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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. hamilton to guelph: over 2 hrs (normally 45 min). hwy 6 uphill at Clappison was stopped. as in ... STOPPED! t'is not fit for man nor beast out thar!
  2. Mohawk is closed at 3:00. McMaster is closed at 5:30, but Im leaving now. :crazy:
  3. Theme: Songs about FOOD! 1. Ween - Porkroll Egg and Cheese. 2. Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Crisco Kisses 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  4. Theme: "Lunar Lunacy" Songs with the "moon" in the title (in honour of the lunar eclipse this Saturday) 1. Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon 2. Prince - Under the Cherry Moon 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  5. I'll give ya a nickel for that goose ... check out these other big roadside things in ontario.
  6. its strange out there ... last night on the way home from Hammer to Guelph, there were at least four of maybe twenty stations that were closed. had a very surreal feel to it all. i have a very bad feeling we should get used to this.
  7. no, apparently they are gay and are from gaytown, or is that gayville? but my guess it that it would more likely be gay city, with lots of gay starbucks and fabulous gay furniture stores ... and yes, momma did warn me ... but sometimes ya just cant help yerself, or want to ...
  8. i love that song. i think bob seger is terribly under-rated.
  9. Alexis ... Do not panic. RUN, dont walk! to the nearest source of water. Flush your face thoroughly with fresh, cold water. Sit down and take several deep breaths. What you are experiencing is called “MS-itisâ€. It is an insidious form of mind manipulation that occurs when one is forced to use bad, user-unfriendly, monopolistic software. In time, you will learn that life doesn’t have to be this way. You will gain confidence and eventually be able to stand up and say “I am an MS-holic and I Hate Wordâ€. But, baby steps and care are required at this stage. You will come to recognize that you do have major and frequent problems with MS products. Don’t sugar coat it. We are all friends here and all of us were also in a state of denial at one point. We are here to help you get through this difficult time. But ultimately, the quest is yours. You must break free of the brainwashing that Word is good.
  10. New theme: Songs that you listen to while sitting in the back seat of a car, staring longingly out the window, tuning out everything else: 1. Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up 2. Kenny Rogers - The Gambler
  11. Spacey songs or songs about space or spacemen: 1. Klaatu - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft 2. The Disco Biscuits - Astronaught 3. Sun Ra - Space is the Place 4. Frank Zappa - Conehead 5. Kula Shaker - Mystical Machine Gun 6. Rush - Cygnus X-1 7. Boney-M - Nightflight to Venus 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. *** don't repeat these *** #13 Songs about spacemen: 1. Jimmy Swift Band - Astronauts attempting to take off their spacesuits so that they may copulate 2. Jimi Hendrix Experience - Third Stone From The Sun 3. Bif Naked - Spaceman 4. David Bowie - Space Oddity 5. The Good Ole Grateful Dead - Dark Star 6. Deep Purple - Space Truckin 7. Elton John - Rocket Man 8. Belle and Sebastian - A Space Boy Dream 9. Galactic - Space Headz March 10. Astral Projection - Flying Into A Star 11. Prince - Space 12. Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Cool new format Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the starship boney m
  12. like when their grandmother keeps dieing ... again, and again ... ? or, when they see you in the hall after they skipped a a class and suddenly begin limping, or coughing, or grasping frantically at their chest ... ? or, my personal favourite ... "hey, maybe we could come to an arrangement about my grade".
  13. theme: songs about (or referring to) a menage a trois 1. David Crosby - Triad 2. Slow Nerve Action - Only Pros (actually refers to DVDA, but lets not split hairs) 3. Ruff Endz - Threesome 4. Prince - It Takes 3 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  14. not for those of us who choose to ignore The Man's rules.
  15. LMAO. thats the funniest thing Ive heard in a while.
  16. re: the list - my page numbers dont match your page numbers, MarcO. is this a settings thing?
  17. did anyone even get tix? i tried and nothing was available ...
  18. it doesnt? uh oh :blush:
  19. colleagues who think its cool to wait until the last minute and then expect everyone to pull an all-nighter.
  20. ok, so people are either being polite or are asleep. New Theme: Songs about MURDER muwaah haa haa haaaaa haaaaaaaah 1. Cowboy Junkies - Murder, Tonight, In the Trailer Park. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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