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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. an interesting analysis on globe website today
  2. you may begin. might I suggest we take each into its own thread? (Ive noticed people here stray off topic every now and then, LMFAO ... ah, I amuse myself, and really, thats what counts)
  3. phishtaper


    i hope you didnt try that hole in the popcorn bag trick
  4. phishtaper


    but make sure you are on chretien's left side because he's deaf in his right ear. and I thot he was ignoring me. mulroney is really tall too, but trudeau was quite short. neither is deaf, though, they were ignoring me.
  5. a colleague is a separatist and he argued that Dion is so unpopular in quebec that his assention will only serve to fuel the separatist movement. this would seem to suggest otherwise. let me go rub his nose in it, hehe
  6. please feel free to share your thoughts
  7. i prefer the dusty rose ones .... but the white ones do look very real ...
  8. well, they still have accountable government, riiiiiiight?
  9. ... in action two elected from each ward. sucks to lose that way, eh? and the city is so far unwilling to have a hand recount. wow.
  10. my MP has consistently voted against SSM despite the fact that she's a Liberal. she recently announced that she is retiring after this term. i just sent her an email: Mrs Chamberlain, How do you intend to vote when the Prime Minister introduces a motion to revisit the Civil Marriage Act to take away Court-ordered, Charter-guaranteed rights of your constituents? Voting for the motion will constitute ignorant, illegal and hateful action on your part - and this will be your legacy. I look forward to your response and I sincerely hope that you make the right choice this time. Sincerely, ... and I cc'd it to the editor of the local newspaper. nothing will come of it, never did in the past, but I feel better.
  11. LOL, thanks ... my daily funny.
  12. sweet looking machine - high on the "cool factor" as Sony says. not sure it's worth the price though, given that it's more geared for journalists than tapers. it cannot do a few things that tapers would normally need. there's no HQ interface for better, more convenient, external mics, let alone phantom power. (and at over a pound, its too big to hang on a stand to use the built-ins.) there's no coax digi for A/D, just usb. and it only runs for 3hrs. the limiter is a really nice feature though, as are the uber-cool analog meters. that said, if someone wants to give me one, I will say yes, please. ive always been struck by how Sony seems to be on the very leading edge of stealth technology (D7/8, M1, MD, and now this D1) yet they also own so much copyright to material that they'd hate to have recorded. different corporate divisions, I know, but still, there's gotta be a lot of "jeesh, look what those techies have come up with now!" going on over there.
  13. i used to delivery the Brampton Daily Times when I was a kid. my sister delivered the Globe and Mail. hers were a lot thicker and full of all sorts of gibberish about business and politics and stuff that just looked boring. mine had colour comics on weekends. she got better christmas tips. i got cookies. when did the Globe turn left? it used to be sooo right.
  14. I had a prof that was about 4 billion years old. That was standard.
  15. i save my old christmas trees and make really big ear-rings for next year. its my own way of re-gifting.
  16. im just waiting for when he tells us about his personal conversations with god ... in the end this will be another feeble, and presumably unsuccessful, attempt by the politically-connected wing of the religious right to influence social policy by dictating how others should live, think, breathe, wed, etc. sadly, ive just come to accept these silly attacks on human rights because I know that for every proposed (or even actualized) step backwards, good people like Egale force two others steps forward. the hurtful thing, though, is that Harper and his ilk are motivated by hate and inequity and thats sad and not Canadian. hopefully, when he does come to have that final chat with god, he'll get an earful.
  17. the sad thing is that people dont see it. yep, gotta protect them poor, misuderstood and discrminated-against parliamentalarians from those evil equal-rights do-gooders.
  18. ok, this just took a nasty turn ... wowza
  19. phishtaper


    they suggested on TV that some delegates did not vote intentionally. i seem to recall something about the commentators saying that the pres. of a local youth wing said that they were selected in their riding and sent to the convention to vote for Iggy, but they didnt vote on the first ballot because they didnt want to vote for him. maybe i heard it wrong.
  20. so, do tell, how'd ya get out of it? nervous tick motion of the head to the left?
  21. There's always Paris, mon ami.
  22. definately a good area to be. check this out. there was an ethiopian restaurant near there we went to a couple years ago, was good.
  23. phishtaper


    Gimme that z, o-l-o-f-t Gimme a grip, make me love me
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