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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. I have a car. Can you get to Woodstock? We missed our summer tour last year.
  2. What colour is the sky in your world?
  3. A very valid point. But they have to do something to get some exposure in the States and I guess Sid is the person to do it.
  4. Jakis, I think you hit a nerve. And AD, you said at least you were funny, was that the Golf Forum joke?
  5. So much is said about the Leafs overpaid players, could anyone tell me where Alexei Kovalev was last night?
  6. Tough one today. These are the breaks when you don't take care of your own business. Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda. Great game last night and it was nice to ruin the Canadiens' playoff hopes. It also saved us from having listen to Booche run off for days on end.
  7. During the game on Thursday night, someone had a sign that read " Can't light up this Dubie".
  8. I think that if the Leafs CAN make the playoffs they will be a tough team to beat. They have been playing playoff hockey for a while now and they have been playing quite well. They are a gritty, physical team that might be able to pull off what Edmonton did last year. So I hope.
  9. And Kaberle. His play has been great since his return. For Mats, he will score twice tonight. (Hopefully)
  10. Who cares about McM$oney, we have more important things to worry about tonight. 2 wins = postseason. I hope we f*cking kill the Islanders tonight.
  11. Ollie, nice job on the 5000 posts.
  12. There has to be a little love sometimes.
  13. I have already been thinking about next Saturday. It would be great if the Leafs would get that chance.
  14. One point was not enough last night. We must win our remaining games. Hopefully, Ottawa takes care of business tonight.
  15. Wow, nice friend. That is a great score to a great game. Go Sens!
  16. I will be there and I am really looking forward to meeting people from this board. It should be a great time.
  17. Excellent effort all around last night. Kaberle was dominate. It was nice to see the Leafs respond after a they gave up their first goal. Mr H, you saw a great game last night. How do you get all these tickets? Bring on Hotlanta!
  18. I think everybody is nervous. Tough schedule for the second last week of the season.
  19. Too bad, they will miss him. I think he would have been very effective in the playoffs.
  20. Wow, what a game!!! I can't believe the Leafs found a way to lose that game. It was entertaining as all hell, and the Leafs, for the most part, played well. Man, is Buffalo fast. In the third, they made the Leafs look silly. Depressing game as a Leaf fan because I was already counting the two points. Let us have it today, we deserve it.
  21. The finish is always spectacular!
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