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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. Big fun at the Elmo this past Friday....and for those on the board who missed this action...next time my friends ;-)

    This was our (what the thunder said's) second show in Toronto and the first time I had played the Elmo in a long while.

    Great crowd both in size and in volume (dB).

    Jomomma was sounding great. They've moved their sound around slightly and I highly recommend you catch this new incarnation.

    The guys from Jomomma were GreaT guys on and off stage a real pleasure to be around. It looks like there is some stuff in the works for a Jomomma and Thunder collaboration soon-like.

    Really nice to meet zee SmoothShredder. He and Jaydawg were a solid team of promo dudes and very courteous and upbeat.

    Made things easy on all of us.

    Akim was a late show and thus I only heard them through about a half tune.

    Sounded original and the musicianship was solid. B3 and violin were the noteable components of the band.

    Take care


  2. There's some really good advice here.

    Patience is so key.

    I've also taken to reading posts by Skancs that are participating in the current debate that are from other threads. It helps to get a feel of their character albeit a small feel.

    I'll take a small feel over no feel though. Heh heh mmmm.....oh god sorry uuuughgg ummm I wish I could take that back.

    PM'ing on the side to help support someone who's getting a little grilled also helps.


  3. what I find extreemely interesting is that I've been posting 'jamband' related stuff on a similar board 'stillepost.ca' and '20hz.ca' and i got some mean responses from someone in Cufe The Duke' date=' first slammin' the jam scene and second slammin' anything to do with 'hippies' The Band member said something like "Hippies have no relevance in today society" .


    can someone PLEASE tell me what a fucking hippie is anyway!?


    Truth. I saw a Burt poster in Guelph vandalized with some reference to Hippy jamband blah blah blah.

    I've been trying to remain calm about this indie/jam rivalry. But fuck it!

    People really need to open their fucking minds on both sides of the fence. It's not easy to do, but being a knob who only listens to one type of music is in my opinion culturally counter-productive.


  4. After engaging in a number of lively debates on the board I've learned a lot about how I communicate, and subsequently where I can improve and grow.

    My question is this....

    What are the different ways we can/have used threads to teach and be taught?

    /*****Where I'm coming from.*********/

    I have a very free interpretation of how we interact on this here board.

    I've found myself retracting things because I was heavy handed in my initial tackling of a topic.

    Often I get excited and dramatic and end up posting on gut instinct and then wait for the repercussions.

    I've found that if I pick the extremities of my viewpoints and throw them to the good minds of the board I end up with a well-rounded look at the topic at hand. A well-rounded look that wouldn't have been achieved otherwise without me spending literally days reading and pondering my own thoughts.

    I am seeing that I learn a lot more by just opening my mouth than I would have, had I been calculated and tongue biting.

    My appraoch has definitely got to annoy some people. In my experiences I've seen a lot of folk who are more prone to say very little until they have convinced themselves that they are experts or near experts on a topic.

    Quite a different way than I work indeed ;-)

    I can see the virtue in such a humble approach. My friends who prescribe to the strong silent method are very easy to be around and stir little controversy and when they do speak their words are precise and to the point. Their viewpoints have a calculable wisdom and set a good example for the mouthy types like myself.

    I also see that the strong silent types, even with their research in tow can end up saying to themselves "Well, who am I to say anything?" and stifle their own voice.

    I find this interesting and often wonder if the collective would be better educated if those voices became audible. Not that they have to ... I was just wondering.

    There may be something to do with negative feelings around being singled out in previous debate circles or not being paid attention to in the past at play or nothing at all and that's fine too!


    Anyway, if ANYONE around here has put some thought to this kind of communication interplay/non-play/over-play and can recall examples of them or simply have a 2 cent addition they'd like to donate to this thread I'd like to hear your thoughts.

    Take care,


  5. At what point was it implied that you couldn't fend for yourself?

    At the moment it was decided that I needed to be shielded from something deemed offensive' date=' just because my reproductive organs are on the inside.

    At the moment it was decided that I was part of a bunch of stupid people.

    At the moment it was decided that I required some degree of shock value to stimulate a response.


    What in Gawd's name are you talking about?

    Did we (all men), (all people), do this? or are you referring to societal pressures and ideals?

