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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    A different take on conspiracy.
  2. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    haha. not me. i want to talk one of my friends into running for the Bloc in Chatham. but... if the Bloc's a no go, I'd settle for the Progressive Canadians... or the Libertarian party.
  3. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Rae too eh? 'Bout time. They've got a month to get their shit together, really, really fast. Unfortunately I doubt it'll be enough time. Think they'll pass the budget? Does anyone know what it takes to get party's to run candidates in ridings they traditionally don't run candidates in? I could potentially find myself in a bit of a 'who the f should i vote for' quandary if this comes to an election. I don't want a CP majority... but that doesn't mean that i could bring myself to vote for the options i have. I have no idea if i even have options.
  4. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Yup. I'm done relying on government. It's been a major point of dissatisfaction in my life. I'm finding recently that I'm able to motivate enough people to accomplish some cool things without them. If more people be the change, we *could* change. It's just getting out there and inspiring others to get off the sofa and do stuff. Not an easy task, but i think if you can get 3-5 people on board with a plan, you win. We win.
  5. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    It's the holidays! Start up a canned food drive at work. Put on a fundraiser. Be the change. That's my plan.
  6. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Did you watch the debates? Jesus, i just checked my voicemail and had one from "Canadians for Democracy" with some girl reminding me that Canadians elected the Conservative government with a strong mandate as a minority back in October, but now the Liberals and NDP have formed a coalition with the 'separatists' to overthrow the government. She told me that Stephen Harper is asking all Canadians to speak out about this matter and I was to push 1 for further information.
  7. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I can't win this on here so I won't even try. All I can say is time will show who exactly is right. I'm not thinking the voice of the religious right is going to be legitimized, but I could be wrong. Until time passes, it's useless for us to continue having the same discussions, when both sides are nothing but pure speculation.
  8. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Government, as in everyone. I agree that Harper is the instigator in this huge mess, but the Opposition certainly are no saints themselves. They had the claws out on a moments notice and couldn't put them away when the CP started back-peddling. It's apparent the CP is unwilling to work with the Opposition, just as much as it's apparent the Opposition is unwilling to work with the government. No-one is any better. No-one wants to work with each other. And really, really Smoothedshredder was right when he wrote the Opposition's only chord of similarity and common ground was/is self-preservation. How is that working for Canada? It's not. We've been divided by the reactions of the whole lot of them. The only good thing that I've seen come out of this is the talking amongst my friends who normally care less about politics and don't vote, asking me what's up with this situation, and actually starting to show a few signs of concern. Whether this has any longevity is still to be determined. But for once, it seems as though Canadians are starting to open their eyes... even if it's just a teeny bit wider. Wider? Hmmmm... We've chatted about the religious ideology of social conservatism and you know where I stand on what the motives of this party are. I don't think we'll see anything getting 'rammed down throats'.
  9. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Recently revived by the prospect of a coalition government? It's not like i'm afraid that admitting what you're implying is true will show you all that I made some grave mistake. I don't operate with such motives. And I really don't care. I just don't think it's to the level that you imagine it to be, that's all. You've admitted that you've exaggerated, and that you've fear mongered and I *think* just from reading what you wrote in the language of your choice, you might be going a bit over the top with your exaggeration. Like i said, I don't disagree that there's a trace element of it within the party, I disagree that western separatism precipitated a national constitutional struggle. Rather, I think this stems from the long and deeply rooted rivalry between the traditional Conservative party and the Liberals and the want to see each others demise. And of course, Stephen Harper really wanting a majority government.
  10. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Exaggerating or going off the deep-end? I don't entirely rule out that there's a minute amount of a dead and long gone western separatist movement maybe lingering around the CPC, but I surely don't attribute it the kind of strength you do.
  11. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Well, if they got votes in Ontario perhaps. No. Because I don't believe they do. Does this mean you think i'm witty?
  12. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    And that's cool. But the clear difference to the uneducated Canadian who doesn't think about these things is that the western separatist party doesn't exist anymore. What exists now is the CPC who run candidates in every single riding (?) across the country come election time, who incorporate the old national PC's and don't call themselves separatists. So, while I acknowledge your fear of possible coercion, this idea isn't as problematic for Canadians as a whole.
  13. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Easy dudes. I'm not failing to recognize that the wants and needs of Quebec may actually align with the wants and needs of the rest of Canada, nor am I conveniently forgetting that the Alliance plays a large role in the make-up of the CPC. I'm just(!) saying the formation of a coalition that relies on the Bloc's support is problematic... because it is!! Look at the polls, they show this quite clearly. Unfortunately we can't sit down and rationalize with each and every Canadian of the opinion-forming age and so it is what it is.
  14. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    The promise to support a coalition isn't a win for separatism, it's a win for Quebec. It puts their agenda - wants and needs above the agendas of all of the other provinces. The coalition, dependant on the Blocs support will form policy with the knowledge that they have to cater to Quebec to get it passed. If anything will further alienate the West who already feels alienated for so many reasons, this is it. We have the option to vote for parties that are represented across Canada, we do not have the option to vote for the Bloc.
  15. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Well, I don't believe they should be 'silenced' at all. I just don't think they should be given veto rights over national policy. That's a pretty heavy concession to be given to a party who outwardly admits that they're primo concern is making sure Quebec gets what Quebec wants. And to be given veto power over national policy when no Canadian can vote for them except those who live in Quebec, seems to be a very tipped scale in favour of the Bloc.
  16. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    HAhahahaha! Perseverance my friend!! hahaha... that's funny.
  17. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    [cough]MOST CANADIANS!{/cough] He's a dick, but I'm not going to elevate any of the others above him. I'm still sticking to the middle finger to all photo. Amen! and... Amen! **Sorry, had to remove the NDP out of there.
  18. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Harper's a dick. There you go!
  19. I was there and it was an awesome surprise! Kevin announced he had a special guest and I half suspected Feist and it was Isaac Brock! Good times, but holy fack do I hate the sound academy.
  20. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    F. Me too! That's why I quoted Mattm above that.
  21. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    AD, it'd be the equivalent of allowing the Western Alliance for separatism, or whatever they called themselves back in the day, be the party pulling the strings of our "federal" government. One province should not have that kind of power over "federal" policy. They should all be equally able to lobby for what they feel they deserve. It should be okay to talk about Alberta and to talk about Quebec. But it should not be okay to form federal policy where concessions to either one would be given just to get it to pass.
  22. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I say no, because of this... I find it hard to fathom that a cabinet made up of Liberals and NDP catering to the Bloc are going to easily and effectively come up with policy quickly that will benefit all Canadians. We're all demanding that our government come up with some great plan that helps Canada survive, rebuild and strengthen. I prefer we don't do it rashly. I'd be skeptical of any plan formed overnight for such a big job.
  23. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    That they're upset about a potential tip in the balance of provincial power, and rightly so. hahahaha! I told you i'm not a die-hard. One of my downfalls in life could be giving people the benefit of the doubt. I like everyone upon first meeting, and then when they fuck shit up, then I question.
  24. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    It's not all separation or nothing. It's the problem of them wanting what's best for THEIR PROVINCE. They don't want what's best for CANADA.
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