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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Thomas Friedman would have North America look like a billowing smoke-cloud from the moon as Detroit lay burning, when all we want is some creative thinking.
  2. I don't really think Washington's going to let Detroit go to waste. But i'm all for calling Steve Jobs and pulling his philanthropic strings. I'm with Neil Young.
  3. nope, quite far from it if you don't think like a liberal.
  4. Meggo, doesn't this look like a such a beautiful happy place? *cough* bestest side of the bay! *cough*
  5. i wonder if i'd qualify as a pesky woman. i think you're right pt. scary how people hold on to things thinking that progress isn't really progress but temporary mis-steps. you'd think that if they really held faith in their church as being true and right and 'the one' there wouldn't be so much concern for what government allows because ultimately they would be right, the world will undoubtedly have it's eureka moment and go back to 'the true way', and when judgement day came, that really would be the ultimate test. personally, i think a few of these religious folks are going to have their eureka moments when it comes time for that final judgement. which would be interesting.
  6. totally! you can contribute... which would be perfect for when i stop being blog happy and let it slide, you can come in to re-inspire.
  7. I think i'd go for the citizen of the world approach. Maybe i'll just start up a 'what's up Arkansas?' blog.
  8. Where do i write a letter and to whom? This really makes me so sick to think about. Imagine those poor little kids thinking they now have a family, not knowing the difference between gay and straight, not even having an opinion on it, being snatched away because of some f'ing bigot? This is right up there amongst the worst things in the world to me.
  9. WAIT! So in Arkansas, gay couples who have since adopted kids when the laws became favourable are now seeing those kids go back into group homes? How fucked those people are who voted for this proposition... :( That makes me sick... those poor kids!
  10. i don't think he's saying that at all. he's just acknowledging that some consider it an issue.
  11. It's not a leftist trend. Scott Brison was a Conservative who crossed the floor. I'm talking of an overall shift in consciousness in all people... well, nearly all.
  12. and then there's also the part of the population who's just plain afraid of what they don't know and get warped and twisted ideas of what they don't know is. these folks are generally non-religious bigots who spout their lack of knowledge loud and proud and come across to many as backwards hicks. if only you could smack these dudes upside the head and make them see just how hate-filled they're being, for really and honestly, all church-related definitions of marriage aside, no good reason. maybe that's the next big landmark to hurdle... gay rights and acceptance.
  13. And like PT said, they could all get hit by a bus next week. On this rare occasion, I'm happy to say that I agree with all three of you! Cheers!
  14. my dad would say the best way to hear Sarah Palin talk is to turn down the volume.
  15. Wait till those 18-29 year olds get jobs and start paying taxes and letting everything jade them a bit. Saying 'change indeed' might be a little premature.
  16. I've got some chili in the slow cooker right now. I used half lean ground beef/half sausage, onions, garlic, green pepper, red pepper, jalapeno pepper, celery, cumin, cayenne, oregano, chili powder, salt, pepper, sugar, red kidney beans, black beans, tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. I have some corn to throw in later too. And some cheese and fresh onions chopped up for serving. Yay chili!!
  17. A quick google of police not doing their job turns up countless articles and forum discussions. This could have something do with their collective mindframe. The whole 'right to bear arms' thing gets taken pretty literally over there. The news they watch isn't like the CBC telling heart-warming stories of 12 year old kids skating down the Rideau canal on a Sunday morning, but rather's like watching street death toll 101. Americans are really funny about their guns. I know a lot of 'em with guns under their pillows. That's fucked... and paranoid.
  18. how 'bout you read what I wrote? I'm not defending the article at all.
  19. A better question upon reading this thread is how come we're not able to use ours?
  20. Please stop speaking for me. Until you actually put in some time to understand what I think and what my ideals are (rather than criticize my choice of political candidate in a riding where my true preference isn't even represented), I'd really appreciate it. Knowing of Area 51 and even showing interest in Area 51 does NOT minimize real problems in this world!! What's your reasoning behind saying such a ridiculous thing? No offense, but . Are you suggesting anyone who considers anything remotely off-centre line doesn't care about starving kids in Africa? Or are you saying that giving your time to consider these things is time taken away from the kids in Africa? What are you trying to say here? Gad. Just because you're able to consider these things, does not subtract from things you know as truth. Seriously! I'll let Mobe handle the rest of your loaded post.
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