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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. Maybe accepting the negative in the world will help you appreciate the positive. You can't be ignorant and "question, question, question!!" You have to know things, be informed, etc, to ask questions. Ignorance is the catalyst of most things wrong with the world today.

  2. They were residents or citizens of Canada fighting for a group or movement established elsewhere. Unlike, the FLQ, they weren't fighting for a chunk of Canada, or to gain a prescence, they are here to fuck shit up on behalf of an overseas initiative.

    My brain is starting to hurt.

  3. So' date=' Birdy, this is all the fault of the freedom of information modern technology has given us? See no evil, hear no evil? I don't buy it. [/quote']you don't subscribe to 'see no evil, hear no evil'? i do.

    No, I don't. The media presents facts, in whatever biased form, they still present facts. If your careful, and tread lightly, you can see through the obviously transparent subjectivity and find the facts. I'd rather know than not. Are you saying ignorance is bliss? If so, enjoy, you might miss out on some happy, fun facts too.

  4. Civil, meaning, from within the country. The FLQ was developed in Canada, with motives against Canada. They were terrorists on a civil level. Just like the South rose against the North during the American "civil" war, I would call the FLQ civil terrorists, if such a term exists.

    Not an outside or international force; if you will.

  5. I think we're getting a little general here. The motivation, impetus, etcetera, for this specific type of terrorism, in this specific location, is something new to the late 20th century and the beginning of this millenium. Canada has always been all of the above; capatalist, democratic, religiously free, etc, but has not, until recently, been viewed as anything but mostly neutral and a little brother to the US. Now we're in Afghanistan. Go figure...

  6. Welcome to a more American Canada.

    It's not an American phenomenon... It's been happening for centuries...

    For all the complaining about border guards' date=' cops, etc on here, I'd just like to say Way to go RCMP, CSIS, local police... They did a great job preventing this.



    Terrorism has been around for a long time. I'll agree to that. Attacks on North American soil is a phenomenon that's been happening for centuries? No, it's actually new. The country itself has barely been around for a few centuries. So, this type of activity, here in North America, is relatively new. And yes, welcome to a more American Canada with capatalism, democracy and freedom of religion running rampant, the differences are falling into grey areas, especially from the perspective of terrorists. And yes, thank you to all the proper authorities who prevented this.

    And bouche, cows will never stop shitting, hence, ammonium nitrate, or something similar will always pour from their bowels. Unless you want to tell Bush to label cows as terrorists, this will keep happening.

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