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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. The best week of NFL football is here once again. I love this week and these set of games are going to be great. My picks: Ten Pitt Phil Car
  2. Wow, thanks for picture. Tebow's a lucky man.
  3. Yeah, I was told that. Anyway it is rationalize, it just doesn't make a lot of sense.
  4. I was thinking the same thing last night. I saw Little Tits fight a few times in Jr, he can definately hold his own with the light middle weights.
  5. But they don't and this way makes too much money for them.
  6. My thoughts exactly.
  7. Man, I hate Florida, but they produced great players and have a great program. Urban Meyer has turned the Swamp around quickly.
  8. Dear Habs Fans, You are welcome!!! What a glorious turn of events it has been this year. The Sens are absolutely terrible and were 1-6-1 on their last road trip, but we are also terrible. I am not sure how long we can hold them off. Hopefully Alfie keeps turning over the puck in his own end and we can all maintain this pace. Yours in Hockey, Leaf Nation
  9. Ok, so I sent out a message to your emails yesterday regarding the trade of Kuba for Markov and I got about 6 responses. Basically everyone but one thought that this trade did not make a lot of sense. Kuba has less points and he is one injured reserve. This does not make a lot of sense. Does anyone else agree? If not, could someone send me an trade proposal like that?
  10. Yes, we know, but the irony would be great. And at the same time, we will hire Jack Martin.
  11. Whitey


    Nice thumpin we laid on those Swedes!
  12. Whitey


    Oh baby, I hope that this is true!
  13. Whitey


    Me too. I love the Jrs, no team gives me as much joy as they do year after year.
  14. Whitey


    What an amazing game last night! Tavares is a stud!
  15. My picks: Indy Baltimore Philadelphia Atlanta
  16. Ed Reed is the man, but I too can't cheer for the Ravens because of Lewis.
  17. Yeah, Chris Johnson is a player, although I hope the Steelers remember his showboating when they play in the AFC championship game. I love the NFL, there are so many great college players to choose from and many can make an immediate impact on their team. Eg., D'Angelo Williams, Matt Ryan
  18. Merry Christmas to you fuckers!!! It is always a lot of fun in here. Have a great holiday!!!
  19. Yes, keeper league would be great, but I think it would be better if we started over again. This league is good fun though.
  20. I don't know what the fuck a bona fide prospect is, but these young guys that keep coming up from the Marlies are looking pretty sweet.
  21. How about them Sens? Is there anyone left on the wagon?
  22. Washed up, really? 34 goals and 46 assists playing for a crappy team. Sounds like a solid addition to any team.
  23. Wow, along with the Canadian World Jrs, I think this is the 2nd thing we can all agree on.
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