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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. Gruff Rhys was embarassing in my opinion. I could have put a boombox and a marmot in a cage together and watch them battle and been more entertained. I felt bad for the people clapping. I was sure if they felt obliged to show compassion or they really liked the two-bit act he brought to the table; either way, it was awkward. He must be stoked that rehearsal and performance time were combined while touring with Bright Eyes. Oh well, should have been late.

    As for Bright Eyes. Great to see. I'll admit I had high expectations going in and was generally let down by the performance but it was still gratifying. There were a few things beyond Bright Eyes control that lessened the performance quality: a. sound and b. the fact that the crowd were glued to their seats, notably at points where dancing was simply customary. It was as though 98% of the crowd was witnessing their first concert ever and weren't sure how to act.

    Then their was the music. The problem at hand, and I get the impression from Conor's general lack of enthusiasm, that he would agree, was a general void of talent surrounding him. His steel pedal, guitar player, etc... was excellent. His bassist did his job. The guy on the violin was on point. If you ask me, the weak link fell on the drummer and keyboard player. There is a certain density to his music that definately fell short as a result of their short comings. They rocked out "Another Travelling Song" really well, and "First Day of My Life," was really nice and intimate. I think Conor said it best in the new song they played: "Soul Singer in a Session Band."

    He needs more drum. E-drums wouldn't hurt. He needs more mood coming from the keys. That couldn't hurt either. He has a lot to say, and he needs help spelling it out, and it was like he was running on a mac, innovative and quick, and the rest of the band was running on Windows '98 and kept crashing.

    So, all in all, I still had a great time. The opener served as comical entertainment value if anything, and while my bar for Bright Eyes may have been set on the high side, he still sang true.

    p.s. The corridors felt like being in high school. I was waiting for someone to send me to the principals office for using the bathroom during assembly.

  2. So, tomorow night, as you may or may not know; Bright Eyes will be playing at the Bronson Center in Ottawa, Monday June 12th. I'd like to make this a multifaceted thread and allow for the appreciation of Bright Eyes while you're here. I'm a fan. But, the former presents a more urgent agenda and helps perpetuate the latter so, with that said, I am looking for two extra tickets so that, mainly, I don't have to hang out in downtown Ottawa with my finger in the air. That's a little outdated for my own sensibilities. So, if anyone has or knows of any extras floating around or any medium of obtaining said tickets, I would appreciate the insight.

    So, if you don't have an extra but want to drop some praise on Bright Eyes, go ahead. If you have an extra, please contact me immediately.

    Thanks in advance.

    And Finally, 'Digital Ash in a Digital Urn," goes really well with "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning."

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