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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    hahaah... i hope it breaks out into a musical.
  2. here ya go! http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/250035/tp/1/
  3. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I'll play too. I would be acting the same as well, for all the same reasons. I by no means want to see a strong majority right-wing coalition, just as much as I don't want to see a strong majority left-wing coalition. And I don't want to see a coalition of either of the two supported by a separatist party.
  4. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Well, upon hearing what Flaherty said about waiting for Obama, I totally agree and really think that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is announcing large scale economic stimulus and then having the new administration down south come in and go an entirely different route (I wish I had thought about this before I immediately condemned this financial update). Ours should compliment theirs, because they have to work, really, really closely together. The separatists are separatists, and yes, they wear their agenda on their sleeve. I don't think they're going to hurt Canada, but I do think they're going to use this as their golden opportunity to finally get what they've been demanding of our federal government for years. And I can't blame them for it, it's a golden opportunity. I just honestly have no idea what's going on in the minds of the Liberal Party right now. It seems like sheer desperation for power. Sorry, but it does. I can't wrap my head around it any other way, and I've been trying. How are our citizens demanding reaction? I haven't noticed anyone demanding anything. It's not like there are public rallies for economic stimulus or picketing on parliament hill. It's boiled down to the left thinking their way is THE way, and anything else isn't to be considered 'action'. I started streaming CPAC today at work and had to turn it off because of the ridiculousness that was being shouted across the floor by all parties. Anyone else see that our economy grew 1.3% this quarter? Making Canada one of few countries in the world to have such growth? Sure, it's not going to last, but it's something to note. Ollie brings up a good question that noone has answered.
  5. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I have no idea what you two are referring to. I don't want to start a fight, but isn't this kind of what you were doing with the CPC? I agree that it's a very open-minded non-partisan idea to form a coalition government as well, but i don't think it's quite so easy to say that being separatists is a small piece of their ideology. It's actually a huge piece of their ideology in that they advocate for Quebec to actually separate from Canada and form their own nation. I fear that a coalition formed by the NDP and the Liberals, supported by the Bloc is going to see an unfair balance tip to that province in terms of transfers. Quebec first, the rest of you later.
  6. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I'll hopefully wait a long time for that.
  7. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Wait 'til they come back with a majority.
  8. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Yes. And all sectors. But what I consider a stimulus package, Jack Layton does not. And what Jack Layton considers a stimulus package, I really, really do not. I guess the Opposition feels like overthrowing the government is the better choice than waiting the less than two month period for the 'package'.
  9. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    agh! i need a live update on question period! Dion is the 'unanimous' choice to lead the coalition? FACK! What the f is going on here?
  10. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    You know what would sit better with me? If this non-confidence motion was brought about by a lack of faith in tax-cuts, or the crime bill, or over some whacked-out socially conservative agenda. But no, the non-confidence motion wasn't brought out on behalf of the daily worries of the average Joe-Shmoe Canadian, it was brought about because these political parties might lose their funding. If this thing goes through, and it's not just a scare tactic, shame, shame, shame on the NDP and the Liberals. And shame, shame, shame on Westminster for allowing it to happen. Don't get me wrong, I think Harper is a complete goof for ever going here, but to vote down this government with it's strong mandate as a minority government, with more seats then both the NDP and the Libs combined, and to prop up a coalition with 'promised' support of a Separatist party makes me feel ill. Someone posted a Jack Layton quote in the other thread saying the best thing for Canada would be the Bloc working for it, and in my books, Layton just lost out big time with me for saying that. What about the people who voted for those Bloc MPs?? Whatever. I'm irritated. AD - it's not the actual letter, it's a Globe and Mail piece... here it is:
  11. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Emphasis on the word "particularly". I need to find land somewhere in the middle of nowhere, completely surrounded by trees, a small body of water, and some good fertile land. No tv, no computer and no newspaper delivery.
  12. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Well, the letter's being drafted. What a fucking joke this country is. Promise that the coalition will last for at least a year? Allowing two budgets to pass without even hearing what the budgets entail? My buzz for Canada is quickly being killed.
  13. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    "feels' ANYWAY , I think i need further clarification. I'm totally unfamiliar with the part of the constitution that allows for coalition governments, so the constitutional crisis is who acts as the leader? Is this because Dion has announced a leadership convention to find his replacement?
  14. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    haah... i said 'coup feels strong for me too'. but whatever. i was just using a little dramatic prose boys. i have a question that i really don't know the answer to and am hoping someone does - the coalition is provided for in our constitution - so what would the 'consitutional crisis' be that major news people are talking about then?
  15. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Not arguing this is a coup, just sayin'.
  16. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I'd venture to say most of your examples of coups aren't coups but revolutions. 'A power grab'? 'Unjustly or undeservedly'? There hasn't been a non-confidence motion yet. Who are some? The Toronto Star? It appears to me Harper is backing down, as far as I have read.
  17. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Coup feels strong for me too, but it's kind of what it feels like, with all the backroom talks going on and the proposal of a 'constitutional crisis' by every major news outlet.
  18. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    No, 54% did not vote on the left. Some of that 54% voted for the Bloc - the Separatists. Without the separatists 'uniting' with the NDP and the Liberals to work together for a 'united' Canada, such a coalition isn't even possible. This is sooo not cool in my books. The more I read about it, then more I really don't like. Ultimately Canadians and the principles that led them to vote are getting cast aside. Really not cool. Upon some further reading, I agree that it makes total sense for the CP to announce their economic stimulus package shortly thereafter Obama's much larger package announcement and feel a little happier in knowing they bumped the February budget up to January to coincide with this. AD - upon some further reading, i think it appears as though Stephane Dion is the guy widely considered for the job. Which just furthers how uncool this potential coup is. I think Canadians and Liberals themselves put the message out loud and clear that Dion wasn't the guy they wanted, when the Libs had their worst election results, ever.
  19. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I wonder if this is how minority governments actually start to work.
  20. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Yah, not been paying attention too closely. It's been a busy weekend. You don't see how Harper can come out on top? So, does that mean you now think the coalition is a possibility?
  21. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    Well, we COULD argue that, but I'd go on to argue that the proposed alternative would be woefully inept in the economic department as well! (you've read what I said about social reform and how i think it would work best) Thanks for the disclaimer that you don't want to start a fight, that's cute. I never denied Harper wanted to destroy the Liberals, I denied a socially conservative agenda of the religious right coming to fruition in this Conservative government. This is politics, and just as much as it was apparent during the debates that the Greens, NDP, Liberals and Bloc (a little less for the Bloc, actually) didn't want Harper or the Conservatives elected, it's as apparent Harper wants to give his party the old Liberal title of "Natural Governing Party".
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