    When has this come into play for you in your life time?....examples would help.


  6. I'm all for an informed debate. That way, I can make up my own mind about the matter.

    Informed debate doesn't happen when one side is silenced out of hand. I'm generally capable of recognizing an idiot; I don't need someone else to be my moral guardian and do it for me. If anything, I find the inplication that I'm incapable of making an informed decision to be degrading. Am I being protected from moral turpitude because I'm a delicate flower of womanhood, or is it because I'm de facto assumed to be one of the stupid masses of humanflesh?

    When I'm offended, I'm quite capable of expressing it on my own behalf, without demanding that my morals be made into a trump card for whatever reason, be it my gender, my race, my religion, or my social status, or for no reason other than a narcissitic sense of moral superiority.

    Clearly the pageant winner believed she was doing the right thing in entering this pageant and all the ones leading up to it. Perhaps she should be the one to explain her reasoning.

    Stupid things don't necessarily go away just because they're banned. Stupid things go away when people understand that these things are stupid. History has some spectactular examples of good or innocuous things being banned, just because someone didn't understand or agree with them. The use of native languages, the sale of alcohol, the sale of seltzer water on Sundays, the belief that the earth is not flat--all squashed by our moral superiors. I'm sure that the people opposed to these things were all very sincere and presented some very compelling arguments, but looking back at them, we shake our heads in wonder. How and why did these people get so much power?

    At what point was it implied that you couldn't fend for yourself?

    I don't see what harm discussing the morality of particpation in anything could do.

    Her entering the contest at all is of relevance and my objection is not in any way an attempt to take her voice, it's my opinion.



  7. (for my mental health, I will now abstain from this thread)

    I hope this is temporary....this is a good place to spread your word.

    You've got everyone's hearts on your side and some folk who are willing to decipher your strong words.

    Not an easy topic in the least, but it won't get easier if you run.


  8. Brian is a nice person. How do I know this? Simple: I know him and I feel I have good judgement. I like you too, Deeps, so you know I have good judgement heh heh! But how insulting that he should be told that he “thinks” he’s a nice guy by someone based on his rather reasonable contribution to a public debate!

    I once thought I was a "nice guy" and then when I was asked to look a little closer....as I believe Calamity Jane is asking Hamilton to do.

    I realized I had some pretty strange stuff bred into me.

    I felt like I had been lied to and felt embarassed of myself. Once that wore off I took to deprogramming a lot of the stuff I had taken in and adopted in my youth.

    It took a carving like the one Hamilton (who is an awesome guy) got, for me to realize that I hadn't evolved enough.

    It takes some strong language sometimes to move this kind of stuff along!

    Well put Calamity, break enough eggs and it'll be omlette time some day!


  9. I simply give the average person more credit than is being suggested here.

    Society is more sophisticated than that.

    I wouldn't give society that much credit yet.

    Surround yourself with virtually any group of early year college males, A reasonably large demographic I think you'll agree?, and listen to their conversations.

    Fag this, she must be a dyke that, broad that, nice tits, yeah did you f that bitch?, hey honey nice ass! Yip yip kegstand!

    We've got problems, the way our boys are being brought up, and even though there has been progress (I think the general attitudes and respect shown by the men of this board are decent examples) there is much work to be done and it has to start somewhere.


  10. It's not that Calamity Jane is being more diligent in this respect, it's simply that she is being obnoxious and condescending in stating what is, in the end, only her opinions - nothing more, nothing less.

    Dude it's misquoted .... it left out the other gender in the AM 640 quote....bradm was asking and I asked him to look up above to the other posts that aren't trying to bend shit like a radio for men station was.

    No, your heading is clearly in the first person. I believe you called her a jackass and are trying to twist this around more than a little because you got called on it. There is absolutely nothing in the original article that would suggest anyone in City government is calling this girl a name like that or seeing her like that, although you yourself seem to be more than a little sensitive to “name-calling” later in the thread. In sarcastic contributions to your own thread, you’ve questioned this woman’s intelligence, so just go ahead and call her a jackass - but sorry, you can’t have it both ways.

    If you were to be insulted by anyone like she was when she was barred from NPS you would feel like you were called a jack-ass right?

