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Everything posted by meggo

  1. i posted that article on our school's "message board" and got this reply: "Meghan I don't believe those numbers . I see it as an election issue with Chiarelli..attempting desperately to get votes. I believe the number is more like 20 % use drugs during the school day. The number may be higher for the recreational user who participates on weekends or evenings. Part of the difficulty is that there is little to no consequence for using drugs. If a kid is caught with a couple of joints , the dope in taken and the kid gets a lecture. Which leads to ....Do we want to charge kids for having posession of a couple joints? What would be the consequence? Don't say anything that you are not willing or able to follow through with ,as kids now of days will call your bluff. I have worked at the jail for Young Offenders , do we want to send a kid with 2 joints to jail for 10 days with alleged murders, armed robbers and sexual assaulters. Most of the problem goes back to parenting.......don't get me started as I have VERY strong views on parenting issues. Later Tom "
  2. those stats sound reasonable, but chiarelli is saying 60% are getting high during the school day. crazy. scottie i would agree with your guess, again depending on which class it is.
  3. to me that figure sounds ridiculous. some of them definitely are, but i would put it down around 25%. [maybe slightly "higher" depending on the class, no pun intended ]. edit to add: to be honest i even think that 25% is a bit generous. i think i'll ask my kids what they think about this statistic, thanks ollie.
  4. meggo

    How to Cook a Steak

    hah.. yes, well... hmmm..
  5. i think i'll make the short walk down. gotta get those nero tix!!!
  6. hurray!!! and, as AD has already alluded to, i nearly shat when i saw that thread title. be careful please, CAREFUL!
  7. unnnnnbelievable. what a baby. edit to clarify: mackay = baby i'm kind of indifferent about belinda, although i saw her on the hour last week and thought she carried herself well. regardless what i think of her, i think what he did was totally out of line and as DB says, a huge embarrassment to his party.
  8. ms zimmy [mrs zimmy?] and i share the same street. i see her skating by sometimes, i'll let her know you're looking for her if i see her!
  9. meggo

    How to Cook a Steak

    thanks for that brad... i am notorious for ruining steaks.
  10. ah! okay. you know, i don't think so! the kids were pretty easy on him.
  11. meggo

    dinner for the week

    mmm! all that stuff sounds good. we have a whole bunch of turkey stock from last weekend so i like the soup idea too. thanks y'all!
  12. i watched five episodes of what not to wear. three of them i've seen before. sad, sad, sad.
  13. thanks jaydawg. caught him twice when i lived out west, i think he actually somehow broke the generator at a big outdoor party i was at. it's great when he starts waving his crazy long hair around while he's spinning. have fun!
  14. meggo

    dinner for the week

    hmmmm... not bad, brad! thanks!
  15. [color:red]HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEL! good to have you back in town.
  16. on the weekend i like to make a great big pot of something that will last us a few days, since i'm usually too beat during the week to do much cooking. i'm looking for suggestions for this week, i'm feeling a little bit uninspired at the moment. lately i've done veggie lasagna, chicken curry, chili, spaghetti and meatballs... thanks
  17. our ottawa-centretown MP. i invited him to come speak to our grade 10 civics classes, and he was kind enough to oblige us with an engaging visit today - despite the fact that our school isn't in his riding. and he didn't mention "working people" once.
  18. playing at capital city music hall. i doubt i'm going to make it, we're doing the turkey thing today, but we'll see!
  19. thank you! what ended up happening was, when soaking it didn't work i left it on the counter to free up sink space. i checked it out about a day later and the offending layer had just dried up and started to peel off on it's own. hurray!
  20. the politics forum has it's moments.
  21. you're making a spaghetti sauce, and you let it simmer for a good 30 minutes or so, and you don't stir it enough, and there ends up being a quarter-inch-thick layer of burnt-on tomatoey cement at the bottom? we have a very bad track record with pots in this house.
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