man. Thought sex was less than expected. Never been so disrespected. I'm getting past the point shoots keep pushing through the ground, but fuck it, I ain't tripping…but i keep falling down. It's been real rainy, my bed's been so empty, though i know there's plenty of fish in the sea to tempt me but this time is meant for me to vent and finding plenty of things to do inside but not really doing anything but thinking and reading and drinking and dreaming, and staying up late night in smoky bars screaming. Let me in. Let me out. Hold it in Get it out. get a grip got a hold it fits now break the mold. Chorus: sleeping most of my days away then waking up in a blaze of gray just can't pull it off and face the day so i'm sleeping most of my days away Verse 2 Just another bitter literalist hate liberal arts literature and get literally pissed Pour out a little liquor for your dead mind what a bitter bind you can let the light in and still… There ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness everyday I wonder this time where's she gone, and if she's gone to stay. I must insist, for this US to exist, we have to learn to live alone and keep growing on our own. I know right from wrong and know sight from song, and slight but strong, i take flight, BUT despite i'm hanging on. Damn right i'm doing dope things, I can't help growing Gotta keep on keeping on, the lawn needs mowing. The dishes need doing, I need to do some more screwing, And usually i'm pretty choosy but when boozy only human... And if you see me at the party wearing nothing but a lamp shade you'll know i've come apart but that at least i've got bandaids. The band played on for the handmaidens who remained and the dudes who stayed on, got laid til day dawned. I've made claims before that were different than my aims now i stand behind my words and i'm not calling out names. Like which claire was it, and where was it located, I still have the naked photos of a few ladies i dated. I know you're listening cause sometimes i can hear you, and if it's nearby, i can feel your heart beating We keep leaving things being it's not easy to contain, Keeping ominously calm when it never stays the same Weaving through time like your touch could soothe my mind, i used to find clues to who i was but now i'm blind drunk on wine reaching punk rock plateaus then retching, and i'm not depressed I just passed out resting.
  9. Tour is War - Josh Martinez Another instore, another night on tour, Maybe I can meet some strangers I can pretend to make friends with I only ever see the bar, the hotel or the highway We drive, sleep and drink, arrive Half dead then bring the crowd alive With the live rap music couple smokes couple sodas and a high five Promoters owe us so let’s get some booze up in the dive Respect the honest living but its giving me grief I’m spending time spinning through the linen supple women in my reach. Where did the day go, on whose say so, I left my wallet and keys in san diego I’ve stopped manning the lighthouse that guides ships to shore. I don’t care about your wherabouts, dood I’m on tour Working hard for my money try to spread a little bread And feed a flock of deadbeats get em drunk and on the pot I don’t make a lot of money but live a life inspired, By living off the fruits of my work so I can be retired sit in a lounge chair where I’m allowed to just relax. I don’t fit into your bracket, I don’t pay the income tax Palletes smitten with musical talents. we walk on razorblades and can still find balance. it pays to be patient amidst all the unrest that comes from the palace. It weighs on my days. it makes me think in waves, of strong drink and hidden caves, whoever blinks first is forced to disperse and I’m craving the ways of the traveller trail blazing, taking time to be engulfed in something so amazing. Rediscovering the reason I love touring in the first place, if I do this for the loot then I’m dealing with worse case. love and hate the state they call being on the road. Haven’t dated in 3 years, feel ready to explode. But I’m a man on the move the landscape the moon the need to feed off this planet’s life until my doom. everybody knows that hard work shows it separates the fakes from the pros. Shit happens you learn from it, you get to the top then you burn to return to the summit I’m only one rapper in a bunch of pigeonholed kids whose goal was just be patient, avoid the temptation the stagnation, it’s all location location. I listen /follow tradition, pay dues to musicians Praises due Taj Mahal - gone fishing. First star wishing that I might glisten with good luck. Just another cog in the piston just waiting to get stuck
  10. Looking good tonight! Solid win against a team from the 'toughest division?' in basketball!
  11. Oh yeah... this has made me laugh for years... I couldn't say how many times I've taken the first bite of food and thought about throwing it over my shoulders like Friar Tuck did with his Turkey Legs and Grapes!
  12. Hillarious House of Frightenstein Edison Twins Just like Mom You can't do that on Television My Secret Identity Katts and Dog Bumper Stumpers The New Liars Club I know they're all not comedy series, but they all made me laugh one way or the other...(SCTV is the best though)
  13. About the original thread: No doubt they will consider it... Ottawa Senators play "Money Ball" with their players (with the salary cap, everyone now have to play moneyball "ala the Oakland Athletics"), with what he's making and how he's producing it's gotta be on the table. What will they get? Well there's only one real way to find out... so no doubt there are rumours, because the people who can pull the trigger are probably testing the waters as we speak. The Sens need more production it will be good for the team. Hopefully it comes from Alfredsson himself, but he played ridiculous minutes, and on the PP, and didn't get anything done. He says he feels fine. I mean, you gotta weigh your options, and Alfie's carrying alot of burden right now... In the new slaray cap era, you either got to trade dollar for dollar, so he could go for an underachiever somewhere else (maybe like a Keith Tkachuk or the like), or they just give him up for nothing... seriously hurting the short term, but allowing the sens to go after a tasty free agent, or even a tastier UFA next year!!! Bottom line is I hope Alfie is the guy... but the stats don't lie... even Spezza with all his glaring mistakes isn't playing as poorly on the stats sheet as alfie. Fisher plays just as well if not better, and makes a fraction... Lunch!
  14. Buck 65 w/ Claire Berest (his Wife) - Drawing Curtains - on: Secret House Against the world: Quite Possibly the most sexy romantic song to come out of Antigonish of ALL time!
  15. I'm surprised more people don't use CrazyShit.com as a source.
  16. Hmmm, Just a friendly reminder: Upcoming Julie w/ Shotgun and Jaybird
  17. 80-76 at one point the fourth? That's not too ugly. Atleast it was close, and Kidd is a lights out player when he's healthy... home opener for the Nets... I mean it's too bad the Raps won't go undefeated this year, but why talk about 1-15?... in the preseason they were winning games in the fourth, if they stay the course they'll do fine.
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