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Everything posted by Deeps

  1. Happy birthday to my very special lady. She's at Toots tonight with about 10 Hammer/Dundas girls. Sound like a fine way to spend the last day of her 3-day birthday party. Love ya Evans, Happy birthday, and have fun! Deeps
  2. Deeps

    What is Jazz?

    “If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn.†Charlie Parker
  3. I wouldn't sweat who should apologize really, but if you like [color:purple]I could whip a poll on who should apologize next?. I'll need another order of crazy pills stat....
  4. Guelph date? Saw you all @ the E-Bar a while ago with Nate Coles. That'd be a great bill to see again and would definitely ram the place. Deeps
  5. Parts you wish you knew how to play - ex. - Iron Butterfly - Inagodadavida - the drum solo (not my choice, merely an example) 1. Kevin Breit & The Sisters - Jesus the Kid - what else? The guitar kicks me in the ass everytime. 2. Don Ross - This Dragon Won't Sleep 3. Charles Mingus - What Love? (any single note) 4. Jaco Pastorius on Joni Mitchell's - Dry Cleaner from Des Moines - Album = Mingus (opening bass run )
  6. Deeps

    To the polls!!!

    I must say I abosolutely love the SlowCo banner popping up with their heads collectively ambiguous. From the left: Steven - Oh my god it's jass? Do you think? Brian - Yes, yes, yes, definitely maybe. Mike - eyaaah noish, bobble bobble.
  7. Deeps

    To the polls!!!

    It seems that this poll is being interpreted as antagonistic by some. Totally not the intent, and if anyone feels strongly enough about it I'll just remove it. I can't handle anymore drama around it. I am just poking fun at the fact that all of the events of the slowco thread started out of a disagreement about jazz in SlowCo's music. This poll is not meant to vindicate me or condone anything I have already apologized for, I thought this was obvious, maybe not. "Very important" above is now purple for further clarity.
  8. www.IndiscernibleGenre.com www.thereisnoscene.com
  9. Get your [color:purple]very imporant vote in here. SlowCo and all that jazz. 1 Day to vote.....results revealed @ 11:50a Mar 23 2007. Deeps
  10. Hello, I've said some strange shit in this thread. Last night while I dealt with the repercussions of my posting I realized very little of what I had said had to do with the people or music it directly or indirectly criticized, and more to do with what I've been dealing with, and the self criticism I'm dealing with. Balancing my day job, job as the promoter/performer/leader/booker for WTTS and as a future husband has been taxing and all of this needed my utmost attention. As a result of these efforts I have not created any music for music's sake and only sat back and taken in what I could between the rare breaks I got. This has left me unsatisfied with my progress in all of the job, music and wifey categories, and over the last 2 days I have been looking outward and judging instead of trying to calm my nerves. I've poked around where I shouldn't have and said some things I shouldn't have. I do apologize for doubting the validity of the art and social contiributions of Booche, Pablo, MarcO, Gentlemonkey, and anyone else I may have slighted with my remarks. Somewhere in my twisted logic was the will to have this community propel forward in a healthier and progressive way, my actions were not the way to do that and for this I was remiss. On the upside I have looked in and bared down to make some music for myself and for you all; something that hasn't really come to fruition in about 2 years. This tune speaks directly to my interaction here and is offered in humility and apology for the missteps I have taken with you all. It may take a listen or 2 to hear what I'm saying, and if you put your head directly between both speakers you may even hear the Louis Armstrong influence that infiltrates this track ;-) Peace. An Excerpt from the tune link above Damage Control My only place here is as an artist My criticisms have been half baked and half hearted Speak ill of my brother under the guise of progressive purpose Need to spend more time with the pen; less times being nervous
  11. I guess I was saying they aren't hearing the new, but that's again just my opinion.
  12. Deeps

    What is Jazz?

    Titrate Slowcoaster, and you get jazz.
  13. Public message board yes, this is their danger and I am sorry I brought people's ability to choose their own opinions into question. I was hypothesizing and being defensive. Sorry I took any of this personally.
  14. What I wanted this to mean. Somepeople who were previously in the "good times" first headspace have moved from there to the much more crytical side. Their previous likes have pervaded, but their willingness to accept that which is different is not what is used to be do to the lack of suggestability-through-imbibing. I did not mean to say that the bands in question were in any degree unlikeable, sans drugs, which the above quote certainly does read as. This was a gaff and not an intentional elephant sized diss. AS for the fans of these bands, "some people" can be read to mean crabby people on this board who tell me that the stuff they hear out of new bands is mediocre too consistently to really need to be given any creedence.
  15. Dunno...we just seem to be like this....unfortunately.
  16. The above post is what is being marked as disrespectful by Booche for those of you keeping score. Note I said SOME...I did not write everyone off as a hack for fuck sake.
  17. Young as in I am actively in a 4 piece band trying to make this type of music move somewhere further along the road that you paved and to do this I need to challenge what the context is at this point. See previous post.
  18. I wouln't ever intentionally bring this into question. They have obviously worked hard. What I was implying is that you have been a cynical dick on this board in the 3 years I've been here. I was trying to say that your cynicism seems to want to carve everything new and a little more progressive a new one whenever you get the chance. What I should have said is, when you weren't such a dick you probably gave bands a better chance. My opinons are balanced on the bands I've mentioned. There are aspects I wish WTTS would attain, like their thirst for improv, and there are aspects that I steeer completely away from, because I find them either derived or self indulgent. The new generation of jamband needs pop sensibility if it is going to survive, they need to be empathetic improvisers, they need to write better compositions that don't take 25 minutes to explain something that should have taken 5. Fans don't have the buzz or the patience for that anymore. The new listener needs to stop being a drug addict, they need to start listening and stop pretending they love everything. The more educated listener needs to understand when a player is trying to bridge the gap between virtuosity and accessibility and that this bridge is immensely harder to build than the one that goes from the player to heavens and directly over 90% of the listeners heads (unless that listener is flying on the 7th hour of their trip and will not remeber the show, save for some grey ephemeral brah vibe). And for the record I find Mr Lauzon's compositions today entirely more focussed and interesting than I do NERO's which is not to say I in an elephantile way think NERO is mediocre or undeserving. Deeps
  19. Richard is a unique talent that I enjoyed the one time I saw him. If I were in the Hammer I'd go.
  20. Then take it to the PMs funboys! True and Booche attempted to do this....I was feeling mouthy I guess. My apologies once again.
  21. I did not mean to give the imporession that there was a conspiracy or anything of the sort. I was more asking MarcO and Booche to explain their point that the music they are hearing from jambands is suffering. They say this frequently enough and given my limited experience with Jam music prior to inadvertantly making it over the last 3 years I was looking for some insight as to what they were talking about. Working while posting made my points not very clear. I apologize for the madness my speculation and truncated thoughts may have caused. No disrespect or conspiracy theories intended.
  22. Your comments were well put Edger and will be taken to heart. I think we are carving our own niche, but really need to refine what our sound is. As for being lumped in with the other acts, that's a tough call. I like good music and they definitely represent it, but I do not think we as a band are in a position to survive being a predictable add to a bill right now. If we are not showing with new material then I don't really want to showcase anything. We need to write and it needs to be the most important move for us. Schlepping the same 12 tunes around Ontario anymore would be artisticly a defeat for us. There's a window into where we're at. Cheers, Deeps
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