    The title of this post may point to my negative feelings on her participation in a contest I think shouldn't even exist, this is true, BUT again I stand firm that it wasn't in first person and only intended to reflect the slap in the face she got....she was disrespected and in my view called a jack-ass by the city of Toronto.

    Are you calling me a liar?

    As for her head screwed to her ass.....that's just funny and does speak to my feeling that I think anyone who subjects themselves to a score-card that reflects the quality of their ass has their priorities all f'd up.


  11. Are we all having fun still?

    This has been informative. Yah?

    I am in the pursuit of sexual equality and it seems that more often than not it doesn't manifest itself.

    I believe that there are a lot of men and women that have warped views of sexuality. These views are fostered and are allowed to fester because of a myriad of condoning actions taken by many groups, individuals, companies, and governments.

    I think a couple people in this thread say "where does it stop? It's just a ribbon or it's innocent enough that there will be no direct side effect if she is allowed to open up the prestigious Thai food fest."

    I say "Where does it start?" It seems that so much inaction in the pursuit of sexual equality goes on everyday "Maxim on the front of every newstand so little boys can wonder why their grade 5 girlfriend isn't stacked like carmen-elctranderson-milano-liu" that a step in the opposite direction and a public one at that would be a small victory and one I would gladly take.

    I guess that's where it comes from. It's easy to think that I am uptight or whatever, but I am really frustrated with what I see these days and I wish more people would be in the same boat as me. Maybe this Nathan Phillips Square debate isn't the perfect place to soap-box or whatever, but the thought of the government giving the finger to the questionable-at-best beauty contest mentality was a refreshing change from the debauchery of the every day!


  12. Are activities that are degrading to men through sexual stereotyping allowed to take place in the square?



    No! This amazing news source.....I'd be damn surprised if it weren't the sun....misquoted the by-law.

    See previous posts by the more diligent people of the board for the full and correct by-law.


  13. Due to an archaic by-law.

    The by-law bars any activities deemed degrading to women through sexual stereotyping from taking place in the square.


    Sounds pretty archaic to me!

    I wonder what paper this could have came from.

    My guess is that there will be some people in the govt pissed with David Miller over this one.


  14. I do see some problem - and I don't think gender is really a factor here in seeing it - with the "post-feminist" viewpoint that gets trotted out by all manner of twentysomethings in the media that these contests are all about women's empowerment, that all the major battles have been won and girls can now cash in their chips. I think I can say that, and also maintain that New Age is bogus tripe.

    SNAG - I'll have to remember that one!

    Do these contests really do anything more than drive more wedges between women, and ratchet up insatiable cravings among men, and set the tone for the next generation? Spreading good or positive messages around the world? Do we really need T and A to carry that off? I hope we're not as lost as all that, and that we can look at strangers and not see them as things. There's something pernicious about the kind of "empowerment" going on here. Power uses us, not the other way around. There should be a different word for that sort of power.

    well put....totally agree that these are real important questions and to me easily answered.

    A lot of the stuff (T and A) stuff we`ve come to know needs to be shut down in the name of progress.

    Seems that we`re de-evolving these days with regard to the headway made in the 60s and 70s.

    God bless Paris Hilton....yikes....dumbassity is winning right now.


  15. Of course you're welcome to buy a "What would Steinem do?" bracelet from me for 5 bucks and a pamela anderson cardboard cutout.

    HAHAH hee he he ha.

    That's awesome.

    It's a fine line b/n preachy and good exempliary and I am not afraid to tend toward preachy here and there as I find it sometimes is the only way to raise any concern amongst those who could be swayed one way or the other.

    Trying to change the world one ass grabber at a time I guess.


  16. Sorry I gave a shit about an issue that is important and does require open debate...maybe we should all go back to talking ambiguously about some topic a little less pertinent in every day life.

    The above is dumb...sorry for that one.

    Understood AD.


  17. Deeps.... Chill.... A dissenting opinion is OK around here...


    The man refers to the people particpipating in the discussion as jabbering schlongs.....hmmm constructive dissent is a litle more warmly accepted.

    It seemed to me there was a little distain headed in my direction what with me being a SNAG and I defended myself.

    Sorry if it was misplaced, but I found Polkaroo's comments a little heavy handed and rather than edit myself I reacted as I would in a discussion.


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