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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    I'm kind of a case in point to what you're saying then. For an instant upon first reading this, i thought to defend myself and drudge up the definition of a nation state and talk about confederation and go down that route, but then i thought fuck definitions, he's right. I don't mean to be exlusionary or to erase or negate a history. And I'm not looking for a scape goat when I say that perhaps part of the problem is we have too many histories to actually form A history. Too many histories that are so NEW. Aboriginals being conquered by immigrants, French vs English, Germans and Ukranians losing voting rights in WW1, Japanese getting shipped to internment camps during WWII, first, second and third-generation immigrants who still identify as Chinese-Canadian, German-Canadian, Indo-Canadian, or Japanese-Canadian - something always preceding 'Canadian'. Aboriginals who only gained the right to cast a vote in 1960. 1960!! Each has a story far different from the other - and for years now we have collectively rejoiced in how non-collective we are. So i hear what you're saying and totally agree. I think it's sad. I don't know though if i can lay blame or accuse someone of oppression for not getting it. The issue is really a bit of a nightmare to get around - and so perhaps people are just floundering along the way.
  2. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Sorry, i didn't even see this! I know my verbiage is strong at times and comes across as insufferable, leading others to think conversing with me is akin to banging their own heads on a brick wall , but i'd like to put it out there that i know this, and i know that i don't know it all. Really (and this may seem surprising to some) i do learn from you all, and adapt my thoughts based on what you all share. So thanks for that. Warm and fuzzy? That's my thing. And I couldn't agree with you more on what could be far more powerful. But in a baby nation of immigrants, it's been a struggle to come up with the common ground for everyone to share and identify with, in order to celebrate. It's why we see those Canadian heritage commercials of little Molly O'Brien landing in Quebec and keeping her Irish roots. Or why so many Canadian historians fuss over the notion of a national identity and why each year the CBC produces some appalling statistic of how little Canadians know of their history. And they're shocked? I've always thought the key was celebrating our diversity and that's why images of a farmer's market on parliament hill danced through my head. But i also know, i'm very much a dreamer - and sometimes an idealist, and you all brought me back down to what 'can' be done, rather than the distant pipe dream that was suited for another place at another time. It's all good. What 'can' be done is practicing what we preach and hoping it rubs off on others. That's where I'm at.
  3. Does anyone know if this speech is going to be televised live? And if so, at what time? thanks.
  4. Birdy


    hahah it's kinda like my favourite John Diefenbaker quote: "I may not always be right, but I'm always on the side of right". if there ever were a simple solution, i'd look out my window today and see nothing but rainbows and unicorns.
  5. Birdy

    Drink recipes

    i got hooked on the dirty bananas when i went down to Jamaica in February. from what i understand - they're kind of the 'official' blender drink of the country. 1 oz coffee liqueur 1 oz creme de cacao 1 oz dark rum (optional but good) 1/2 ripe banana splash or two of milk or cream ice
  6. Birdy


    As in the party's greenwash and not green? Like Tim Horton's is coffee drink and not coffee?
  7. Birdy


    haha - you all win. i want high-speed passenger trains! green!
  8. Perfect. I'm planning the week of July 12th - 18th.
  9. Thanks Blurry! Perce Rock is really what spurred this idea - i remember seeing photos of it in a coffee table Canada photo book my parents had as a little girl and always wanted to go.
  10. It's actually not too hard to get a passport. If you go to this website: http://www.pptc.gc.ca/form/index.aspx and fill out on the online form, then print it off (it prints off with a barcode at the top) and take it in to the passport office - it's actually pretty simple. then you don't have to worry about hackers, and you're good to go to any country.
  11. thanks buddy! i love the shipwreck!!
  12. I don't know... i just read this article: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2009/05/05/drivers-licence.html that was published May 5th, talking about an 'enhanced' license. I thought the new license that I already have is the 'enhanced' license. But mine doesn't have a protective sleeve to block hackers!
  13. I'm planning a summer roadtrip through Quebec City and the Gaspe Peninsula and am wondering if anyone has recommendations for campgrounds, parks, etc. for accommodations and general stuff to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. Birdy


    Meh. I was never a die-hard. You just tried to paint me as a die-hard. But not to worry Thorgnor, we'll always have 'religion'. haha
  15. Birdy


    I hereby officially withdraw my support of the Conservative Party and turn to the Greens. This is effective immediately, and well into the foreseeable future. I feel for the failing manufacturing sector as much as the next guy, but to support a government that neglects (and sometimes seems to refuse) to see the big picture is not what I want to do. I have no interest in Government Motors. My new plight is sustainable agriculture.
  16. Birdy

    Clotted Cream

    It's a little thicker than sour cream - spreads easily - kind of like butter. it tastes like deliciousness in a bottle! if you ever whip real cream (whipping cream) instead of buying the cool-whip variety, it's like that, but thick and rich.
  17. Birdy

    Clotted Cream

    confirmed at loblaws! thanks now i can avoid those strange dudes at the dutch market for another five years.
  18. Birdy

    Clotted Cream

    Oooh, good call! I'll slide by there tomorrow. Thanks.
  19. Happy day Jeff! Hope all is well with your world!
  20. Birdy

    Clotted Cream

    I recently came back from the UK, and while there got totally hooked on this: and well, the whole afternoon tea experience in general. Does anyone know if you can find clotted cream in regular supermarkets here? I see that I can order it online, but it's perishable, and i'm not really sure how long it holds up, considering the shipping process and all. If you haven't tried it, oh my god. Get yourself some, hook it up with some scones and raspberry jam. It's the best thing since sliced bread. Thanks!
  21. I want to sign up to be your friend! Digitize and declutter. Makes moving easier.
  22. Just got a ticket for the Friday, May 22 Clapton show. Thanks for mentioning this Brad!
  23. If you go to Anne Frank's house, go first thing in the morning. Like, be there 1/2 hour before it opens, otherwise you'll have to stand in line. Rent a bike for the day and tour around... it's fun as hell and the way the city is laid out you can cover some serious ground.
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