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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. me too! when i ate the donair i said to velvet that it reminded me of poppy seed dressing.
  2. hehe that's a cute shirt fairysari, and thanks for the links!
  3. i didn't mean to piss on your pigs hamster cages will get stinky too for sure if you don't care for them. what i meant, i guess, was that guinea pigs are way bigger which means more piss to clean up more often! i saw the cutest cutest guinea pig in the pet store awhile back but managed to resist.
  4. i work on various energy efficiency projects for a consulting company. like fleet management and energy retrofits. i love my job! my boss rules and so does our company and lifestyle.
  5. i had hamsters when i was young and they were all sweet and lovable. i guess i'll have to take my chances! guinea pigs are cute but i'd heard they are really stinky and messy and piss all over the place. i guess cuz they are so much bigger. still hoping for a hamster....
  6. i can't imagine putting eggs in chicken salad. i'm gonna say no. i like chicken salad on a toasted poppy bagel from kettleman's
  7. i got to try that place and i had 3 of those ^^^^ last weekend on our trip to NB. my first one ever: yummy but way too saucy second one: i asked for less sauce, got basically no sauce though, so not as good. still tasty. third one: nasty. it was cold by the time i ate it in the car.
  8. i would like to adopt a hamster (the fluffy teddy bear kind) but the humane society doesn't have any right now and i can't find any on craigslist either. if anyone keeps hamsters, let me know if you get any babies you don't want! any info on where else i could look for one, also appreciated! thanks
  9. i'd buy a hybrid. yeah there's the battery issue but the fuel efficiency is more important i think. the battery technology will improve in time.
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